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of October 26, 2018

About cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport

The ministry of youth and sport of Ukraine and the Ministry of Sport and tourism of the Republic of Belarus, further - the Parties,

wishing to develop and strengthen friendship between both states,

aiming to expand cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport,

based on mutual respect and equality,

confirming the commitment to the purposes and the principles of the Olympic Movement,

agreed about the following:

Article 1

The parties will support mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport according to the legislation of the states of the Parties, the Agreement and other international treaties in which both Parties participate.

Article 2

The parties will coordinate the actions for the purpose of development and strengthening of the international sports cooperation by holding meetings and consultations, coordination of actions in the international sports organizations.

For the purpose of strengthening of sports bonds of the Party will promote participation of the Ukrainian and Belarusian athletes, trainers in the sports competitions and the international sporting events held in the states of the Parties.

The parties will encourage holding sporting events, joint trainings, friendly and match plays national, the teams and club teams on different types of sport on sports constructions of the states of the Parties for the purpose of increase in level of training and sports skill.

Article 3

The parties will promote establishment of direct contacts between the organizations of physical culture and sport and other subjects of physical culture and sport performing activities in the field of physical culture and sport which will be performed on mutually acceptable conditions.

The parties will participate in scientific conferences, the symposiums, seminars concerning physical culture and sport held in both states.

The parties will promote exchange of scientific works, programs and information on achievements in the field of physical culture and sport, sports diagnostics, methods of biomedical support and use of the modern scientific equipment.

The parties on the basis of the mutual arrangement will promote preparation and retraining trainer's and research and educational personnel on different types of sport in higher educational institutions of both states.

Article 4

The parties will promote experience exchange on attraction of the population to regular trainings by physical culture.

Article 5

The parties will promote experience exchange in the field of construction and operation of sports constructions, production and acquisition of sports equipment and the equipment.

Article 6

The parties confirm fidelity to the principles of fair play and to carry out collateral actions in fight against use of the prohibited substances and methods, providing the organization of drug test when training athletes out of and during the sports competitions according to existing international rules.

Article 7

The parties determined that the forms of cooperation stated in articles of this Agreement in the field of physical culture and sport will be performed on mutually acceptable conditions.

The cooperation within this agreement will be financed within the means provided in budgets of the states of the Parties and also from other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation of the states of the Parties.

Article 8

This Agreement becomes effective from signature date and is effective within 5 (five) years. After the termination of the specified term this agreement automatically is prolonged for the subsequent five-year periods provided that any of the Parties will not express desire to stop its action or to change its provisions by the written notice sent to other Party through diplomatic channels not later than 6 months before the termination of effective period of this agreement.

With the introduction of this agreement in force the contract is withdrawn on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sport between the State committee of Ukraine on physical culture and sport and the Ministry of Sport and tourism of the Republic of Belarus of May 29, 1997.

Cancellation of this agreement does not affect accomplishment of the programs and projects approved during its action provided that the Parties will not agree about other.

Changes and additions which are its integral part can be made to this Agreement and are drawn up in the form of protocols. These protocols become effective from the date of their signing.

It is made to Gomel on October 26, 2018 in duplicate, everyone in the Ukrainian and Russian languages, and both texts are equally authentic.


For the Ministry of youth and sport of Ukraine


For the Ministry of Sport and tourism of the Republic of Belarus



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