of June 24, 2019 No. 58
About approval of standard agreements of provision of regulated services
According to the subitem 7) article 8 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 27, 2018 "About natural monopolies", PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve:
1) the Standard agreement on rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and to consumption of electrical energy, according to appendix 1 to this order;
2) the Standard agreement on rendering services in transfer of electrical energy on national power grid, according to appendix 2 to this order;
3) the Standard agreement on provision of services on transportation of commodity gas, according to appendix 3 to this order;
4) the Standard agreement on provision of services on storage of commodity gas, according to appendix 4 to this order;
5) the Standard agreement on provision of services of operation of group reservoir installations, according to appendix 5 to this order;
6) the Standard agreement on provision of services of water supply and (or) water disposal, according to appendix 6 to this order;
7) the Standard agreement on provision of services on oil transportation, according to appendix 7 to this order;
8) The standard agreement on provision of services on regulation of superficial drain by means of retaining hydraulic engineering constructions, according to appendix 8 to this order;
9) the Standard agreement on rendering services of seaport for calling of the vessel seaport for production of cargo operations and/or other purposes with the subsequent exit from port (vessel call), according to appendix 9 to this order;
10) the Standard agreement on rendering services in production of heat energy, according to appendix 10 to this order;
11) the Standard agreement on rendering services in transfer of electrical energy, according to appendix 11 to this order;
12) the Standard agreement on rendering services in transfer and/or distribution of heat energy, according to appendix 12 to this order;
13) the Standard agreement on rendering services of the high-level railway system, according to appendix 13 to this order;
14) the Standard agreement on rendering services in provision of siding for journey of railway vehicles on condition of lack of competitive siding, according to appendix 14 to this order;
15) the Standard agreement on rendering services in provision of siding for shunting works, loading unloading, other technological transactions of transportation process, and also for the parking of railway vehicles, unforeseen technological transactions of transportation process on condition of lack of competitive siding, according to appendix 15 to this order;
16) the Standard agreement on provision of services on water supply on bulk distribution lines and (or) channels, according to appendix 16 to this order;
17) the Standard agreement on rendering services of railway tracks with objects of rail transport under agreements of concession, according to appendix 17 to this order;
18) the Standard agreement on rendering services in the organization of balancing of production consumption of electrical energy, according to appendix 18 to this order;
19) the Standard agreement on rendering services in supply with heat energy, according to appendix 18 to this order;
20) the Standard agreement on rendering services on rendering services in use of national power grid, according to appendix 20 to this order.
2. Declare invalid the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 27, 2015 No. 266 "About approval of standard agreements on the provided regulated utilities (goods, works), and also on other provided regulated services (goods, works) relating to the sphere of natural monopoly" (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan for No. 11254, it is published on July 1, 2015 in information system of law of Ad_let).
3. To committee on regulation of natural monopolies, protection of the competition and the rights of consumers in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:
1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Appendix 1
to the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 24, 2019 No. 58
___________________________ "__" ________ 20 __ years
(place of agreement)
(the name of the subject providing service, business identification number)
providing services in technical scheduling of leave in network and
consumption of electrical energy, the hereinafter referred to as Supplier,
on behalf of _____________________________________________________________,
(position, surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) (further - First name, middle initial, last name)
acting on the basis of the ___________________________, on the one hand
and __________________________________________________________________
(user's details, business identification number / individual identification number)
the hereinafter referred to as Consumer, on behalf of __________________________
position, First name, middle initial, last name)
acting on the basis of the __________________________, on the other hand, signed this agreement (further - the Agreement) as follows.
