of May 31, 2019 No. 360
About approval of the State program of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025
The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve the enclosed State program of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025 (further - the Program).
2. To the central, local executive bodies, state bodies, directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (under approval), and to other organizations (under approval) to take measures for program implementation.
3. To responsible central, local executive bodies, state bodies, directly subordinate and accountable to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (under approval), and to other organizations (under approval) to provide information according to the Actions plan on program implementation according to the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 29, 2017 to No. 790 "About approval of System of state planning in the Republic of Kazakhstan".
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Ministry of Culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan
A. Mamin
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 31, 2019 No. 360
1. Passport of the Program
2. Introduction
3. Analysis of the current situation
3.1. Development of tourist resources
3.1.1. Locations
3.1.2. Places of entertainments
3.1.3. Cultural and event objects
3.1.4. Especially protected natural territories
3.1.5. Workmanship development
3.1.6. Main priority directions of tourism: agrotourism, hunting-trophy tourism, ecological tourism, ethnographic tourism, tourism for children and young people, medical tourism, MICE tourism
3.2. Transport availability of tourist destination and objects
3.2.1. Infrastructure and improvement of quality of service of the airports
3.2.2. Infrastructure of highways, check points on Frontier of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3.2.3. Infrastructure of road transport and transportations
3.2.4. Infrastructure of rail transport and transportations
3.3. Quality and availability of tourist products and services
3.3.1. Human resources development in the tourism industry
3.3.2. System of state regulation of activities of tourism organizations
3.3.3. Level of digital availability of services of tour operators and other tourism organizations
3.3.4. Availability of tourist products and tourist services
3.4. Tourist climate
3.4.1. Liberalization of the visa and migratory modes
3.4.2. Hospitality cultural development
3.4.3. Safety of finding of tourists in tourist objects
3.5. System of promotion of tourist capacity of the country in the internal and international markets
3.5.1. Marketing effectiveness and branding
3.5.2. Participation in the international exhibitions
3.5.3. Financing of actions for promotion
3.5.4. Possible sources of financing
3.5.5. Digital marketing
3.6. Management of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3.6.1. Management system tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3.6.2. State support of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3.6.3. State support of tourism abroad
3.6.4. System of the statistical recording
3.7. SWOT analysis
4. Purposes, tasks, target indicators and indicators of results of program implementation
4.1. Development of tourist resources
4.2. Ensuring transport availability of tourist destination and objects
4.3. Improvement of quality and availability of tourist products and services
4.4. Creation of favorable tourist climate
4.5. Forming of effective system of promotion of tourist capacity of the country in the internal and international markets
4.6. Enhancement of management system and monitoring of development of tourist industry
5. Main directions, ways of achievement of effective objectives of the program and adequate measures
5.1. Development of tourist resources
5.2. Ensuring transport availability of tourist destination and objects
5.3. Improvement of quality and availability of tourist products and services
5.4. Creation of favorable tourist climate
5.5. Forming of effective system of promotion of tourist capacity of the country in the internal and international markets
5.6. Enhancement of management system and monitoring of development of tourist industry
6. Necessary resources
7. Appendices
Name of the program |
The state program of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019 - 2025 |
Basis for development |
Item 19 of the National implementation plan of the Message of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2018 "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan citizens: increase in the income and quality of life": "Development and adoption of the State program of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025"; |
Responsible for development |
Ministry for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
Responsible for realization |
1) the Ministry of Culture and sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of the industry and infrastructure development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of digital development, defense and aerospace industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of information and social development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan (under approval), akimats of areas, Nour-Sultan's cities, Almaty and Shymkent; |
Program purpose |
Providing share of tourism in total amount of GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan at least 8% by 2025 |
Tasks |
Development of tourist resources |
Realization terms |
2019-2025 |
Target indicators |
Achievement in 2025 of the following indicators: |
Sources and amounts of financing |
The total expenses provided from the republican budget on program implementation in 2019-2025 will constitute 1 385 695,8 of one million tenge1 (the republican budget-268 291, of 8 million tenges *, the local budget - the 172nd 167, 9 million tenges *, other sources - the 945th 236, 2 million tenges), including: |
* the amounts will be specified according to the government budget for the corresponding financial year
The state program of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2025 (further - the Program) is developed in execution: Item 19 of the National implementation plan of the Message of the Head of state to the people of Kazakhstan of October 5, 2018 "Growth of welfare of Kazakhstan citizens: increase in the income and quality of life"; Elbasa's assignment given during trip to Almaty region on May 9-10, 2018; The Plan of the nation of "100 specific steps on realization of 5 institutional reforms", in particular on realization of institutional reform on industrialization and economic growth within involvement of the strategic (anchor) investors having successful experience of creation of tourist clusters. The program was also developed according to the key directions of diversification of economy designated in the Strategic plan of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2025 and strategic directions of long-term development of Kazakhstan till 2050 according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the Concept on inclusion of Kazakhstan into number 30 of the most developed states of the world" of January 13, 2014 No. 732.
