of August 22, 2019 No. 559
About approval of specific requirements
Based on Item 2 of general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve specific requirements for ensuring fire safety for objects of the subway (are applied).
2. Grant to the Ministry of Emergency Situations the right to explain questions of application of specific requirements for ensuring fire safety for the objects of the subway approved by this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 22, 2019 No. 559
1. These specific requirements establish requirements for ensuring fire safety for objects of the subway.
These specific requirements are developed according to Item 2 of general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing and are obligatory for observance by legal entities (heads, officials, workers) and individual entrepreneurs.
2. The responsibility for violation and (or) failure to carry out of these specific requirements is established according to the legislation.
For the purposes of these specific requirements terms and their determinations in the values determined by general requirements of fire safety to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing are applied.
3. Responsibility for failure to meet requirements of fire safety in structural divisions of the subway is born by their heads or persons replacing them. Workers bear the personal responsibility for failure to meet requirements of fire safety in the part concerning them professional activity that shall be reflected in their job descriptions, functional obligations. Persons responsible for fire safety of the separate territories, buildings and constructions, and also the processing and engineering equipment, the head of the subway the order (order) determines. Departmental supervision of observance of requirements of fire safety is exercised by department of fire prevention of the subway.
4. Chiefs of services, distances, depot and other divisions of the subway shall:
the order to appoint persons responsible for fire safety of divisions, serviceable technical condition and operation of processing equipment, ventilating and heating systems, electroinstallations, the lightning protection and grounding devices, means of communication, notifications, means of fire protection and fire extinguishing;
organize accomplishment of fire prevention regime (the equipment of smoking areas, determination of procedure for carrying out hot work, survey and closing of rooms after completion of work, use of electric heaters and other actions) and constantly personally to control observance of requirements of fire safety;
provide timely accomplishment of fire-proof actions for instructions, the conclusions and preventions of bodies of the state fire supervision;
not allow in the territory of object, in buildings, constructions carrying out by third parties of works without preliminary studying of their fire risk and acceptance of the necessary measures ensuring fire safety in case of production of these works;
make responsible persons guilty of violation of requirements of fire safety;
provide holding training classes in working off of actions of workers for ensuring safe evacuation of people in case of the fire on objects of the subway according to the all-object instruction on fire safety, but at least once a year with creation of the act of any form in which shall be specified date of occupations, the actions fulfilled according to the all-object instruction on fire safety, the officials giving the classes, number of people taking part in them.
5. Heads of services according to the order of the head of the subway when checking knowledge of rules of technical operation of the subway at subordinate workers, and also in case of appointment of the worker to position or change of specifics of its work shall accept komissionno at them offsettings on knowledge them these specific requirements. Results of offsettings are drawn up in the magazines which are stored in divisions of the subway.
6. Drivers of electric trains, persons on duty on the station, dispatchers of traffic departments, electric utility services and electromechanical shall be allowed to work only after passing of primary instructing in fire safety, including studying on operations procedure workplace in case of the fire, smoke or other emergency situation in the train in case of stay it at the station, stage, at the deadlock, electrodepot.
7. The management of fire extinguishing, liquidation of emergency situation and the organization of safe evacuation of people before arrival of fire rescue divisions are assigned on:
the person on duty on the station or centralization post;
employees of the subway on other objects and railway vehicles according to job descriptions.
8. In case of the fire, smoke or other emergency situation of action of officials first of all shall be aimed at providing safe evacuation of people.
9. In case of operation of objects of the subway it is forbidden:
make changes to production schedules on objects of the subway without their development according to the procedure, established by the legislation;
encumber passes, exits, doors on the ways of evacuation, emergency exits on roof, to establish exhibition stands, trade trays, furniture, flowers, plants and other property reducing the minimum evacuation width and height;
warehouse combustible materials under marches of evacuation staircases and arrange different rooms, except for nodes of management of central heating, water-measuring nodes. At the same time in lobbies, halls and the foyer of open ladders, on platforms of staircases of the L1 type and L2, on ladders of all types which are not evacuation and also under their marches it is allowed to arrange separate unelectrified workplaces (for trade, rendering services, protection and others) in case of observance of the minimum evacuation width and height;
arrange warehouses (storage rooms) of combustible materials, flammable and combustible liquids in rooms through which there pass the transit electrocables which are not protected by nonflammable casings;
store flammable liquids, combustible liquids, combustible gases, alkalis, acids and explosives in unspecified places;
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