Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 16, 2006 No. 117-Z

(as amended on 17-07-2023)

Accepted by the House of Representatives on April 3, 2006

Approved by Council of the Republic on April 24, 2006

The air code of the Republic of Belarus establishes legal and organizational basis of use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus and implementation of activities in the field of aircraft for the purpose of ensuring needs of citizens and economy, defense and safety of the state.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. The main terms and their determinations applied in this Code

For the purposes of of this Code the following main terms and their determinations are applied:

model aircraft - the flight vehicle without person onboard whose flight control is possible only on condition of visual contact with it, and also the uncontrollable svobodnoletayushchy device;

aviation safety - condition of security of aircraft from acts of illegal intervention in its activities;

the aviation organization - the organization having the purposes of the activities accomplishment and (or) servicing of airborne transportations, accomplishment of aerial works, implementation of other types of activity in the field of aircraft;

aviation event - the aviation incident or incident, other incidents classified as aviation event according to aviation rules;

aviation rules - the technical regulatory legal acts, obligatory for observance, regulating the activities connected with use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus and also activities in the field of aircraft;

aerial works - the works performed with use of flights of air vehicles in agricultural industry, construction and also for environmental protection, delivery of health care and other purposes;

aeronautical personnel - the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens, stateless persons (further - citizens) having special preparation and performing activities for safety-of-life function of air vehicles and aviation safety, for the organization, accomplishment, and also providing and servicing of flights of air vehicles, airborne transportations and aerial works, the organization, air traffic maintenance and flight management;

the act of illegal intervention in activities of aircraft - the illegal action or threat of such action concerning passengers, aeronautical personnel, the air vehicle or other objects of aircraft creating threat for life and (or) health of citizens, aviation safety of air vehicles and activities in the field of aircraft;

airfield - the parcels of land or water object (its part) which are specially prepared and equipped for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of air vehicles;

airfield (helidrome) temporary - airfield (helidrome) intended for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of air vehicles during the period determined according to the legislation;

airfield (helidrome) permanent - the airfield (helidrome) intended for permanent basing (placement) of air vehicles and (or) supported in permanent operational readiness;

airfield (helidrome) of joint basing - airfield (helidrome) on which are based civil and public air vehicles (are placed);

airfield (helidrome) of joint use - airfield (helidrome) of the state aircraft or airfield (helidrome) of civil aviation in which are performed take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of the civil air vehicles performing scheduled flights and (or) the national air vehicles respectively without basing (placement) in this airfield (helidrome);

aeronautical servicing - air traffic maintenance, providing with telecommunication, meteorological providing, search and rescue, provision of aeronautical information;

the airport - the complex of constructions intended for acceptance, sending and the parking of air vehicles, their maintenance and also for servicing of airborne transportations;

airport activities - activities for ensuring acceptance, sending and the parking of air vehicles, their maintenance, and also for servicing of airborne transportations;

aviation safety of air vehicles - the complex characteristic of activities in the field of aircraft determining capability of accomplishment of flights of air vehicles without threat for life and (or) health of citizens;

pilotless aviation complex - the set of functionally connected elements which is turning on one or several unmanned aerial vehicles, means of ensuring of take off and landing and control one or several unmanned aerial vehicles;

the unmanned aerial vehicle - the air vehicle intended for unmanned flight execution onboard;

helidrome - the parcels of land, water object (its part) or site on the building or construction which are specially prepared and equipped fully or partially for ensuring take-off, landing, taxing, the parking and servicing of helicopters;

domestic airport - the airport intended for acceptance and sending the air vehicles which are carrying out domestic airborne transportations;

internal airborne transportation - airborne transportation in case of which accomplishment the points of departure, assignment and landings are located in the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

airborne transportation - transportation by air vehicles of passengers, baggage, loads and mailings;

air traffic - flights of air vehicles and their maneuvering in airfield (helidrome), landing site;

airspace of the Republic of Belarus - the part of the air sphere located within the territory of the Republic of Belarus;

the air vehicle - the flight vehicle supported in the atmosphere due to interaction with air, other than interaction with the air reflected from the Earth's surface or water;

the air vehicle of foreign state - the air vehicle registered in the register of air vehicles of foreign state or the international organization;

air the judgment violator - the air vehicle which broke procedure for use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus;

high-rise construction - construction which height according to Rules of use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus and aviation rules can pose threat for aviation safety of air vehicles;

the state aircraft - the aircraft used by republican state bodies, other state bodies and the organizations, republican state public association "Volunteer Society for Cooperation with the Army, Aviation, and Fleet of the Republic of Belarus" for implementation military, boundary, Customs Service, law-enforcement activities, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, the solution of tasks in the field of mobilization preparation and also for the solution of other national objectives connected using aircraft, determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus;

the public air vehicle - the air vehicle used in the state aircraft and registered in the State register of the national air vehicles of the Republic of Belarus;

civil aviation - the aircraft used for the purpose of ensuring needs of citizens and the organizations, the prevention and liquidation of emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature, and also accomplishment of warranty flights;

