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of August 7, 2019 No. 301

About innovative projects

For the purpose of development of high-technology sectors of national economy, creation of innovative productions and effective use of remaining balance of means of innovative funds:

1. Determine that:

1.1. the balance of republican centralized innovative fund formed for January 1, 2019 in the amount 21 281 198, of the 89th ruble goes to expenses of this fund and is used in 2019-2020 on implementation of innovative projects (appendix 1);

1.2. the remaining balance of means of local innovative funds formed for January 1, 2019 in the amount 8 781 229, of the 49th ruble goes till August 20, 2019 in the form of interbudget transfers to republican centralized innovative fund and is used in 2019 on implementation of innovative projects (appendix 2). From them on innovative funds of the amount of means constitute:

The Brest regional executive committee - 492 000 rubles;

The Vitebsk regional executive committee - 861 199, the 19th ruble;

The Gomel regional executive committee - 3 776 448, 21 rubles;

The Minsk regional executive committee - 2 781 144, 71 rubles;

The Mogilev regional executive committee - the 870th 437, the 38th ruble;

1.3. in 2019 execution of consolidated budgets of areas with reduction of the minimum extent of surplus (or with exceeding of the maximum extent of deficit) established for the end of the current financial year in connection with financing of the expenses specified in subitem 1.2 of this Item is allowed.

2. Make changes to presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus (appendix 3).

3. This Decree becomes effective after its official publication.

President of the Republic of Belarus

A. Lukashenko

Appendix 1

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 No. 301

The list of the innovative projects financed by balance of the republican centralized innovative fund formed for January 1, 2019

Name of projects


Amount of financing, rubles

1. Production organization of the modern metal-cutting and auxiliary tool with implementation of innovative engineering procedures

JSC Orshansky Tool Plant

 9 128 426,0

2. Production organization of new types of confectionery

JSC Krasny pishchevik

 206 562,62

3. The organization and development of production of new competitive fabrics in JSC Kamvol

JSC Kamvol

 5 300 000,0

4. Creation of modern flexible automated production of nodes of steering for picking of automotive vehicles

JSC Borisovsky Plant Avtogidrousilitel

 2 430 855,29

5. Construction of innovative molochnotovarny complex on 1000 milk cows with the closed cycle in RPUP "Mouth" of NAS of Belarus" Orshansky district for 2017-2025

RPUP "Mouth" NAS of Belarus"

 4 215 354,98



 21 281 198,89

Appendix 2

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 No. 301

The list of the innovative projects financed by the remaining balance of means of the local innovative funds formed for January 1, 2019 and sent in the form of interbudget transfers to republican centralized innovative fund

Name of projects


Amount of financing, rubles

1. Production organization of the precision self-centering turning cartridges of different diameters for the high-technology metalworking equipment

JSC Baranovichi Plant of Stankoprinadlezhnost

 172 793,23

2. Creation of machine-assembling production of small-scale products based on additive technologies

JSC Ekran

 212 000,0

3. Creation of high-productive production of intellectual autocomponents and systems for vehicles of the ecological classes Evro-5, Euro-6


 100 000,0

4. Production organization of the modern metal-cutting and auxiliary tool with implementation of innovative engineering procedures

JSC Orshansky Tool Plant

 1 071 154,17

5. Production organization innovative pryazh and kotonina with new properties on the basis of modern types of natural and chemical fibers and threads

JSC Groniteks

 3 785 700,0

6. Production organization of new types of confectionery

JSC Krasny pishchevik

 870 437,38

7. Creation of modern flexible automated production of nodes of steering for picking of automotive vehicles

JSC Borisovsky Plant Avtogidrousilitel

 2 569 144,71



 8 781 229,49

Appendix 3

to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 7, 2019 No. 301


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