The program is developed taking into account the basic principles of development of industry reflected in the Concept of development of tourist industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan till 2023 approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 30, 2017 No. 406.
In modern conditions of development of world economy tourism becomes one of leaders and dynamically developing industries. Tourism makes contribution to development of key sectors of economy (transport, communication, construction, agricultural industry, production of the consumer goods) at the expense of tax revenues in the budget, increase in number of workplaces, foreign exchange inflow.
Kazakhstan, holding advantageous geopolitical position, having considerable natural and recreational resources and objects of world cultural and historical heritage (the list of the world cultural heritage of UNESCO includes 11 objects), unique natural variety, has the potential of development of new tourist products and all necessary basic premises to become the large player on the card of world tourism.
However, now the industry of tourism develops moderate speed with small social and economic effect across the nation. For the purpose of increase in tourist flows to the Republic of Kazakhstan it is necessary to create favorable conditions for development of potential of industry by means of decrease in barriers and strategic planning of industry.
This Program is directed to increase in availability and quality of tourist services and products, and also qualities of life of the population of the republic by development of places of tourist interest and mass involvement of manpower in industry of tourism, cardinal growth of external and internal tourist flow, increase in investments into tourist industry by creation of favorable tourist climate, promoting of tourist capacity of Kazakhstan in the internal and international markets, full-fledged institutionalizing of tourist industry of the country.
At the same time the active role of the state at initial stage of program implementation will provide necessary support to subjects of industry for further development and increase in competitiveness.
Adoption of the Program will create necessary conditions for effective development of domestic tourist industry and will allow to reach task on achievement of 8% - ache shares in structure of GDP in 2025.
During the analysis of the current situation and development of the Program the main problems of industry are revealed and key tasks which the Program shall solve are determined.
These are the following tasks:
1) development of tourist resources;
2) ensuring transport availability of tourist destination and objects;
3) improvement of quality and availability of tourist products and services;
4) creation of favorable tourist climate in the country;
5) increase in investment appeal of tourist industry;
6) increase in marketing effectiveness and promotion of national tourist brand;
7) enhancement of management system of tourist industry.
Tourism is not only the largest, but also the most quickly developing industry of the world economy which growth rates exceed growth rates of other industries of economy almost twice. On key indicators, including by efficiency of investment investments, tourism is comparable with the oil-extracting industry.
About 10% of world total product, 30% of world export of services, 7% of world investments, 10% of workplaces and 5% of all tax revenues are the share of the sphere of tourism.
On average for receipt of the revenue, equivalent subjects which one foreign tourist yields it is necessary to export on the world market about 9 tons of coal or 15 tons of oil, or 2 tons of high-grade wheat. At the same time, sale of raw materials exhausts country energy carriers, and tourism works for renewal of resources. Each tourist driving to the country spends on average about 20 US dollars each hour, 30 tourists generate 1 workplace.
Tourism, acting as the important segment of foreign trade assuming export-import transactions with services has specifics of "invisible" export. Unlike other industries of economy which products are transported to the consumer he causes migration of people to places of concentration of recreational resources, and consumption of these resources happens in certain place.
Now tourism is one of the most profitable types of business in the world. Using about 7% of the world capital, tourism firmly took the third place after oil export, oil products and cars.
By estimates of the World tourism organization of the UN (further-) by 2030 it is expected UNWTO that travel on the known cities, to popular resorts and to historical and cultural monuments will make 1,8 of one billion people, the income from hotel and tourist services will constitute about 2 trillion US dollars, in the field of tourism 550 million workplaces will be created.
The industry of business tourism (MICE) in his modern understanding became one of the most perspective sectors of economy. Today the large foreign companies spend for business travels about 2 trillion US dollars a year, and costs for it are provided in the main expenditure items, after staffing, taxes, lease, IT and communication.
