of June 26, 2019 No. KR DSM-97
About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety"
According to Item 6 of article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 18, 2009 "About health of the people and health care system", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety".
2. Declare invalid the order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2015 No. 261 "About approval of Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 11205, it is published on June 23, 2015 in information system of law of Ad_let).
3. To provide to committee of quality control and safety of goods and services of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Nadyrov.
5. This order becomes effective after twenty one calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan
It is approved Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "___" _________ 201 __ year |
It is approved Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan "___" _________ 201 __ year |
No. KR DSM-97 are approved by the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 26, 2019
1. These Health regulations "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" (further - Health regulations) establish sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety in case of the choice of the parcel of land, during the designing, construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, commissioning, in case of operation and conclusion from operation of object or structural division of object where perform the address with sources of ionizing radiation (further - radiation object), the treatment of radioactive waste, the address with the sources of ionizing radiation (closed and the open radio nuclide sources, radioactive materials, radio isotope devices, devices generating ionizing radiation), use of the materials and products polluted or containing radionuclides, implementation of radiation control, use of individual protection equipment and personal hygiene in case of medical radiation, impact of natural sources of ionizing radiation and radiation accidents.
2. Health regulations extend on all physical persons and legal entity performing:
1) designing, construction, reconstruction, capital repairs, commissioning, operation and conclusion from operation of radiation objects, production, production, storage, use, transportation of radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation;
2) collection, storage, conversion, transportation and burial of radioactive waste;
3) installation, repair and adjustment of devices, installations and devices which operation is based on use of sources of ionizing radiation, and the devices (source) generating ionizing radiation;
4) radiation control of technogenic sources of ionizing radiation.
Health regulations also extend on physical persons and legal entity on which activities the level of radiation of people natural sources of ionizing radiation, and the organizations performing works in the territory polluted by radioactive materials depends.
3. In these Health regulations the following concepts are used:
1) dose in body or fabric (further - Dt) - the average absorbed dose in certain body or tissue of human body:
where: mT - the mass of body or fabric;
The D-absorbed dose in element of mass of DM;
2) intervention - the action directed to decrease in probability of radiation, or dose or adverse effects of radiation;
3) intervention level (further - UV) - the size of the prevented dose in case of which achievement, in cases of emergence of situations of chronic or emergency radiation, protective or postemergency measures are taken;
4) special container - the transport equipment designed for simplification of transportation of the packed or unpacked cargoes by one or several modes of transport without intermediate overload of the freights placed in it which does not allow spontaneous opening is carried out rather tough and strong for reuse. Big cargo containers and transport packaging sets can be special containers;
5) observation zone - the territory outside the sanitary protection zone on which radiation control is carried out;
6) reference level - value of controlled size of dose, capacity of dose, radioactive pollution and others, established for operating radiation control, for the purpose of fixing of the reached level of radiation safety, ensuring further decrease in radiation of personnel and the population, radioactive environmental pollution;
7) equivalent dose (further - HT, R) - the absorbed dose in body or fabric increased by the corresponding weighing coefficient for this type of radiation, WR:
where: DT,R-the average absorbed dose in body or fabric T, WR the weighing coefficient for R radiation.
