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of August 12, 2019 No. 593/2019

Questions of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality

1. Bring in the Decree the President of Ukraine of March 27, 2001 No. 215 "Questions of the organization of accomplishment of the Law of Ukraine "On citizenship of Ukraine" (with the changes made by Decrees of June 27, 2006 No. 588, of August 19, 2010 No. 826, of February 1, 2012 No. 46, of May 30, 2012 No. 367, of March 29, 2016 No. 120 and of March 6, 2019 No. 56) the following changes:

    The words "Administration of the President of Ukraine" shall be replaced with words 1) in Items 7 and 12 of the Regulations on the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning the nationality approved by the specified Decree "Office of the President of Ukraine";

   The second Item 114 of the Procedure for production according to statements and representations concerning the citizenship of Ukraine and accomplishment of the made decisions approved by the specified Decree the words "Administration of the President of Ukraine" shall be replaced with words 2) in Item 110 and the paragraph "Office of the President of Ukraine".

2. In partial replacement of Article 1 of the Presidential decree of Ukraine of April 30, 2005 with No. 740 "About the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality" (with subsequent changes) to approve new staff of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality it (is applied).

3. Recognize invalid:

Article 1 of the Presidential decree of Ukraine of June 5, 2015 No. 315 "About new structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality";

The presidential decree of Ukraine of February 29, 2016 No. 71 "About changes in structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality";

The presidential decree of Ukraine of April 8, 2016 No. 131 "About changes in structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality";

Item first of article l of the Presidential decree of Ukraine of October 5, 2016 No. 431 "About introduction of amendments to some acts of the President of Ukraine";

The presidential decree of Ukraine of April 11, 2017 No. 106 "About changes in structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality";

The presidential decree of Ukraine of July 24, 2017 No. 190 "About changes in structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality";

The presidential decree of Ukraine of April 19, 2019 No. 151 "About changes in structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality".

4. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its publication.

President of Ukraine

V. Zelensky

Approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of August 12, 2019, No. 593/2019

Structure of the Commission in case of the President of Ukraine concerning nationality

Alexey Sergeyevich


Chief of staff of Office of the President of Ukraine, Commission chairman

Maxim Viktorovich


the deputy manager of Department concerning nationality, pardon, the state awards - the chief of the department concerning nationality of Office of the President of Ukraine, the vice-chairman of the Commission

Ruslan Fedorovich


First Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine

Olga Alekseevna


the adviser of the deputy defense secretary of Ukraine, the volunteer (in coordination)

Victor Anatolyevich


head of department of ethnopolitical science of Institute of political and ethnonational researches of name I.F. Kurasa NAN of Ukraine, the doctor of political sciences (in coordination)

Svetlana Grigoryevna


the main consultant of management concerning nationality of Department concerning nationality, pardon, the state awards of Office of the President of Ukraine, the responsible secretary of the Commission

Andrey Ivanovich


state secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Yury Aleksandrovich


head of department of border control of Department of protection of the state control of Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine

Ella Marlenovna


the director of Institute of demography and social researches of M. V. Ptukhi of NAS of Ukraine, the academician of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine (in coordination)

Natalya Nikolaevna


First Deputy Chairman of the Public migratory service of Ukraine

Igor Vasilyevich


the head of public organization "Social and political union of Obukhovshchina "The union free-spirited" (in coordination)

Ivan Stepanovich


First Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine


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