of August 30, 2019 No. 425
About reorganization by merging (accession) of public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" and the state company "MoldData"
Based on Item e) article 7 of the Law No. 136/2017 on the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412), with subsequent changes, parts (2) article 32 of the Law No. 98/2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537), with subsequent changes, Item e) parts (1) article 6 of the Law No. 121/2007 on management of public property and its privatization (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 90-93, 401), with subsequent changes, and parts (1) article 12 of the Law No. 246/2017 on the state and municipal companies (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, Art. No. 441-450, 750), with subsequent changes, DECIDES: the Government
1. The public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" (the attaching legal entity) will be reorganized by merging (accession) with the state company "MoldData" (the attached legal entity).
The rights and obligations of the attached legal entity completely pass to the attaching legal entity.
2. The property of the state company "MoldData" which is property of the state is transferred to public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" according to the Regulations on procedure for transfer of objects of public property approved by the Order of the Government No. 901/2015.
3. Release of personnel in connection with reorganization of the state company "MoldData" in case of impossibility of its translation will be performed according to the labor law.
4. The expenses connected with reducing regular personnel in connection with accession of the state company "MoldData" will be performed at the expense of own income of the attached legal entity transferred to public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security".
5. To public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security":
1) within 2 months from the effective date of this resolution to develop and submit for approval to Council of organization structure and the extreme number of staff of public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security";
From the effective date of this resolution to provide 2) within 4 months to the State office of the offer concerning review of the regulatory base concerning activities of the integrated legal entities, and also other acts necessary for application of provisions of this resolution including the Charter of organization, Methodology of calculation of rates for the services provided to them, the List of services and the sizes of rates;
3) to take necessary measures for ensuring compliance with the international obligations assumed by the Republic of Moldova in the field of control of the domain of the top level of ".md".
6. Before modification of the List of the services provided by public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" applicable fares on the services provided by the reorganized legal entities will be applied.
7. State office:
1) with assistance of the Agency of public property and public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" to take all necessary actions for ensuring carrying out process of reorganization according to provisions of this resolution and other regulations;
2) to develop and submit to the Government for review the draft of the corresponding regulation based on the offers of public organization "Service of Information Technologies and Cyber Security" introduced according to the subitem 2) of Item 5.
8. In appendix No. 4 to the Order of the Government No. 902/2017 about the organization and functioning of the Agency of public property (2017, Art. No. 390-395, 1011), with subsequent changes, line item "GP "MoldData" exclude the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
9. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the State office.
10. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Maya Sandu
Countersigns: Minister of Economy and Infrastructure |
Vadim Brynzan |
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