of May 17, 2019 No. 147
About approval of Regulations about departments and additional offices of banks
Based on the item d) parts (1) Art. 5, parts (1) Art. 11, item c) a) Art. 44 of the Law on National Bank of Moldova No. 548/1995 (pereopublikovan: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2015, No. 297-300, the Art. 544), Art. 32 and 33 of the Law on activities of banks No. 202/2017 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 434-439, the Art. 727) the Executive committee of National Bank of Moldova DECIDES:
1. Approve Regulations about departments and additional offices of banks it (is applied).
2. Consider invalid the Resolution of Administrative board of National Bank of Moldova No. 84/2011 on approval of Regulations on branches, representations and additional offices of banks (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2011, No. 110-112, the Art. 874), registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova at No. 832 of June 27, 2011.
Chairman of Executive committee of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova
Octavian to Armash
Approved by the Resolution of Executive committee of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of May 17, 2019, No. 147
1. The regulations about departments and additional offices of banks (further - regulations) establish the notification procedure after opening of additional departments and offices of banks of the Republic of Moldova and procedure for issue of preliminary permission to opening of departments in the territory of other states, the permitted types of activity, and also procedure for closing of the relevant divisions.
2. In these regulations the following concepts are used:
1) department - according to the Law on activities of banks No. 202/2017 (further - the Law No. 202/2017);
2) additional office - the internal structural division of bank department in the form of the agency or exchange currency bureau located out of the bank department location, which does not have separate balance and performing the types of activity established by bank according to these regulations and the current legislation without adoption of independent obligations from bank name or department.
3. The bank opens departments and additional offices in the territory of the Republic of Moldova with the subsequent notification of National Bank of Moldova.
4. The bank opens departments in the territory of other states only with preliminary permission of National Bank of Moldova.
5. The procedure for the organization and functioning of department is established in regulations of department, and in case of additional office - in regulations about department as a part of which the additional office, or in regulations of the relevant additional office, or in standard regulations about the additional office regulating activities of all additional offices of department or additional offices of all bank departments, approved by council of the bank was opened.
6. The name of department shall contain also the bank name, opened it.
7. The name of additional office shall contain specifying on its type (the agency, exchange currency bureau and belonging to specific department as a part of which it was open.
8. The bank represents to National Bank in electronic form annually no later than January 15 after accounting year of the data on departments and additional offices of banks, according to appendix to these regulations according to the procedure, provided in Item 16.
9. The situation of these regulations is not affected by the obligations of bank specified in the Law on currency control No. 62-XVI of March 21, 2008 (pereopublikovan: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 423-429, the Art. 859) and in Regulations about the licensing of organizations on currency exchange approved by the Resolution of Executive committee of National Bank of Moldova No. 304 of 10.11.2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 416-422 the Art. 2072) relating to the notification of National Bank of Moldova on opening of exchange currency bureaus of bank, establishment of foreign exchange devices, submission of the schedule of their work, changes of the relevant data, and also on temporary suspension of operations of exchange currency bureaus and/or activities by means of foreign exchange/foreign exchange devices/devices, to complete cessation of activities of exchange currency bureaus of bank.
10. The decision on opening of department or additional office in the territory of the Republic of Moldova is accepted by council of the bank.
The department opened in the Republic of Moldova can begin the activities after its state registration and receipt of the verified copy of the license by bank. The verified copy of the license is issued by National Bank of Moldova according to the Regulations about licensing of bank and bank department of other state approved by the Resolution of executive committee of National Bank Moldova No. 328/2019.
The additional office opened in the Republic of Moldova can begin the activities after its registration in the body of state registration of regulations of department or changes to regulations of department (or its new edition) connected with opening of the relevant additional office.
11. The bank notifies National Bank of Moldova on opening of department within 2 working days from the date of opening (from the date of the beginning of activities) the notification, having specified the name, registration date in body of state registration, date of opening, information on the department location (the postal address, phone numbers, the fax, the e-mail address) and about surname/name of the head of department.
12. The bank notifies National Bank of Moldova on any the departments made changes in regulations (or its new edition), about opening of additional office, within 2 working days from the date of registration of changes in body of state registration by the notification, having specified registration date in body of state registration.
13. The notifications specified in Items 11 and 12, are constituted in Romanian and is signed by the head of executive body.
14. The following documents constituted in Romanian are attached to the notification specified in Item 12:
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