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The document ceased to be valid since  October 1, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Section IX of the Law of Ukraine of September 6, 2022 No. 2573-IX


of February 24, 1994 No. 4004-XII

About ensuring sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population

(as amended on 09-08-2023)

This Law governs the public relations which arise in the sphere of ensuring sanitary and epidemic wellbeing, determines the appropriate rights and obligations of state bodies, companies, organizations, organizations and citizens, establishes procedure for the organization of the public sanitary and epidemiologic service and implementation of the state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance in Ukraine.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of the main terms and concepts

In this Law terms and concepts are used in the following value:

sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population is the state of health of the population and living environment of the person in case of which indicators of incidence are at the developed level for this territory, conditions of accommodation are favorable for the population, and parameters of factors of living environment are in the limits determined by sanitary standards;

living environment of the person (further - living environment) - set of the objects, phenomena and factors of the environment (natural and artificially created) which are directly surrounding the person and determining conditions of its accommodation, food, work, rest, training, education, etc.;

living environment factors - any biological (virus, prionny, bacterial, parasitic, genetically modified organisms, biotechnology products, etc.), chemical (organic and inorganic, natural and synthetic), physical (noise, vibration, ultrasound, infrasound, thermal, ionizing, not ionizing and other types of radiation), social (food, water supply, conditions of life, work, rest, training, education, etc.) and other factors which influence or can influence health of the person or health of future generations;

harmful effects on health of the person - the impact of factors of living environment creating health hazard, lives or working ability of the person or health of future generations;

safe conditions for the person - living environment condition in case of which there is no danger of harmful effects of its factors per capita;

favorable conditions for activity of the person - living environment condition in case of which there are no harmful effects of its factors on health of the person and are available opportunities for providing normal and recoveries of the broken functions of organism;

sanitary and epidemic situation - condition of living environment and the state of health of the population caused by it in certain territory in specifically certain time;

the sanitary and epidemiologic standard rate (the hygienic standard rate, epidemiological indicator, the anti-epidemic standard rate) the admissible maximum or minimum quantitative and (or) high-quality measure value established by researches, characterizing living environment factor by medical criteria (parameters) of its safety for health of the person and health of future generations, and also the state of health of the population by criteria of incidence, extendability of diseases, physical development, immunity, etc.;

the state sanitary standards and rules, sanitary and epidemiologic and sanitary and anti-epidemic rules and regulations, sanitary and epidemiologic rules and regulations, anti-epidemic rules and regulations, hygienic and anti-epidemic rules and regulations, the state sanitary and epidemiologic standard rates, sanitary regulations (further - sanitary standards) - regulatory legal acts of the central executive body, obligatory for accomplishment, providing forming of state policy in health sector, the establishing medical safety requirements concerning living environment and its separate factors which non-compliance creates health hazard and human lives and future generations, and also threat of origin and spread of infectious diseases and mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings) among the population;

safety requirements for health and human life - the criteria developed on the basis of medical science, indicators, maximum permissible borders, sanitary and epidemiologic standard rates, rules, regulations, regulations, etc. (medical requirements for safety for health and human life), development, reasons, control and supervision of which is only within the medical professional competence;

the dangerous factor - any chemical, physical, biological factor, substance, material or product which renders or under certain conditions can make negative impact on health of the person;

sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures (further - sanitary measures) - complex of the organizational, administrative, technical, medical, normative, ecological, veterinary and other measures directed to elimination or reduction of harmful effects per capita of living environment factors, the prevention of origin and spread of infectious diseases and mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings) and their liquidation;

the state sanitary and epidemiologic examination is the type of professional activity of bodies, the public sanitary and epidemiologic service consisting in complex studying of objects of examination for the purpose of identification of possible dangerous factors in these subjects, establishment of compliance of objects of examination to requirements of the sanitary legislation, and in the absence of the relevant sanitary standards - in reasons for medical requirements for safety of object for health and human life;

the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiologic examination - the document of the established form certifying compliance (discrepancy) of object of the state sanitary and epidemiologic examination to medical safety requirements for health and human life, approved by the corresponding chief state health officer and which is the owner of object of examination, obligatory for accomplishment;

object of the state sanitary and epidemiologic examination - any activities, technology, products and raw materials, realization (functioning, use) of which can harmfully influence health of the person, and also the operating objects in cases when their harmful effects are established in the course of functioning (use), and also in case of the expiration of fixed term of action of the conclusion of the state sanitary and epidemiologic examination;

the sanitary and epidemiologic certificate (further - the hygienic certificate) - the one-time document issued by bodies, the public sanitary and epidemiologic service, confirming safety for health and human life of separate types of mass sales items (perfumery and cosmetic products, goods of children's assortment, products of household purpose, etc.) based on results of the conducted sanitary and chemical, toxicological, physical and chemical, radiological, microbiological and other researches;

mass noninfectious diseases (poisonings) - mass diseases which emergence is caused by impact of biological, physical, chemical or social factors of living environment, including objects economic and other types of activity, products, works, services;

the paragraph the nineteenth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 22.07.2014 No. 1602-VII;

the paragraph the twentieth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 22.07.2014 No. 1602-VII;

the paragraph the twenty first is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 22.07.2014 No. 1602-VII;

risk - possibility and possible scales of consequences from negative impact of objects of sanitary measures during the certain period of time;

risk analysis - the process consisting of three interconnected components: risk assessment, risk management and notification on risk;

risk assessment - the evidence-based process consisting of identification and the characteristic of danger, assessment of impact, the characteristic of risk;

risk management - selection process of alternative decisions based on results of risk assessment and, if necessary, the choice and introduction of appropriate means of management (control), including regulatory measures;

the notification on risk - mutual exchange of information about risk between specialists in risk assessment, the persons exercising risk management, interested in trading partners and other concerned parties;


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