1. In the Agreement the following basic concepts are used:
emergency violation - the inadmissible variations of technological parameters of work of electroinstallation or its elements which caused their conclusion from work or damage during operation;
settlement period - the period determined in the Agreement as the period of time equal to one calendar month from 00:00 o'clock the first day till 24:00 (Central European time - time of meridian of Greenwich plus one hour) hours of the last day of month for which calculation of services of the Supplier for technical scheduling is made;
national dispatch center of the system operator - the structural division of the system operator performing functions of centralized supervisory control of the modes of production, transfer and consumption of electrical energy and capacity in single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
complex of commercial accounting - the equipment necessary for commercial accounting located between certain point of commercial accounting and point of connection to the information acquisition device;
the actual balance of production - consumption of electrical energy in the wholesale market of electrical energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the document constituted by the system operator displaying amounts of the delivered and consumed electrical energy for settlement period;
the actual amount - amount of electrical energy, the Consumer released (imported) by the Consumer in network (on networks) all classes of tension, irrespective of accessory of networks, including in network (on networks);
the supplier - the system operator rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy to the Consumer;
regional dispatch center - the regional dispatch center of the system operator which is quickly subordinated to national dispatch center of the system operator and performing operational and dispatching functions;
the request - the written instrument signed by the authorized representative Potrebitelya and sent to the Supplier according to the procedure and to the terms established by the Agreement, containing information on amount of electrical energy, period of time of transfer of electrical energy, distribution of amount on capacity during this period. The request can be monthly, daily and operational;
the consumer who - is power making, power supplying or the power transferring organization, and also the legal entity performing delivery (import) of the electric power because of limits of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
department of authorized body - department of the state body performing management in the respective spheres of natural monopolies;
power networks - the set of substations, distributing devices and the power lines connecting them intended for transfer and/or the distributions of electrical energy belonging both to the Supplier and/or the Consumer, and the third parties on the property right, the corporeal right or on other bases established by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
normative electric power quality - the quality of electrical energy conforming to the requirements and standards approved at the time of agreement performance;
contractual amount of electric energy / electric power - the amount of electrical energy which is subject to technical scheduling;
the daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy - the document approved by the system operator regulating hourly sizes of production and consumption of electrical energy for every calendar day according to the agreements on purchase and sale of electrical energy signed by participants of the wholesale market in the markets of the decentralized purchase and sale of electrical energy and centralized trade by electrical energy.
Other concepts and terms used in this Agreement are applied according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on natural monopolies and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 9, 2004 "About power industry".
2. The supplier provides technical scheduling of supply of electricity in network and parallel operation of power stations of the Consumer as a part of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. Specifications and characteristics of rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy:
(specifications and characteristics are provided in this Item
the subject of the agreement which shall conform to requirements
regulating technical documents)
4. Services in technical scheduling are rendered according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on power industry and this Agreement.
5. To the mode of technical scheduling daily schedules of issue of electrical energy from the power making organizations and/or the electrical energy imported by the Consumer are accepted.
6. The request for sale and (or) the purchasing request of electrical energy, and also their adjustment, for inclusion in the daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy approved by the system operator is constituted by the Consumer according to the Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy approved by the order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 20, 2015 No. 106 (it is registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan for No. 10531) (further - Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy).
7. The actual amount of the electrical energy released (imported) by the Consumer in network (on networks) of all classes of tension, irrespective of point of accession of electroinstallations, is determined from 00:00 o'clock the first day till 24:00 o'clock (Central European time - time of meridian of Greenwich plus one hour) the last day of settlement period by indications of the devices of commercial accounting established on tires of the power making organizations (power plants) of the Consumer, or on limit of the Section of operational responsibility of the Consumer and electronetwork owners with signing of the reconciliation statement of indications of devices of commercial accounting by the parties no later than the fifth following for settlement.
8. Adjustment on monthly amount of contractual size of supply of electricity is approved by the parties not later than ten calendar days prior to the beginning of month. Adjustment of monthly amount is allowed within contractual quarter amount of services in technical scheduling.
Offers on quarter amount of contractual size of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy are approved by the parties not later than sixty calendar days prior to the beginning of quarter.
