of July 18, 2019 No. 327
About approval of the Regulations on the profile commissions of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research
Based on part (12) article 115 of the Code of the Republic of Moldova about education No. 152/2014 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, Art. No. 319-324, 634) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Regulations on the profile commissions of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research it (is applied).
Item 20 to state 1) in the following edition:
"20. The chairman, the vice-chairman and the secretary general of the leading council are elected from among his members for 4-year term on the basis of the public competition organized according to provisions of the Law No. 158/2008 on the state position and the status of the government employee. The representative of students and the representative of business environment cannot be elected to position of the chairman, vice-chairman and secretary general of the leading council.
Person who was determined by the winner of tender to the chairman's position is appointed to position by the Government.
Persons who were determined by winners of tender to position of the vice-chairman and secretary general are appointed to position by the Minister of Education, culture and researches.
Activities of the chairman, the vice-chairman and the secretary general of the leading council fall under action of provisions of the Law No. 158/2008 on the state position and the status of the government employee.";
3) of Item 25 of the word "structure and members" to exclude 2) in the subitem, and the word "promotions" shall be replaced with words "its promotions".
3. To national quality assurance agency in education and scientific research to create the profile commissions within three months from the effective date of this resolution.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Maya Sandu
Countersigns: Minister of Education, culture and researches |
Liliana Nikolajesku-Onofrej |
Approved by the Order of the Government of July 18, 2019 No. 327
1. The regulations on the profile commissions of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research (further – the Provision) establish mission, structure, the mechanism of creation and functioning, and also obligation of the profile commissions as organizational structures as a part of National quality assurance agency in education and scientific research (further – the Agency).
2. The profile commissions of the Agency are the permanent commissions and are effective according to requirements of this provision, and also according to domestic situations about the organization and functioning.
3. The profile commissions will be organized for each sphere of activity of the Agency as follows:
1) Profile commission on the general education;
2) Profile commission on vocational training;
3) Profile commission on continuous professional training;
4) Profile commission on the higher education;
5) Profile commission on researches and innovations.
4. The persons having outstanding experience in spheres of activity of the commissions and the professional achievements recognized at national and international level are part of the commissions.
5. Each profile commission consists of nine people selected on competitive basis.
6. Persons holding the state positions, rectors, vice rectors, members of councils on strategic institutional development or directors of educational institutions and/or research organizations for execution of their powers cannot participate in tender.
7. Members of the profile commissions are selected on the basis of open tender for four-year term with possibility of election more, than for two terms.
8. Competition on selection of members of the profile commissions will be organized by the Leading council of the Agency in terms and according to the procedure, established by this Provision.
9. Tender is initiated in 3 months prior to the expiration of powers of members of the operating profile commissions after adoption of the relevant decision by the Leading council of the Agency.
10. The announcement of the organization of tender, terms and conditions of its carrying out is published by the organizer of tender on the official web page of the Agency and through other mass media.
11. Incurs expenses on the organization of tender and/or finds the Agency. Expenses on participation in tender (journey to the venue of tender, accommodation, use of means of communication, assurance of copies of documents, etc.) are born by participants of tender.
12. Person who corresponds to the following conditions can apply for position of the member of the profile commission:
1) has academic and/or scientific and pedagogical statuses;
At least five years of length of service in sphere of activity of the commission have 2);
3) knows Romanian;
4) has no unspent conviction for the crimes committed intentionally.
13. In case of selection of members of the profile commissions it is necessary to consider whether they represent the fundamental fields of education and researches, and also levels of their professional training.
14. Each candidate in time specified in information on conditions of the organization and carrying out tender gives document package for participation in tender which shall contain the following acts:
1) the statement on participation in tender;
2) the summary (as "Europass");
3) verified copies of education documents, about assignment of academic and scientific and pedagogical statuses;
4) the documents confirming work experience in field of activity of the profile commission;
5) motivational letter (no more than one page);
6) the declaration under the personal liability that in the course of the activities the candidate did not break regulations of ethics and professional medical ethics;
7) other documents (copies), at will, confirming compliance to requirements imposed to the candidate.
15. The document package for participation in tender moves in one copy, in Romanian, on paper or in electronic form.
16. Document packages of candidates which do not correspond to conditions of participation in tender deviate. The decision on variation is made by the contest committee based on information provided by the secretary of the commission.
17. Tender is carried out in one step and consists in assessment and selection of document packages of candidates.
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