Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 29, 2019 No. PP-4343

About implementation of qualitatively new management system by forces and means of law-enforcement bodies in the field of prevention of offenses and fight against crime in the Tashkent region

(as amended of the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 02.04.2021 No. PP-5050)


For the expired period in the republic considerable work on implementation of effective system of protection of public order, prevention of offenses and fight against crime, distribution of positive experience of the Concept "Safe capital" realized in the city of Tashkent on the basis of close interaction of law-enforcement bodies with institutes of civil society is carried out.

At the same time special value in ensuring public safety in the Tashkent region has activities of law enforcement agencies the following factors exert impact on feature of criminogenic situation in which:

complexity of administrative-territorial structure of the area including seven cities and fifteen areas it is separate located from each other at much remote distances;

originality of geographical arrangement of area taking into account simultaneous availability in its territory of border zones, mountain sites, tourist, agricultural and large industrial facilities;

passing across the territory of area of all ways of departure and entry into the city of Tashkent, availability of places of mass rest and stay of inhabitants of other settlements of the republic, especially capitals.

For the purpose of transition to qualitatively new level of protection of public order, prevention of offenses and fight against crime in the Tashkent region, and also implementations of effective control and management system for forces and means of law-enforcement bodies:

1. Approve the offer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on implementation since June 20, 2019, as experiment, management system by forces and means of law-enforcement bodies of the Tashkent region providing:

further optimization of structures of law-enforcement bodies regional and district (city) levels for the purpose of more effective concentration of forces and means directly in places, the most approximate to the population;

distribution of areas (cities) of area on four zones of regional government by forces and means of law-enforcement bodies (further - regions) according to appendix No. 1;

increase in mobility and providing as much as possible quick response of divisions of law-enforcement bodies to the facts of offenses for the purpose of their timely prevention and suppression.

2. Transform the Department of Internal Affairs of the Tashkent region to Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Tashkent region (further - Head department), having conferred on his chief the personal responsibility for:

effective and comprehensive realization of mechanisms of regional government by forces and means of law-enforcement bodies of area, acceptance of address measures for their continuous improvement;

the organization of close interaction of law-enforcement bodies of area with other law enforcement agencies, public authorities on places and institutes of civil society, including the capital;

acceptance of practical management decisions, the high-quality organization of analytical activities and systematic efficiency evaluation of prevention of offenses and fight against crime at the level of regions.

3. Determine that:

daily control and the organization of the coordinated activities of law-enforcement bodies of regions are performed by representatives of the chief of Head department (further - heads of regional areas);

for ensuring activities of heads of regional areas as the headquarters the centers of regional coordination of Head department with the direct place of dislocation in buildings of law-enforcement bodies of the regional centers respectively are formed;

front divisions of patrol and on point duty and road and patrol services of law-enforcement bodies of the Tashkent region are distributed directly on regions with execution of daily service in their territory;

film logical divisions of district (city) law-enforcement bodies of the Tashkent region are placed under authority of heads of regional areas with the organization of accomplishment of the tasks assigned to them for the interterritorial principle;

on the basis of experience of Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent under district (city) law-enforcement bodies Departments of Internal Affairs with assignment of tasks on them on protection of public order, prevention of offenses and fight against crime in sectors on complex social and economic development of areas can be created.

4. Grant to heads of regional areas the right:

to independently make decisions on daily accomplishment of the tasks assigned on fixed district (city, industry) law-enforcement bodies (further - the fixed divisions), within the region territory;

develop effective measures on increase in overall performance of the fixed divisions, determine daily dislocation of job specifications of patrol and on point duty and road and patrol services;

coordinate alignment of forces and means of the fixed divisions taking into account the developing criminogenic situation and in case of emergency situations in the territory of the region;

make to the chief of Head department offers to destination and to dismissal of heads of the fixed divisions, to perform within the region and service movement on position of employees of ordinary and sergeant structures;

carry out based on the order of the chief of Head department functional audit checks on the facts of violations of office discipline by staff of the fixed divisions;

apply to the staff of the fixed divisions of measure of encouragement and authority punishment within the competence.

Determine that heads of regional areas bear the personal responsibility for execution of tasks and functions of the fixed divisions on an equal basis with their direct management.

5. Establish procedure according to which:

problems in the field of protection of public order, prevention of offenses and fight against crime on places, and also the offers on increase in efficiency of these activities represented by the chief of Head department and heads of regional areas monthly are considered hokimy the Tashkent region with obligatory acceptance of address measures within the powers and financial opportunities;

The head department quarterly carries out rating efficiency evaluation of activities of regions in the field of protection of public order, prevention of offenses and fight against crime, applying by its results measures of cash encouragement and deduction to heads of the fixed divisions of the leading and lagging behind regions respectively;

the centers of regional coordination on the basis of the analysis of criminogenic situation quarterly prepare detailed "road maps" on increase in overall performance of the fixed divisions by areas (cities) with the each decade report of results on them to the chief of Head department;


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