9. Devices of commercial accounting shall be checked and sealed up. The parties provide each other access to commercial metering devices, during working hours of days for the purposes of removal of indications, check and approbation. If one of the parties is not present at removal of indications, then other party makes removal of indications independently.
10. The parties make at own expense metrological checkings of the counters which are on their balance and other measuring equipment in the terms provided by the corresponding metrological standards.
The parties can demand carrying out additional checkings which are made at the expense of the requiring party.
If in case of additional checking it will be found out that meter readings exceed the error allowed by their class of accuracy, costs for additional checking are paid by the owner of devices.
11. When carrying out any kind of the works connected with change or violation of accounting of the electric power, the Consumer before works in writing informs on it the Supplier and gets the corresponding permission. During repair by the Consumer accounting of the electric power can be performed according to the temporary schemes approved with the Supplier.
12. The supplier has the right:
1) to adjust the approved daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy of the Consumer according to Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy;
2) to make switchings in electric distributing devices of power plants and substations of the Consumer for conclusion in repair of the equipment (high-voltage lines), implementation, liquidation of emergency violations;
3) in case of violation of contractual conditions to stop rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy according to the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
13. The supplier shall:
1) to provide equal conditions for all participants of the wholesale market of electrical energy;
2) in case of the conclusion of service provision agreements on technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy regarding establishment of rates to be guided by decisions of department of authorized body;
3) to allow the breaks established by the agreement in giving, the termination or restriction of rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy;
4) to provide reliability of parallel work of the Consumer as a part of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan including at the expense of means of antiemergency control on objects of the Consumer and the third parties;
5) to perform technical study of requests and to create conditions for conclusion in repair of primary equipment, devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, and also antiemergency automatic equipment of the means of dispatching and technological management of the Consumer which are in operational management and maintaining national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) and to make necessary switchings in power networks for safety of carrying out repair work or production of testing on the Consumer's objects;
6) No. 128 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30.06.2023
7) in case of complete dumping of capacity power source (power plant) of the Consumer to zero with loss of own needs of power sources (power plants) to perform giving of tension on tires of power source of the Consumer for recovery of food of own needs;
8) timely to inform the Consumer on origins of violation of the normal mode of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan which led to violation of normal operating mode of the equipment of power source of the Consumer;
To provide 9) to the Consumer technological information, in the amount approved by the Supplier, characteristics and schemes of the transferring lines and substations, lists of persons, directly actionees of terms of the contract and having the right to conduct operational negotiations;
10) to provide technical capability of access for representatives of the Consumer for receipt of the complete information about accomplishment by the Supplier of terms of the contract;
11) to observe dispatching and technological discipline, not to allow actions which can lead to violation of operating mode of power source of the Consumer;
12) to fulfill requirements of regulating documents, instructions, not to cause the actions damage to business activity of the Consumer;
13) to adjust the daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy according to the request of the Consumer according to Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy;
14) No. 128 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30.06.2023
15) to carry out calculations and to handle issues of stability and antiemergency control in network of 110-220-500-1150 kilovolts which are in operational management and maintaining the Supplier;
To represent 16) on execution of graphics of automatic frequency loading;
17) to support the required level of frequency and tension on electrical power objects of the Supplier in the normal modes according to normative and technical acts and standards in the field of power industry;
18) to represent schedules of tension at least once a quarter in control points of the Supplier;
19) to consider and approve annual and monthly schedules of capital and running repairs of the electronetwork and electrical power equipment, the devices of relay protection and automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment which are in operational management and maintaining the Supplier;
20) to carry out necessary calculations and coordination of installations, development or coordination of schematic (structural) diagrams for the devices of relay protection and automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment which are in operational management and maintaining the Supplier;
21) to provide indemnification, the powers or wrongful acts caused to the Consumer in case of excess from its party and only in case of full implementation by the Consumer of terms of the contract;
22) to consider and approve, the necessary calculations of settings, schematic (structural) diagrams executed by the Consumer for the devices of relay protection and automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment which are in operational management of the Supplier.