According to the World council on tourism and travel (further - WTTC) in 2015 the amount of the world market of business tourism exceeded 1, 106 trillion US dollars. Following the results of 2016 expenses on business trips grew to 1, 150 trillion US dollars, and in 2017 according to estimative data increased by 3,7 of % and reached 1, 192 trillion US dollars.
By 2026 the global market of business tourism will be estimated in 1, by 658 trillion US dollars, the annual surplus will average % 3,7.
Most rapid growth of tourism is noted also in three countries - China, India and Russia. Kazakhstan as the closest neighbor of Russia and China can take the place in the world on business and event tourism.
According to forecasts of UNWTO, in the next two decades the ecotourism will grow at prompt rates, and global expenses on ecotourism will grow at higher rates, than all industry of tourism in general.
Moreover, today the number of annual visits of especially protected natural territories in the world makes 8 billion visits from which 80% are the share of Europe and North America. These visits generate 600 billion US dollars in the form of direct expenses and additional 250 billion US dollars in the form of consumer spendings. Along with it, according to estimates of International society of ecotourism, the market shows annual growth in the amount of 25% and creates the income in the amount of 470 billion US dollars.
Growth of tourism due to emergence of the new territories for visit as traditional areas of the world tourist market already practically reached limit of recreational opportunities is expected.
According to forecasts of Asian monitoring of travel Brazil, Russia, India, China, Mexico, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand will be the most dynamically developing tourist markets in 2050.
In general tourist flow, proceeding from financial position, representatives of middle class prevail. At the same time, the cost of travel around the world continues to fall generally due to distribution of inexpensive flights, reducing terms of trips (1-3 nights), the choice of alternative means of placement and transport.
Features of new type of the mass consumer in the market of tourist services:
1) knowledge, high level of education;
2) high insistence to service quality, at the same time needlessly over comfort;
3) individualism and independence;
4) consciousness ekologizm;
5) spontaneity of decisions;
6) mobility;
7) physical and intellectual activity on vacation;
8) the aspiration to receive kaleidoscope of impressions from life.
Thus, there is accurate tendency of transformation of mass conveyor tourism in the mass differentiated tourism which is giving rise to demand for multiple highly specialized segments, "flexible" tourist products, new tourist directions, online technologies of booking and purchases.
In 2017 the cumulative contribution of tourism in total amount of GDP of Kazakhstan on methodology of WTTC constituted 6%. This indicator consists of three components: direct contribution (% 1,9), indirect (% 2,9) and derivative (% 1,2). The direct contribution includes indicators on expenses of internal and foreign tourists, and also the public expenditures on content of tourist objects. The indirect contribution includes investments into tourism, local content of purchases of the companies of the tourist industry and the public expenditures on management of industry, ensuring promotion of tourist objects and safety of tourists. And, at last, the derivative effect consists of total costs on compensation of staff of the companies of the tourist industry.
At the same time, growth of share of tourism in GDP is provided by three main drivers specified in the figure 1.
1 calculations can be corrected taking into account new data
Figure 1
Structure of forming of share of tourism in GDP
For achievement of strategic objective of the Program - achievement in 2025 of tourism share in structure of GDP of 8% the above-named three drivers shall have annual average growth rates of 7-8% (fig. 2).
Figure 2
Necessary growth rates of the main indicators for goal achievement on tourism contribution to GDP
In spite of the fact that in recent years there is positive dynamics on many indicators of industry (the table 1), it has unstable nature. So, many indicators for 2017 grew due to holding the International specialized exhibition of the EXPO, and in 2018 small decrease in rather high base of previous year is observed.
Thus, the analysis of the current situation and forecast data allow to draw conclusion that more dynamic growth on all indicators of tourism is necessary for breakthrough development of industry and achievement of target indicators of the Program.
