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of August 22, 2019 No. 563

About approval of the National program for aviation safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the National program for aviation safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2019 No. 563

National program for aviation safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus

Section I. General provisions

Chapter 1. General provisions

The national program for aviation safety of civil aviation of the Republic of Belarus (further - the National program) is developed according to requirements of the standards and recommended practice stated in annex 19 to the Convention on the international civil aviation signed on December 7, 1944 in Chicago (further - the Chicago convention).

The Republic of Belarus aims to establish reliable and progressive supervision of aviation safety according to requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization (further - ICAO). In particular, control facilities behind safety-of-life function which are proportional to degree of complexity of aviation activities in the state are developed. Through accomplishment of the provisions CMA and USOAP the Republic of Belarus aims at elimination of gaps in implementation of standards and recommended practice of ICAO and to strengthening of control (supervision) of safety for the purpose of decrease in probability existing and minimization of new risks for safety.

In the National program the basic principles of safety management of flights in the following spheres are formulated:

state policy and purposes of safety;

public administration by risks of safety;

state safety-of-life function;

safety increase of the state.

The national program provides strong basis for creation of effective security system of the civil aviation directed to increase in level of the solution of the tasks and priorities facing airline industry, creation of risk management processes for achievement of high level of aviation safety and continuous decrease in number of aviation events. For efficiency of realization and preserving relevance of the National program of its provision it is planned to review at least once in 3 years.

Any factors connected with air traffic maintenance, meteorological servicing, aeronautical charts, flights of air vehicles, the flight validity, aeronautical information, transportation of dangerous goods and other factors can affect safety of all aviation system. According to tendency of increase in growth of air transportation in airspace of the Republic of Belarus special relevance is represented by the requirements of ICAO providing implementation of own safety management system of flights by the aviation organizations (further - SUBP) for achievement of acceptable levels of safety in the spheres of activity.

Activities of civil aviation in the territory and in airspace of the Republic of Belarus are regulated by the Air code of the Republic of Belarus, regulatory legal acts in the field developed according to the Chicago convention, other conventions and agreements which member is the Republic of Belarus.

Chapter 2. Purposes and tasks of the National program

The national program determines basic provisions of national policy on safety management by flights in the field of civil aviation, to effective implementation of international standards and recommended practice of the ICAO connected with SUBP.

The national program disaggregates interpretation of certain measures and actions for accomplishment of the requirements of standards and recommended practice of the ICAO concerning implementation of SUBP and accomplishment of local programs for safety-of-life function containing in appendices 1-19 to the Chicago convention.

Chapter 3. Main terms and their determinations

In the National program the following terms are applied:

the aviation organization - the organization having the purposes of the activities accomplishment and (or) servicing of airborne transportations, implementation of aerial works, other types of activity in the field of aircraft;

the analysis of aspects of safety - process of streamlining of the facts in which special methods, means or acceptances for assistance in determination of the additional facts which are required in this case, for establishment of the reasons and factors promoting decrease in safety and assistance in formulation of the correct conclusions are used;

audit in the field of fulfillment of requirements on safety - the systematic and independent examination which is carried out by Department on aircraft of the Ministry of Transport and Communications (further - Department on aircraft) or from his name, for the purpose of control of availability of arguments in the field of safety (or their components concerning processes and their results, products or services), determinations of compliance of these arguments to the established requirements, and also checks of relevance of their application and efficiency for achievement of the expected results;

aviation safety of air vehicles - the complex characteristic of activities in the field of aircraft determining capability of accomplishment of flights of air vehicles without threat for life and (or) health of citizens;

internal audit of the aviation organizations in the field of fulfillment of requirements for safety - one of mechanisms and components of implementation in the aviation organizations of monitoring of security status representing the expertize which is carried out by authorized specialists (specialist) for control of availability in this division of arguments in the field of safety (or their components concerning processes and their results, products or services), determinations of compliance of these arguments to the established requirements, and also for check of relevance of their application and efficiency for achievement of the expected results;

security guarantees - all planned and systematic actions necessary for ensuring adequate confidence that product, servicing, the organization or system reach admissible or acceptable safety;

the state aviation inspector - the physical person having certain preparation, experience and the qualification supported by the relevant documents, and authorized by Department on aircraft on conducting aviation inspections;

Department on aircraft - the structural division of central office of the Ministry of Transport and Communications with the rights of the legal entity performing special (executive, control, regulating and others) functions and given the state powers of authority, powers of national aviation administration and specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation referred to competence of the Ministry of Transport and Communications;

the reached safety - result of the processes and (or) methods applied to achievement of admissible or acceptable safety;

reliability - requirements to accuracy of the calculated results;

EUROCONTROL - The European agency on safety of aerial navigation;

the set safety level - the required level of safety control within any system. The set level of safety includes one or several indicators, and also the desirable result expressed by means of these indicators;

classification of risks:

the acceptable risk means that no further actions are required (except as specified when risk level can be reduced in addition with small costs or efforts);

the undesirable risk (or admissible) means that the faces tied with this risk are ready to reconcile to it for the purpose of receipt of certain benefits provided that all measures for its reduction are undertaken;

the unacceptable risk means that implementation of transactions in the current conditions shall be stopped until the risk is not reduced to admissible level;

control of risk factors - identification, the analysis and elimination (reduction to acceptable or admissible level) those dangerous factors of the subsequent risks which threaten viability of the organization;

control of safety-of-life function - the function performed by the state for ensuring compliance by persons and the organizations performing aviation activities, national legal acts and normative provisions in the field of aviation safety;

corrective action - action for the purpose of elimination of the reason of the found discrepancy or other undesirable situation;

supervision - activities of the state within which the state by conducting inspections and checks actively checks steady accomplishment by owners of aviation certificates, certificates, permissions or powers of the established requirements and their functions on such skill level and safety which requires the state;

danger - any condition, event or circumstance which could cause aviation incident;

assessment - the high-quality or quantitative conclusion about something based on application of methods of engineering, in-service experience and (or) analysis results;

risk assessment - assessment which is carried out for the purpose of establishment of the fact that the reached or apprehended risk level is acceptable. Assessment assumes accounting of probability and severity of any adverse effects, determines potential damage. When evaluating risk dangerous factors (possibility of damnification) and risks differ (probability of causing this damage during the certain period of time). Acceptable method of determination of the dangerous factors requiring the greatest attention is the risk assessment matrix;

safety level indicator - the measure (or size) used for expression of the level of safety reached within this or that system;

acceptable level of safety - the purpose determined quantitatively or qualitatively or the standard for achievement of safe operation of the air vehicle (further - AF) (safe provision of servicing, safe operation of the airports (airfields);

pro-active method - the method meaning that approach in case of which the main emphasis is placed on prevention by identification of dangerous factors and taking measures to reduction of risk of making of the dangerous event exerting adverse impact on security status of flights will be accepted;

the program of aviation safety - complex of the conceptual and disaggregated requirements directed to increase in level of aviation safety;


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