14. The consumer has the right:
1) to demand from the Supplier accomplishment of obligations under this agreement;
2) to challenge actions of the Supplier according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on power industry;
3) to submit the application for adjustment of the daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy according to Rules of the organization and functioning of the wholesale market of electrical energy.
15. The consumer shall:
1) to provide proper technical condition of distributing devices, the devices of antiemergency and regime automatic equipment located on objects of the Consumer, devices and complexes of commercial accounting of the electric power according to requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of power industry;
2) to observe the approved daily schedule of production - consumption of electrical energy;
3) to fulfill the normative requirements directed to maintenance of standard frequency of electrical energy in single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) to allow workers of the Supplier to devices of commercial accounting, and also employees of the authorized body performing management in spheres of use of atomic energy and power industry for control of technical condition and safety of operation of electroinstallations according to regulatory legal acts in the field of power industry.
To represent 5) to national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) the hourly schedule of the execution of loading to 08:00 o'clock in the afternoon preceding day of execution of the daily schedule;
6) to fulfill requirements of national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) for dispatching regulation of electric loading and to accept the daily schedule of production consumption of electrical energy approved in accordance with the established procedure to execution;
7) No. 128 is excluded according to the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30.06.2023
8) to provide accounting of the electric power;
9) to organize transfer to national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) of telemetric information on leave to network of the Consumer;
To transfer 10) to national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) which information, the amount and terms of receipt are provided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of power industry, for planning of the long-term, short-term and daily modes of single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
11) daily, to 11:00 o'clock in the afternoon to transfer to national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) information on the actual amount of the released electric power for last days;
To represent 12) upon the demand of the Supplier results of measurements on generation of active and jet capacity for characteristic working winter and summer days;
13) in January of each calendar year to represent to national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) technological information, characteristics and schemes of power plant, executive schemes of devices of relay protection and automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment of the organization of communication channels and telemechanics, lists of persons having the right to conduct operational switchings and negotiations, and also lists of persons responsible for operation of means of communication, telemechanics, relay protection, automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment and also to report timely about their changes;
14) to observe dispatching and technological discipline, not to allow actions which can lead to violation of operating mode of power pool, fulfill requirements of directive documents, instructions and regulations on relations, not to cause the actions, uncoordinated to the Supplier, damage to other subjects of power market;
15) quickly and fully to inform national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) on all violations of operating mode, the spontaneous phenomena and accidents according to industry instructions;
16) to perform normal operation, maintenance (timely carrying out repair and adjustment work) of the primary equipment and to carry out set by national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center) of the characteristic, amounts and installations of devices of relay protection, antiemergency and regime automatic equipment, automatic frequency unloading;
17) to provide transfer under the approved protocols of dispatching management of amount of telemetric information, necessary for the purposes, which is determined by national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center);
18) to provide the organization of communication channels for two independent directions with regional dispatch center for supervisory control implementation;
19) to provide availability of measuring complexes of commercial accounting of the electric power with connection to the automated system of commercial accounting of the electric power of the Supplier;
20) to pay services of the Supplier in technical scheduling in the amount of and procedure, established by the Agreement;
21) not to break the approved annual, quarter, monthly schedules of capital and running repairs electronetwork, electro - both the heat power equipment, devices of relay protection and automatic equipment, and the antiemergency automatic equipment which is in operational management and maintaining the Supplier;
22) to carry out necessary calculations of settings, to develop or approve schematic (structural) diagrams for the devices of relay protection and automatic equipment and antiemergency automatic equipment which are in operational management of the Consumer.
16. The supplier has the right to suspend or stop rendering services in technical scheduling in case of failure to carry out by the Consumer of the obligations under the Agreement, with the prior notice of the Consumer at least in 72 hours. At the same time the termination of services in technical scheduling is implemented by means of allocation of power source of the Consumer for the isolated work before accomplishment by the Consumer of terms of the contract.