In case of impact of different types of radiation with various weighing coefficients which are specified in the table 1 of appendix 1 to these Health regulations equivalent the dose is determined as the amount of equivalent doses for these types of radiation:
Unit of equivalent dose is the Sievert (further - Stars);
8) activity (further - And) - measure of radioactivity of any amount of the radionuclide which is in this energy condition at present of time:
where: dN - the expected number of the spontaneous nuclear transformations from this energy condition happening for period - dt Unit of activity is Becquerel (further - Bq). The used earlier stand-alone unit of activity of curie (further - Ki) constitutes 3,7x1010 of Bq;
9) deactivation - removal or decrease in radioactive pollution from any surface or from any circle;
10) the effects of radiation determined - clinically revealed harmful biological effects caused by ionizing radiation concerning which existence of threshold below which the effect is absent is supposed and above - weight of effect depends on dose;
11) capacity of dose - radiation dose for unit of time (second, minute and hour);
12) dose limit (further - PD) - the size of annual effective or equivalent dose of technogenic radiation which shall not be exceeded in the conditions of normal work. Observance of limit of annual dose prevents emergence of the determined effects, and the probability of stochastic effects remains at the same time at the acceptable level;
13) the dose prevented - the predicted dose owing to radiation accident which is prevented by protective measures;
14) radiation the planned raised - the planned radiation of personnel in the doses exceeding the set main limits of doses for the purpose of the prevention of development of radiation accident or restriction of its consequences;
15) workplace - the place of permanent or temporary finding of the worker in case of accomplishment of labor obligations by it in the course of labor activity;
16) class of works - the characteristic of works with open sources of ionizing radiation on degree of potential danger for personnel determining requirements for radiation safety depending on radio toxicity and activity of nuclides;
17) annual effective (equivalent) dose - the amount of the effective (equivalent) dose of external radiation received for calendar year, and expected the effective (equivalent) dose of internal radiation caused by receipt in organism of radionuclides for the same year. Unit of annual effective dose - Sievert (Stars);
18) limit of annual receipt (further - PGP) - the admissible level of intake of this radionuclide in organism within year which in case of monofactorial impact leads to radiation of the conditional person the expected dose equal to the corresponding limit of annual dose;
19) source of ionizing radiation (further - radiation source) - the radioactive materials, devices or devices containing radioactive materials, and also the electrophysical devices or devices which are letting out or capable to emit ionizing radiation;
20) the address with sources of ionizing radiation - the activities connected with production, delivery, obtaining, possession, storage, use, transfer, conversion or burial, import, export, transportation, maintenance of sources of ionizing radiation;
21) the device (source) generating ionizing radiation - the electrophysical device (the x-ray device, the accelerator, the generator and another) in which ionizing radiation arises due to change of speed of charged particles, their annihilation or nuclear reactions;
22) open source of ionizing radiation - source of radiation when which using intake of the radionuclides containing in it to the environment is possible;
23) the closed source of ionizing radiation is source of radiation which device excludes intake of the radionuclides containing in it to the environment in the conditions of application and depreciation which it is expected;
24) quota - the part of limit of dose established for restriction of radiation of the population from specific technogenic source of radiation and way of radiation (external, receipt with water, food and air);
25) burial - placement of spent nuclear fuel or radioactive waste in burial Item without intention of their withdrawal;
26) activity minimum significant (further - MZA) - activity of the opened or closed source of ionizing radiation in case of excess of which the source is subject to accounting and control. Unit of measure of MZA becquerel (further - Bq);
27) activity minimum significant specific (further - MZUA) - specific activity of open source of ionizing radiation in case of excess of which the source is subject to accounting and control. For the closed radiation sources the decision on need of receipt of permission to the address is determined by comparison of its activity with MZA, without MZUA. Unit of measure of MZUA becquerel on gram (further - Bq/g);
28) personnel - physical persons, constantly or their impacts (group B) which are temporarily working with sources of ionizing radiation (group A) or being under the terms of work in the sphere;
29) radiation accident - violation of limits of safe operation of subject to use of atomic energy in case of which there was exit of radioactive products and (or) ionizing radiation for the borders provided by the project of normal operation which could bring or led to radiation of people or radioactive environmental pollution above the established regulations;
30) zone of radiation accident - the territory, on which established fact of radiation accident;
31) radiation control - receipt of information on radiation situation on object, in the environment and about levels of radiation of people, according to requirements of regulatory legal acts in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population (includes radiation and radiometric control);
32) category of radiation hazard - the characteristic of subject to use of atomic energy on degree of its radiation hazard for the population and (or) the environment in case of the treatment of him or in the conditions of possible accident;
33) ensuring radiation safety - implementation of complex of the organizational, technological, technical, sanitary and epidemiologic and medico-preventive actions directed to decrease in levels of radiation of personnel and the population;
34) radioactive material - any materials of natural or technogenic origin in any aggregate state containing radionuclides;
35) radioactive waste - radioactive materials, nuclear materials or radio nuclide sources with content of radionuclides is higher than the level withdrawals which further use is not provided;
36) the treatment of radioactive waste - all types of activity connected with collection, transportation, conversion, storage and (or) burial of radioactive waste;
37) radioactive pollution - presence of radioactive materials on surface, in material, in air, in body of the person or in other place, in the quantity exceeding the levels established by the Hygienic standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to ensuring radiation safety" approved by the order of the Minister of national economy of February 27, 2015 No. 155, (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 10671) (further - the Hygienic standard rate) and these Health regulations;
38) radiation - impact per capita ionizing radiation;
39) effects of radiation stochastic - the harmful biological effects caused by ionizing radiation, which do not have dose threshold of origin which probability of origin is pro rata to dose and for which weight of manifestation does not depend on dose;
40) group critical - group of persons from the population (at least ten people), uniform in one or several signs (to sex, age, social or professional conditions, the place of residence, food allowance) which is exposed to the greatest radiative effects from radiation source;
41) the absorbed dose (further - D) - the size of energy of ionizing radiation transferred to substance:
- the average energy transferred by ionizing radiation to the substance which is in elementary amount, a dm - the mass of substance in this amount.
