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The document ceased to be valid since September 1, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 2, 2024 No. 112


of August 8, 2019 No. 1034

About approval of Rules of permission of disagreements between public authorities, local government bodies and (or) owners of highways concerning coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory and about modification of Rules of preparation of documentation on the layout of the territory which preparation is performed based on solutions of authorized federal executive bodies, and acceptance by authorized federal executive bodies of decisions on approval of documentation on the layout of the territory for placement of objects of federal importance and other capital construction projects which placement is planned in the territories of 2 and more subjects of the Russian Federation

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve enclosed:

Rules of permission of disagreements between public authorities, local government bodies and (or) owners of highways concerning coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory;

changes which are made to Rules of preparation of documentation on the layout of the territory which preparation is performed based on solutions of authorized federal executive bodies, and acceptance by authorized federal executive bodies of decisions on approval of documentation on the layout of the territory for placement of objects of federal importance and other capital construction projects which placement is planned in the territories of 2 and more subjects of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 26, 2017 No. 884 "About approval of Rules of preparation of documentation on the layout of the territory which preparation is performed based on solutions of authorized federal executive bodies, and acceptances by authorized federal executive bodies of decisions on approval of documentation on the layout of the territory for placement of objects of federal importance and other capital construction projects which placement is planned in the territories of 2 and more subjects of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 31, the Art. 4940).

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 8, 2019 No. 1034

Rules of permission of disagreements between public authorities, local government bodies and (or) owners of highways concerning coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory

1. These rules determine procedure for permission of disagreements between public authorities, local government bodies and (or) owners of highways concerning coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory.

2. These rules are not applied in the cases provided by parts 3.2, 4.2 and 5.2 of article 45 of the Town-planning code of the Russian Federation.

3. In case of availability of notes to documentation on the layout of the territory at the federal executive bodies performing coordination of such documentation, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies (further - the approving bodies), owners of highways the approving bodies, owners of highways represent to the federal executive bodies, executive bodies of subjects of the Russian Federation, local government bodies interested in construction, reconstruction of capital construction project and performing preparation of documentation on the layout of the territory (further - the initiator), refusals in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory which shall contain motivated notes to the specified documentation.

4. In case of impossibility to resolve comments of the approving bodies, the initiator sends owners of highways to public authority, the local government body authorized on approval of such documentation (further - authorized body), refusals of the approving bodies, owners of highways in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory, and also the table of disagreements constituted by the initiator according to the notes of the approving bodies, owners of highways which formed the basis for refusal in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory, the containing initiator's line item on each of notes and its reasons.

5. For settlement of disagreements the authorized body within 10 working days from the date of receipt from the initiator of refusals of the approving bodies, owners of highways in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory holds conciliatory meeting with participation of such bodies, owners of highways.

6. Are invited to conciliatory meeting:

a) head or deputy manager of the initiator;

b) heads or deputy managers of the approving bodies, owners of the highways which provided refusals in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory;

c) other officials of the initiator and the approving bodies, owners of the highways which provided refusals in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory.

7. In case of need representatives of developer of documentation on the layout of the territory, the scientific and expert organizations can be invited to conciliatory meeting as experts.

8. Before holding conciliatory meeting the authorized body has the right to request from the initiator, the approving bodies, owners of highways the additional data necessary for settlement of disagreements.

9. Following the results of consideration of notes of the approving bodies, owners of the highways which formed the basis for refusal in coordination of documentation on the layout of the territory, authorized body taking into account line item of the initiator and the approving bodies, owners of highways one of the following decisions is accepted:

a) about settlement of disagreements and need of entering into documentation on the layout of the territory of the changes considering notes (part of notes) which formed the basis for refusal in coordination of the specified documentation;

b) about settlement of disagreements without the need for entering into documentation on the layout of the territory of the changes considering the notes which formed the basis for refusal in coordination of the specified documentation;

c) about lack of possibility of settlement of disagreements in connection with inadmissibility of placement of capital construction project in borders of the territory concerning which documentation on the layout of the territory is prepared.

10. Results of conciliatory meeting are drawn up by the protocol which is signed by the head (deputy manager) of authorized body holding meeting and in which are specified:

a) date and venue of conciliatory meeting;

b) the representatives of the initiator, the approving bodies who are present at meeting, owners of highways, other persons;

c) data on materials which are considered at conciliatory meeting;

d) other data which were the basis for decision making;


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