17. The parties shall quarterly, within fifteen calendar days from the date of receipt of the reconciliation statement, sign the settlement reconciliation statement as of the last number of quarter, with indication of disagreements or without those.
18. Fee of the Supplier on technical scheduling is made according to the rate approved by department of authorized body.
19. In case of change of rate the Supplier in writing or through mass media notifies on it the Consumer in the terms established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on natural monopolies.
Final settlement is made by the Consumer within five working days from the date of the actual provision of the supplier invoice for payment exposed based on the reconciliation statement of amounts of the rendered services.
20. In case of refusal one of the parties from signing of the reconciliation statement of indications of devices of commercial accounting, the document confirming the actual amount of the rendered services is the actual balance of production consumption of electrical energy in the wholesale market of electrical energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
21. In the presence of debt for previous periods first of all payment goes for repayment of this debt. In case of payment by the Consumer of the amount exceeding actual for settlement period, the difference of this excess is automatically set off in advance payment of the next settlement period (or, as agreed by the parties, on account of debt repayment of the Consumer according to other obligations to the Supplier if that is available). If the Consumer refuses services of the Supplier for the next settlement period, excessively paid amounts return, except for the amounts which go for debt repayment of the Consumer on others, to the obligations confirmed with the parties, including cash, before the Supplier (if that is available).
22. If the Consumer challenges correctness of the exposed invoice, it notifies the Supplier within ten calendar days from the date of receipt of the invoice and submits to the Supplier the written application with statement of objections. At the same time the Consumer shall pay not challenged part of the invoice in the terms stated above.
23. Obligation fulfillment of the Consumer on fee of the Supplier on technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy transfer of money for the current account of the Supplier on the details specified in the invoice or on the current account of the third party on the details specified by the Supplier in the notification sent to the Consumer is recognized.
24. In case of detection, after signing of the act of the performed works (the rendered services), defect of instrumentations, the Supplier makes the statement of the corrected invoice, by cancellation of earlier exposed invoice, according to the procedure and the terms established by the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the corrected and mutually signed act of the performed works (the rendered services).
25. By agreement of the parties others can be established procedure and payment method of services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy.
26. Under this agreement the parties bear responsibility according to the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan for failure to carry out or inadequate accomplishment of obligations.
27. For non-payment of the invoice by the time of approach of payment due date on it the Supplier has the right to charge penalty on the unpaid Consumer to the amounts since the day following behind day of the termination of payment due date. On the overdue amounts the Supplier has the right to demand from the Consumer of payment of the penalty calculated proceeding from 1, 5-fold refunding rate established by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the date of the actual execution by the Consumer of monetary commitment, for each day of payment delay.
28. In case of non-payment of payments in the terms provided by this Agreement, the Supplier can determine operating mode according to Item 16 of the Agreement what informs the Consumer at least in 72 hours prior to input of restrictions on.
29. The supplier does not bear responsibility to the Consumer for the violation of operating mode of power source of the Consumer caused:
1) emergence of force majeure circumstances;
2) production accidents and technological violations on power generation facilities of the subjects of the wholesale and retail market who are not participating in this Agreement;
3) the lack of communication or information provided by industry instructions on fault of the Consumer;
4) wrong actions of personnel of the Consumer;
5) the circumstances provided by subitems 2), 3) of Item 12 and Item 16 of this Agreement;
6) operation of antiemergency automatic equipment in the places and amounts set by national dispatch center of the system operator (regional dispatch center).
30. The supplier does not bear responsibility for quality of the provided services in technical scheduling in case of incomplete or inadequate accomplishment by the Consumer of the obligations under the Agreement.
31. The parties are exempted from liability for non-execution or not proper execution of agreement obligations if it was consequence of force majeure circumstances. In this case any of the Parties will not have the right to indemnification. Upon the demand of the either party the commission determining execution of cross liabilities can be created. At the same time any of the Parties is not exempted from the obligations under the Agreement arising before force majeure circumstances.