Table 1
The main indicators of development of tourist industry for 2013-2017
№ |
Name |
2013 |
2014 |
2015 |
2016 |
2017 |
Export of services, one million US dollars, from them: |
5 384,7 |
6 618,1 |
6 476,0 |
6 309,7 |
6 436,60 |
The international trips (the amount of services provided by Kazakhstan to nonresidents) |
1 522,0 |
1 467,30 |
1 533,6 |
1 548,5 |
1 780,50 |
including: |
the amount of services provided by Kazakhstan to nonresidents from the CIS countries |
1 164,60 |
1 094,3 |
1 132,1 |
1 161,00 |
1 368,00 |
the amount of services provided by Kazakhstan to nonresidents from other countries |
357,4 |
373 |
401,5 |
387,5 |
412,5 |
Import of services, one million US dollars, from them: |
12 458,4 |
12 916,2 |
11 582,2 |
11 062,8 |
10 849,5 |
The international trips (the amount of services received by Kazakhstan from nonresidents) |
1 843,3 |
1 932,00 |
1 979,0 |
1 657,8 |
1 790,60 |
including: |
the amount of services received by Kazakhstan from nonresidents from the CIS countries |
1 190,90 |
1 278,2 |
1 434,0 |
1 235,40 |
1 264,90 |
the amount of services received by Kazakhstan from nonresidents from other countries |
652,4 |
653,8 |
545 |
422,3 |
525,7 |
The number of visitors on entrance tourism, persons: |
6 841 085 |
6 332 734 |
6 430 158 |
6 509 390 |
7 701 196 |
including: |
CIS countries |
6 213 390 |
5 655 246 |
5 835 592 |
5 935 690 |
7 060 630 |
the countries out of the CIS |
627 695 |
677 488 |
594 566 |
573 700 |
640 566 |
The number of the workers occupied in the field of tourism, one thousand people (without self-employed): |
Activities of the tour operators, travel agents and other organizations providing services in the field of tourism |
6,6 |
6,5 |
7,3 |
7,2 |
7,3 |
Services in the organization of accommodation |
22 |
25,7 |
25,3 |
26,5 |
27,6 |
Activities of the sanatorium organizations |
10,8 |
10,3 |
10,5 |
10 |
9,6 |
Activities for the organization of rest, entertainments, culture and sport |
61,5 |
65,8 |
68,2 |
70,2 |
71,8 |
Average monthly nominal wage, tenge (without self-employed): |
Activities of the tour operators, travel agents and other organizations providing services in the field of tourism |
70 475 |
71 233 |
85 002 |
94 465 |
108 152 |
Services in the organization of accommodation |
76 360 |
86 272 |
106 823 |
112 582 |
118 606 |
Activities of the sanatorium organizations |
71 059 |
76 885 |
77 245 |
83 385 |
88 163 |
Activities for the organization of rest, entertainments, culture and sport |
57 613 |
63 238 |
67 329 |
82 124 |
86 208 |
Source: Committee of statistics of MNE RK
In global Index of competitiveness of travel and tourism of the World Economic Forum (further - the WEF) v2017 to year Kazakhstan took the 81st place from 136 countries, having not much more improved the line items in comparison with the previous index of 2015 - the 85th place (the rating is published once in 2 years).
High potential for tourism development in Kazakhstan is reflected in the following indicators of rating:
- by quantity of cultural objects of the world heritage the country borrows - the 61st place;
- by quantity of objects of oral and intangible cultural heritage - the 22nd place;
- by quantity of natural objects of the world heritage - the 30th place.
At the same time, according to the WEF, significantly worsen the Kazakhstan rating in the field of tourism the following factors:
- low quality of tourist infrastructure (hotels, resorts, cultural and entertaining objects, etc.) - the 121st place;
- insufficient openness of air traffic - the 121st place;
- difficulties of visa regime - the 114th place;
- low quality of roads - the 106th place;
- weak presence of the companies on lease of cars - the 113th place;
- low performance of marketing and branding-102-e place.
At the same time this directions are one of the main indicators determining condition of development of industry of tourism and on which it is necessary to concentrate for goal achievement on development of industry.
Tourist resources create tourist infrastructure. As a part of tourist infrastructure two basic elements are allocated. The first element - it is direct the companies for rendering services of hospitality providing services of placement and food. The second element - the companies participating in forming of tourist product. These are those constructions which can function also without tourists, but their indicators of economic activity significantly raise in case of increase in tourist flow in destination. It is possible to carry to such objects places of entertainments, cultural and event objects, national parks, etc. It is also tourist resources of destination.
Adequately the developed tourist resources provide availability of tourist destination, comfort of stay of tourists, bring in the essential income to the state and entrepreneurs.
In forming of indicators of statistics of tourism of Kazakhstan important role is played by indicators of activities of objects of tourist infrastructure - quantity of objects, the number of the visitors serviced by them, amount of the rendered services. Also indicators of the companies of tourist infrastructure are important in case of calculation of contribution of tourism as industries, in GDP of the country.