the civil air vehicle - the air vehicle used in civil aviation and registered in the State register of civil air vehicles of the Republic of Belarus;

the civil air vehicle of foreign state - the air vehicle of foreign state recognized by the civil air vehicle according to the legislation of the state in which it is registered;

foreign subjects are foreign citizens, stateless persons, the foreign or international organizations, foreign states and (or) their administrative territorial units;

use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus - flights of air vehicles and other flight vehicles, except for model aircrafts, in airspace of the Republic of Belarus, and also the activities posing threat for safety of these flights (carrying out firing practice, rockets firings, explosive works, construction of high-rise constructions, activities in the course of which there are electromagnetic and other radiations);

the controlled area - the territory which is under protection and control of divisions of aviation safety of the aviation organizations for the purpose of prevention and suppression of acts of illegal intervention in activities of aircraft;

the flight vehicle - the device for atmospheric flights of the earth or in space;

the flight validity - the complex characteristic of the air vehicle, aircraft engine or air screw determined by the principles and technology solutions realized in their designs, allowing to make safe flights in the expected conditions and in case of the established operation methods;

warranty flights - flights of air vehicles on transportation of the President of the Republic of Belarus, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus, Chapters of foreign states and the governments, the other persons who are subject to the state protection and also members of the state and government delegations in airspace of the Republic of Belarus on air vehicles of special and nonspecial purpose, and also on the air vehicles performing scheduled flights;

personal inspection - check of the citizen for the purpose of detection on his body and in clothes of substances, materials and products which can be used for making of acts of illegal intervention in activities of aircraft;

the international airborne transportation - airborne transportation in case of accomplishment of the international flights of air vehicles;

the international aircraft flight - aircraft flight in case of which accomplishment the points of departure and assignments are located respectively in the territories of two states;

the international airport - the airport open for acceptance and sending the air vehicles including which are carrying out the international airborne transportations in which are performed boundary, customs and other types of control;

safety-of-life function of air vehicles - package of measures, the aviation events directed to the prevention;

objects of aircraft - air vehicles, communications, the airports, airfields (helidromes), technical means and other objects necessary for implementation of activities in the field of aircraft;

objects of the Single system of air traffic management - complexes of buildings, constructions, communications, and also the land objects of means and systems of air traffic maintenance, navigation, landing and telecommunication intended for air traffic management;

the operator of the unmanned aerial vehicle - the face of non-flying aeronautical personnel exercising control of the unmanned aerial vehicle by means of technical means;

bodies of air traffic maintenance and flight management - the operational bodies of the Single system of air traffic management and bodies of airspace users of the Republic of Belarus performing air traffic maintenance and flight management of air vehicles;

carrier - the operator of the air vehicle having the right to accomplishment of airborne transportations according to the legislation;

search works - system of the measures directed to timely detection of the air vehicle which is in distress or the victim, its crew and passengers;

aircraft flight - movement or lag of the air vehicle in airspace;

the airspace user of the Republic of Belarus - the organization or the citizen using airspace of the Republic of Belarus;

landing site - the parcel of land or specially prepared artificial site suitable for take off and landing of air vehicles;

Rules of use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus - the regulatory legal act determining procedure for the organization of use of airspace of the Republic of Belarus, and also procedure for its use;

preflight examination - the check of crew members of the air vehicle performed before flight execution of the air vehicle, passengers, baggage, including the things which are in case of passengers and also the load and mailings transported on the air vehicle, onboard inventories of the air vehicle;

aerodrome environs - the territory limited by the sizes around airfield (helidrome) over which maneuvering of air vehicles is performed;

investigation of aviation event - collection and information analysis, necessary for establishment of origins of aviation event, preparation of conclusions and development of recommendations about the prevention of aviation events;

the sanitary protection zone - the part of the territory around airfield (helidrome) established for the purpose of reduction of the harmful effects connected with activities in the field of aircraft on health of citizens;

the certificate of type - the official document confirming compliance of certain aircraft type, pilotless aviation complex, the aircraft engine or air screw to the requirements established by aviation rules and other regulatory legal acts, except for technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;

the certificate of copy - the official document confirming compliance of certain copy of the air vehicle, pilotless aviation complex, the aircraft engine or air screw to the requirements established by aviation rules and other regulatory legal acts, except for technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;

certification in the field of civil aviation - activities of specially authorized body in the field of civil aviation on confirmation of conformity of subjects to certification to the requirements established by aviation rules and other regulatory legal acts, except for technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;

certification in the field of experimental aircraft - activities of specially authorized body in the field of experimental aircraft on confirmation of conformity of subjects to certification to the requirements established by aviation rules and other regulatory legal acts, except for technical regulatory legal acts in the field of technical regulation and standardization;

specially authorized body - state body to which the President of the Republic of Belarus or Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus confer powers in the corresponding sphere of activity;

aircraft crew - aeronautical personnel to which in the procedure established by the legislation fulfillment of duties on control of the air vehicle and its servicing in case of accomplishment of flights of air vehicles is entrusted;

experimental aircraft - the aircraft used for carrying out scientific research, development works, and also testing of aviation and other engineering;


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