In case of approach of force majeure circumstances, the Parties within five working days from the date of their approach notify on this each other, with the subsequent delivery or sending by mail the written notice specifying start date and the description of the force majeure circumstances confirmed with the relevant authorized organization of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
32. Obligations of Agreement parties can be suspended on effective period of force majeure circumstances, but only in that degree in which such circumstances interfere with obligation fulfillment of Agreement parties.
If force majeure circumstances will last three and more months, each of the Parties has the right to terminate the Agreement on condition of the prior notice of other party at least, than in twenty calendar days prior to date of expected termination. At the same time the Parties shall make within thirty calendar days all settlement under the Agreement.
33. The agreement of rendering services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy consists with the Consumer in individual procedure.
34. In case of any dispute or disagreement which arose by any provision of the Agreement or in general or in connection with any question or action concerning Agreement provisions, the either party has the right to send to other party the claim with complete statement of essence of dispute.
The parties make all efforts for settlement of all disputes by negotiations.
35. In case of not achievement of consent all disputes and disagreements over the Agreement are permitted in courts in the location of the defendant.
The parties have the right to terminate the Agreement in other cases stipulated by the legislation the Republic of Kazakhstan.
36. The relations of the Parties following from the Agreement and which are not settled by it are regulated by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
37. The agreement is constituted in duplicate in the Kazakh and Russian languages in one copy for each Party.
38. By agreement of the parties the Agreement can be added with other conditions which are not contradicting the standard agreement and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The agreement for the public institutions financed from the government budget is registered in territorial authorities of treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and becomes effective from the date of its registration.
39. The agreement becomes effective from 00:00 o'clock "___" ________ 20 __ years and is effective till 24:00 o'clock "___" with _________ 20 __ years (Central European time - time of meridian of Greenwich plus one hour).
40. The duration of the agreement is extended for certain term with refining of amount of services in technical scheduling of leave in network and consumption of electrical energy if one of the parties declares it in thirty calendar days prior to the termination of the duration of the agreement. Prolongation of term of the agreement is drawn up by the supplementary agreement to the Agreement.
In the absence of the statement of one of the parties for the termination or change of the agreement upon termination of term, it is considered extended for the same term and on the same conditions what were provided by the agreement.
Supplier: _____________________ Consumer: _____________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
Appendix 2
to the Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 24, 2019 No. 58
___________________________ "___" ________ 20 __.
(place of agreement)
(the name of the subject providing service, business identification number)
providing services in transfer of electrical energy in the national
power network, hereinafter referred to as the Supplier on behalf of ___________
(position, surname, name, middle name (in case of its availability) (further - First name, middle initial, last name)
acting on the basis of the ___________________________, on the one hand
and __________________________________________________________________
(consumer's details, business identification number /
individual identification number)
the hereinafter referred to as Consumer, on behalf of __________________________
(position, First name, middle initial, last name)
acting on the basis of the __________________________, on the other hand
signed this agreement (further - the Agreement) as follows.