Energy can be average on any certain amount, and in this case the average dose will be equal to the total energy transferred to amount divided into the mass of this amount. In terms of the International System of Units the absorbed dose is measured in the joules divided into kilogram (J/kg), and has the special name - heat (further - Gr). The used earlier stand-alone unit I am glad 0,01 of Gr is equal;
42) natural source of radiation - source of ionizing radiation of natural origin to which action of Hygienic standard rates and these Health regulations extends;
43) natural radionuclides - radioactive elements of ranks of uranium-238 and thorium-232;
44) risk - probability of origin at the person or his posterity of any harmful consequence as a result of radiation;
45) technogenic source of radiation - the source of ionizing radiation which is specially created for its useful application or being by-product of these activities;
46) effective dose (further - E) - the size used as measure of risk of emergence of the remote consequences of radiation of all body of the person and his separate bodies and fabrics, taking into account their radio sensitivity. It represents the amount of works of equivalent dose in bodies and fabrics on the corresponding weighing coefficients which are specified in the table 2 of appendix 1 to these Health regulations:
where: HT - equivalent dose in body or fabric T, WT - the weighing coefficient for body or fabric T. Unit of effective dose - Sievert (3v);
47) collective effective dose - measure of collective risk of emergence of stochastic effects of radiation, it is equal to the amount of individual effective doses. Unit of effective collective dose cheloveko-sievert (further - persons Stars);
48) specific (volume) activity - the relation of activity And radionuclide in substance to the mass of m (amount of V) of substance:
Unit of specific activity - becquerel on kilogram (further - Bq/kg). Unit of volume activity - becquerel on cubic meter (further - Bq/m 3);
49) pollution of surface not dischargeable (fixed) - radioactive materials which are not transferred in case of contact to other objects and are not removed in case of deactivation;
50) pollution of surface dischargeable (unstable) - radioactive materials which are transferred in case of contact to other objects and are removed in case of deactivation;
51) the population - all persons, including personnel out of work with sources of ionizing radiation;
52) radiation safety of the population - condition of security of these and future generations of people from impact of ionizing radiation, harmful to their health;
53) dose equivalent (further - HT ()) or effective (E) expected in case of internal radiation - dose during t, passed after intake of radioactive materials in organism:
where: to - the moment of receipt, a HT(t) - capacity of equivalent dose by the time of t time in body or fabric T.
When it is not determined, it should be accepted to equal 50 years for adults and 70 years for children;
54) D-size - threshold values of activity for separate radionuclides in case of which excess the determined effects come to light and the radioactive source is considered dangerous. Categories of danger are given in Hygienic standard rates;
55) activity equivalent equilibrium volume (further - EROA) affiliated products of isotopes of radon - 222Rn and 220Rn - the weighed amount of volume activities of short-lived affiliated products of isotopes of radon - 218Po (RaA); 214Pb (RaB); 214Bi (RaC); 212Pb (ThB); 212Bi (ThC) respectively:
where: ARa, ATn - volume activities of affiliated products of isotopes of radon.
