Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 9, 2003

About organization of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

The Council of Ministers of Defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, з the purposes of official organization of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, solved:

1. Found military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization:

emblem of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization;

distinction sign on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

2. Approve:

Regulations on emblem of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (appendix 1);

Regulations on narukavny sign of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (appendix 2);

Regulations on breastplates of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (appendix 3);

Drawings of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (appendix 4);

Description and semantics of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (appendix 5).

3. Charge to the chief of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization to organize production of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.


Minister of Defence

Republic of Armenia

Minister of Defence

Kyrgyz Republic

Minister of Defence

Republic of Belarus

Minister of Defence

Russian Federation

Minister of Defence

Republic of Kazakhstan

Minister of Defence

Republic of Tajikistan


Appendix № 1

to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization "About organization of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization" from "__" _________________ 200 _.

Regulations on emblem of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

1. The integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (further - the Integrated headquarters) have the emblem (daleeemblem of the Integrated headquarters) which is its official symbol.

2. Reproduction of the image of emblem of the Integrated headquarters is allowed in color, one-color options (blue, black), graphical and volume option irrespective of the sizes shall correspond precisely its color, and also one-color (blue, black) to the drawing.

3. The image of emblem of the Integrated headquarters is placed:

on narukavny and breast signs of distinction on belonging to the Integrated headquarters, and also as identification mark of belonging to the Integrated headquarters;

on facades of buildings where the Integrated headquarters or its divisions are placed;

in rooms in which the Integrated headquarters hold meetings (meetings), and also in service premises and other places according to the solution of command of the Integrated headquarters;

the printed materials published by the Integrated headquarters and also on issued by its orders cinema, video and photographic materials, promotional and informational and souvenirs.

4. In the cases which are not provided by this Provision the Integrated headquarters are authorized to issue permission to production and use of emblem of the Integrated headquarters and its image.

5. The responsibility for violation of requirements of this provision is established according to the legislation of the state of stay.



Appendix № 2

to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization "About organization of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization" from "__" _________________ 200 _.

Regulations on narukavny sign of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

1. The Narukavny sign of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters (further - narukavny sign of distinction on accessory) is official military symbol of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (the daleeobjedinenny headquarters) and reflects signs and features of military activities of the military personnel of the Integrated headquarters.

2. The Narukavny sign of distinction on accessory is handed to the military personnel in case of position assignment to the Integrated headquarters.

3. On accessory of distinction the Integrated headquarters are authorized to issue permission to production and use of narukavny sign.

4. The Narukavny sign of distinction on accessory is carried on outer side of the right sleeve:

on coat winter (demi-season), jackets demi-season, single-breasted coats, jackets, jackets and jackets woolen - at distance of 80 mm from the upper point of sleeve to the upper point of sign;

on jackets field camouflage color - on narukavny pocket is 10 mm lower than the pocket valve.



Appendix № 3

to the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Defense of the Collective Security Treaty Organization "About organization of military heraldic signs of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization" from "__" _________________ 200 _.

Regulations on breastplates of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization

1. Breastplates of distinction on belonging of the military personnel to the Integrated headquarters (further - breastplates of distinction on accessory) are official military symbol of the Integrated headquarters of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (the daleeobjedinenny headquarters) and reflect signs and features of military activities of the military personnel of the Integrated headquarters.


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