Annually the number of the companies of tourist infrastructure of Kazakhstan steadily grows. However, in case of increase in number of hotels at % 8,5 in year, the average percent of fillability remains at the previous level (on average 22-25% the last several years).
The amount of the made products and the rendered services by the objects providing services in the organization of rest and entertainments, culture and sport, also increases annually for 10-15%.
At the same time, tourism in regions develops haphazardly, there is no both regional, and country strategy for development of the most perspective tourist destination and tourist product.
For providing steady tourist flow and reorientation of part of the international tourist flows to Kazakhstan, it is necessary to solve one of the main objectives - increase in the level of development of tourist resources. On development of tourist resources as main generator of demand for country visit, the main efforts of the state and business shall be directed.
Low indicators of tourist industry of Kazakhstan in the international ratings (the 81st place on tourism competitiveness, uses of natural resources, the 99th by efficiency, the 97th on the level of service of tourist services, etc.) allow to draw conclusion that the efforts made by the state now (the 93rd place on system support of industry) are not enough for essential break in the field of tourism.
Kazakhstan is "the arising tourist destination" with limited tourism infrastructure in which there are not enough tourist products and services and which practically does not exist in the world market of tourism. In such conditions there is obvious need of intervention of the state in respect of providing basic tourism infrastructure, creating favorable conditions for investment attraction in product development, forming of positive perception of the country as tourist destination.
Experience of foreign countries at similar stage of development shows efficiency of the first-priority measures aimed at providing openness (simplification of visa regime), availability (convenient covering the air and land transport), infrastructure and places of placements according to international standards.
Diagnostics of condition of tourist objects showed that in the Republic of Kazakhstan there are more than 100 known tourist objects, so-called "tourist magnets" and "points of tourist growth" now.
At the same time, in view of limitation of resources and need of investment of considerable investments into development of all these objects, there is need of prioritization or selection of the most attractive objects, both on republican, and at the regional level.
With respect thereto, work on selection of the most significant tourist objects was carried out to the so-called Card of turistifikation of Kazakhstan.
Selection criteria became uniqueness of object as tourist magnet and the potential growth of tourist flow. Also their historical and cultural importance was considered. For example, monuments of UNESCO or entered the list of objects of the Great Silk way, and also Sacral objects according to the program to "Rouhani Zhangyr".
In view of the potential of all these objects, their predicted economic effect, and also need of the first-priority problem resolution at the republican level, subjects of the Map of turistifikation of Kazakhstan were divided into two levels:
1) the first is TOP-10 priority objects of republican level;
2) the second are objects of the regional level.
Lists of subjects of the Map of turistifikation of Kazakhstan of the republican and regional level are attached (appendices 2 and 3) to this Program.
The following 10 priority tourist territories in Kazakhstan are considered by the most perspective directions which entered into TOP 10,:
1) the lake Alakol - with potential of 2 500 000 tourists a year (the current flow - 772 000 tourists a year);
2) mountain cluster of the Almaty region - with potential of 2 500 000 tourists a year (the current flow - the 500th 000);
3) the Shchuchinsko-Borovsky resort area - with potential of 2 000 000 tourists a year (the current flow - the 750th 000);
4) the Bayanaulsky resort area - with potential of 450 000 tourists a year (the current flow - the 200th 000);
5) the Imantau-Shalkarsky resort area - with potential of 400 000 tourists a year (the current flow-130 000);
6) Lake Balkhash - with potential of 400 000 tourists a year (the current flow - the 130th 000);
7) development of historical and cultural tourism of Turkestan - with potential of 1 500 000 tourists a year (the current flow - the 500th 000);
8) development of beach tourism of Mangystau - with potential of 750 000 tourists a year;
9) development of MICE of tourism in Nour-Sultan's city - with potential of 1 000 000 tourists a year;
10) development of the tourist zone "Baikonur", as entertaining tourist hub - with potential from 250 000 to 500 000 tourists a year.
These destination are determined as the key directions of tourism development, each of which has the identity, characteristic products/potential of market development.
For effective development of the industry of tourism by one of key factors of success proper structuring and positioning of tourist products which for the purposes of planning and tourism development not necessarily corresponds to administrative-territorial division of the country is. Some regions (areas) of Kazakhstan can have single unique "experience" and characteristics which can be transformed to one tourist cluster with the unique dominating experimental structure which can be transferred later to the foreign markets of tourism as unique selling proposition.
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The document ceased to be valid since March 28, 2023 according to Item 5 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 28, 2023 No. 262