4. Obtaining, storage of sources of radiation and carrying out works with them is allowed in the presence of the positive sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion which is drawn up in form according to appendix 17 of the order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 30, 2015 No. 415 "About approval of forms of accounting and reporting documentation in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts at No. 11626) (further - the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion) according to the instructions for filling of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion stated in annex of 2 these Health regulations and licenses in the sphere of use atomic energies. The sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion is issued by territorial subdivisions of department of state body in the sphere of sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population (further - territorial subdivisions) according to the appeal of physical persons and legal entities.
Physical persons and legal entities receive the new sanitary and epidemiologic decision, in case of change of conditions of the address with radiation sources on workplace (type and characteristics of sources of radiation or type and kind of work), including radiation control (further - work with radiation source) and under the organization of the temporary storage warehouse of sources of radiation.
5. Receipt of the sanitary and epidemiologic conclusion and license in the sphere of use of atomic energy in cases is not required if:
1) the maximum energy of the electrophysical devices generating ionizing radiation no more than 5 kev and in case of any possible modes and which service conditions capacity of equivalent dose in any available point at meter 0,1 distance from the external surface of the device does not exceed μSv/h 1,0;
2) activity of the opened and closed radio nuclide sources of radiation is lower than MZA established in Hygienic standard rates;
3) capacity of dose in any point which is at meter 0,1 distance from surface of the closed radio nuclide source of radiation does not exceed μSv/h 1,0 over background, and its reliable sealing is provided;
4) on workplace specific activity of open radio nuclide sources is less MZUA or activity of open radio nuclide source of radiation of less MZA given in appendix 26 to Hygienic standard rates, at the same time the amount of the attitudes of activity of separate radionuclides towards their tabular values less than 1;
General activity of open radio nuclide sources of radiation does not exceed 5) in the organization more than by 10 times of MZA or the amount of the attitudes of activity of different radionuclides towards their tabular values given in appendix 26 to Hygienic standard rates does not exceed 1.
6. Radiation safety of personnel, the population and the environment is considered secure if the basic principles of radiation safety (reasons, optimization, regulation) and the requirements established by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 23, 1998 "About radiation safety of the population", Hygienic standard rates and these Health regulations are observed.
The principle of reasons is applied when designing new sources of radiation and radiation objects, in case of issue of licenses, approval of the specifications and technical documentation on use of sources of radiation, and also in case of change of conditions of their operation. Practical realization of the basic principles of ensuring radiation safety is carried out according to the approaches stated in annex 3 to these Health regulations.
In case of radiation accident the principle of reasons belongs not to sources of radiation and conditions of radiation, and to protective measure.
As the size of advantage it is necessary to estimate the dose prevented by this action. The actions directed to recovery of control over radiation sources are held without fail.
The principle of optimization is applied in the conditions of normal operation of sources of radiations according to appendix 3 to these Health regulations.
In case of radiation accident when instead of limits of doses higher levels of intervention are effective, the principle of optimization is applied to protective measure taking into account the prevented dose of the radiation and damage connected with intervention.
The principle of regulation is provided with all physical persons and legal entities on which the level of radiation of the person depends and provides not excess of the individual limits of doses of radiation of citizens set in Hygienic standard rates from all sources of radiation.
For control of the effective and equivalent doses of radiation regulated by Hygienic standard rates the admissible levels of monofactorial impact (for one radionuclide depending on way of receipt or one type of external radiation) which are derivative of the main limits of doses are entered: capacities of dose, annual receipt of radionuclides in organism and other indicators.
Derivative standard rates in case of radiation from technogenic sources of radiation as in normal, and in an emergency, except for medical radiation of patients (further - technogenic radiation) are calculated for monofactorial impact and each of them exhausts all limit of dose, their use is based on condition not of excess of unit by the amount of the attitudes of all controlled sizes towards their admissible values.
Quotas for the main technogenic sources of radiation are applied to the prevention of use of the dose limit set for the population only on one technogenic source of radiation or on their limited quantity.
Reasons for values of quotas contain in projects of radiation objects. The instruction for establishment of quotas for radiation of the population from separate technogenic sources of radiation are given in appendix 4 to these Health regulations.
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The document ceased to be valid since January 15, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 15, 2020 No. KR DSM-275/2020