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of August 1, 2019

About mutual recognition of education documents, documents on training

The government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan which are hereinafter referred to as separately "Party" and jointly "Parties"

being guided by the aspiration to strengthen the relations in the field of education and in view of perspectives of development of cooperation in this sphere,

wishing to establish the mechanism of mutual recognition of education documents, the documents on training issued by organizations of formation of the states of the Parties

based on the international principles of recognition of education documents, documents on training, agreed as follows:

Article 1

This agreement determines bases of mutual recognition of education documents, documents on training recognized at the level of the state education documents, documents on training (further - education documents, documents on training).

Education documents, documents on training shall be issued by organizations of education (educational institutions) or the scientific organizations of the states of the Parties which underwent the state accreditation.

This agreement extends to the education documents, documents on training issued later entries into force of this agreement (except for the education documents specified in Article 8 of this agreement).

Recognition of education documents, the documents on training issued before entry into force of this agreement is regulated by the legislation of the states of the Parties.

Article 2

The certificate on general basic education granted in the Republic of Belarus, and the certificate on general secondary education granted in the Republic of Uzbekistan mutually are recognized the Parties provided that the normative duration of training at this education level constitutes at least 9 years. The specified education documents grant the right to their owners to continue training at the third step of general secondary education in the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Uzbekistan, and also to continue education according to educational programs of vocational training (with receipt of general secondary education), secondary vocational education in the Republic of Belarus and secondary vocational, professional education (with receipt of general secondary education) in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 3

The certificate about general secondary education issued in the Republic of Belarus, and the certificate about general secondary education (after the XI class) issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan mutually are recognized quality of the education documents granting the right to their owners to continue education according to the educational program of professional and secondary vocational education in organizations of formation of the Republic of Belarus and according to programs of professional education in educational institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 4

The certificate about general secondary education, the diploma about vocational training with receipt of general secondary education, and also the diploma about secondary vocational education, issued in the Republic of Belarus, and the certificate about general secondary education, the diploma about secondary vocational, professional education issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan mutually are recognized the Parties as the education documents granting the right to their owners to continue education at the first step of the higher education in the Republic of Belarus (bachelor degree and specialist programme) and in bachelor degree in the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 5

The diploma about the higher education issued in the Republic of Belarus, and the bachelor's degree with normative duration of training at least 4 years issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan mutually are recognized the Parties as the education documents granting the right to their owners to continue education according to the educational program of the second step of the higher education (magistracy), and also according to the educational program of retraining of the leading employees and specialists having the higher education in organizations of formation of the states of the Parties according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 6

The diploma of the master issued in the Republic of Belarus, and the diploma of the master issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan mutually are recognized the Parties as the education documents granting the right to their owners to continue education according to the educational program of the first step of postgraduate education (or its equivalent) in organizations of education / the scientific organizations of the Republic of Belarus and to programs of basic doctoral studies in educational organizations / the scientific organizations of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 7

The documents confirming completion of the periods of training mutually are recognized the Parties as the documents on training granting the right to their owners to continue education according to educational programs of the corresponding step / education level in organizations of education (educational institutions) of the states of the Parties according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 8

The education documents issued in the Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic mutually are recognized the Parties as the education documents granting the right to their owners to continue education according to educational programs in organizations of education (educational institutions) and the scientific organizations of the states of the Parties according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.

Article 9

The education documents confirming education in form of education which differs from form of education in the state of the Party or duration of training, smaller normative duration of training in the state of the Party for one year and more, mutually are recognized the Parties as the documents on training granting the right to their owners to continue education according to educational programs of the corresponding step / education level in organizations of education (educational institutions) of the states of the Parties according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties.


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