of June 28, 2019 No. 432/11
About the automated information system of execution of monetary commitments
In pursuance of paragraph two of Item 15 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of October 16, 2018 No. 414 "About enhancement of clearing settlements" Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus and National Bank of the Republic of Belarus POSTANOVLYAYUT:
1. Determine that:
1.1. banks in which accounts are opened for payers (further - banks of payers):
1.1.1. after banking days on December 20, 2019 and on December 31, 2019 send to authorized state bodies - working interest owners of the automated information system of execution of monetary commitments (further - AIS IDO) information containing details of the payment requests which are drawn up by them:
placed as of the specified dates in card-index to off-balance accounts "The settlement documents which are not paid in time" and "Settlement documents, expecting payment" (further - card-index):
accepted, but not performed after banking day on December 31, 2019.
The direction of information specified in part one of this subitem is performed by banks of payers with use of system of transfer of financial information of National Bank (further - SPFI) in the form and formats provided by technical documentation of republican centralized system of exchange of interbank correspondence in the form of electronic documents of National Bank;
1.1.2. till 11:00 the first banking day 2020 sends to AIS IDO:
information which is available in banks as of December 31, 2019 according to part three of Item 42 of the Regulations on procedure of clearing settlements by means of the automated information system of execution of monetary commitments and its functioning approved by this resolution (further - the Provision);
the electronic documents containing details of payment requests of the claimants who did not sign with the owner of AIS IDO contracts on participation in AIS IDO, and also payment instructions of payers on payments in the budget:
placed in card-index as of December 31, 2019;
accepted, but not performed after banking day on December 31, 2019.
In the electronic documents specified in paragraphs the third or fifth to part one of this subitem are specified priority of their execution by means of putting down of symbol of payment priority and date of the room of payment requests of claimants and payment instructions of payers in card-index.
The priority and date specified in part two of this subitem are reflected in electronic documents based on information containing in the payment requests of claimants and payment instructions of payers placed in card-index;
1.1.3. till 11:30 the first banking day 2020 does not perform settlement and cash servicing of payers concerning whom are directed:
to authorized state bodies - working interest owners of AIS IDO information according to part one of subitem 1.1.1 of this Item;
in AIS IDO electronic documents according to paragraphs the third or fifth parts one of subitem 1.1.2 of this Item;
1.1.4. after the first banking day 2020 withdraw and return the settlement documents placed in card-index as of December 31, 2019 without execution.
In case of return (non-execution):
payment requests of claimants and payment instructions of the payers who are drawn up on paper to the claimant through the bank serving him the second copies of payment requests with executive documents, to the payer - the second copies of payment instructions with indication of go to them the records "AIS IDO" as return reason;
payment requests of the claimants who are drawn up in the form of electronic documents the electronic message with indication of number, dates and the amounts of payment request, the name and account number of the payer, the name and account number of the beneficiary, date of withdrawal from card-index (non-execution), the record "AIS IDO" as the withdrawal reason from card-index, other necessary information for subsequent its direction to authorized state body goes to the bank serving authorized state body;
the payment instructions which are drawn up in the form of electronic documents, to the payer the electronic message with indication of in it as the withdrawal reason from card-index (non-execution) of the record "AIS IDO", and also other necessary information goes;
payment instructions of payers in the budget in the bank serving the beneficiary the electronic message with indication of in it dates, numbers goes for payment transfer, the amounts of the payment instruction of the payer, the amount in which it is withdrawn it (is not performed), names and account numbers of the payer, the name and account number of the beneficiary, date of withdrawal (non-execution), as the reason of withdrawal (non-execution) of the record "AIS IDO", other necessary information for subsequent its direction to the beneficiary;
1.2. authorized state bodies - working interest owners of AIS IDO the first banking day 2020 taking into account information obtained from banks of payers according to part one of subitem 1.1.1 of this Item send till 11:00 to AIS IDO the payment requests of claimants which are drawn up in the form of electronic documents for execution of monetary commitments of payers, unexecuted as of December 31, 2019.
In the electronic documents determined in part one of this subitem are specified:
priority of their execution according to legal acts by means of putting down of symbol of payment priority;
date of the room of payment requests of claimants in card-index;
1.3. in AIS IDO in the first banking day 2020:
from 9:00 acceptance in the form of electronic documents of payment requests of claimants, payment instructions of the payers specified in paragraphs second and third to the Provision Item 23 part one, and also statements specified in Provision Item 24 is performed;
from 11:00 till 11:29 based on the accepted electronic documents are determined by each payer:
total amount of unexecuted monetary commitments of the payer;
priority of execution of payment requests of claimants, payment instructions of payers according to legal acts taking into account the payment queue symbol specified in such settlement documents, and within one queue - taking into account date of the room of payment requests of claimants and payment instructions of payers in card-index;
from 11:30 are processed according to the procedure, established by the Provision, the payment requests of claimants, payment instructions of payers accepted in the form of electronic documents, statements.
2. Banks of payers till December 31, 2019 by means of systems of remote bank servicing, telephone, mail service, the SMS notification or the direction of the message on the e-mail address, and also by placement of information in places of customer service and on the official sites on the global computer Internet inform clients (payers):
about the organization of execution since January 1, 2020 of monetary commitments by means of AIS IDO;
about availability in card-index of payment instructions of payers on payments in the budget, information on which as of January 1, 2020 will be sent to AIS IDO;
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