1. In the Agreement the following basic concepts are used:
emergency violation - the inadmissible variations of technological parameters of work of electroinstallation or its elements which caused their conclusion from work or damage during operation;
limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory - the limit of the Section of power networks of the parties belonging to them on the property right, other corporeal right or on other bases established by the civil legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determined by the act of differentiation of balance sheet accessory in terminal point of transfer of electrical energy;
settlement period - the period determined in the Agreement as the period of time equal to one calendar month from 00:00 o'clock the first day till 24:00 o'clock (Central European time - time of meridian of Greenwich plus one hour) last day of month for which calculation of services of the Supplier for transfer of electrical energy is made;
delivery point - accession (system of accessions) on limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of the Supplier in which the Supplier transfers electrical energy to the Consumer;
national dispatch center of the system operator - the structural division of the Supplier performing functions of the central operational dispatching management by the modes of production, transfer and consumption of electrical energy and capacity in single electric utility system of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
complex of commercial accounting - the equipment necessary for commercial accounting located between certain point of commercial accounting and point of connection to the information acquisition device;
collection point - accession (system of accessions) on limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of the Supplier in which the Consumer transfers to the Supplier amount of electrical energy for the subsequent transfer it on networks of the Supplier to delivery points;
the actual balance of production - consumption of electrical energy in the wholesale market of electrical energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan - the document constituted by the system operator displaying amounts of the delivered and consumed electrical energy for settlement period;
the supplier - the system operator performing transfer of electrical energy on national power grid;
regional dispatch center - the regional dispatch center of the system operator (Supplier) which is quickly subordinated to national dispatch center of the system operator and performing operational and dispatching functions on certain region;
the request - the written instrument signed by the authorized representative Potrebitelya, and sent to the Supplier according to the procedure and to the terms established by the Agreement, containing information on amount of electrical energy, period of time of transfer of electrical energy, distribution of amount on capacity during this period. The request is monthly, daily and operational;
the consumer - the subject of the wholesale market who concluded the bilateral bargain of purchase and sale of electrical energy with its delivery to certain period of time (week, month, quarter, year);
department of authorized body - department of the state body performing management in the respective spheres of natural monopolies;
power networks - set of substations, distributing devices, and the connecting power networks belonging both to the Supplier and/or the Consumer and the third parties on the property right, the corporeal right or on other bases established by the law;
route of transmission of electricity - way of transfer of electrical energy from collection point on power networks of the Supplier to delivery points of the Consumer;
amount of electrical energy - the quantity of electrical energy transferred to the Consumer's address, determined by indications of devices of commercial accounting on limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of the Supplier and Consumer, and/or the third parties, measured in kilowatt hours for the purpose of cost determination of services in the Agreement;
the actual amount of electrical energy - the amount of the electrical energy given by the Supplier to the Consumer, determined based on indications of devices of commercial accounting and confirmed with the reconciliation statement of amounts of electrical energy or the actual balance.
Other concepts and terms used in this Agreement are applied according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on natural monopolies and the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 9, 2004 "About power industry".
2. The supplier accepts from the Consumer electrical energy on border of balance sheet accessory of the networks in the collection points stipulated by this Agreement and performs its transfer to the Consumer on the power networks to the delivery points stipulated by this Agreement.
In case of purchase by the Consumer of electrical energy from the single purchaser and (or) settlement center of the balancing electricity market, in this agreement points of acceptance of electrical energy are not specified.
3. Specifications and characteristics of rendering services in transfer of electrical energy on national power grid:
(it is provided in this Item specifications and characteristics
the subject of the agreement which shall conform to requirements
regulating technical documents in the field of power industry).
4. Transfer of electrical energy is made on the basis and according to the quarter or monthly request taking into account the possible adjustment made according to Items 5, 6 and 7 Agreements.
5. The application for the forthcoming quarter is submitted by the Consumer no later than sixty calendar days prior to the beginning of the respective quarter.
6. The monthly request is submitted by the Consumer no later than ten calendar days prior to the beginning of the corresponding settlement period for the forthcoming settlement period. Adjustment of monthly amount is allowed only within contractual quarter amount of transmission of electricity.
7. The monthly and quarter request is submitted by the Consumer Postavshchiku means of fax connection and (or) by e-mail.
8. Adjustment by the Consumer in the monthly request of daily amounts of electrical energy and their distribution on capacity within the corresponding days is allowed. Adjustment is performed by means of:
1) the daily application submitted no later than 11:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the days preceding days for which amounts are adjusted;
2) the operational application submitted according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
9. The daily application is submitted by the authorized representative Potrebitelya means of fax connection and (or) by e-mail.
10. The operational application is submitted by means of the telephone message by the authorized representative Potrebitelya, with its obligatory subsequent registration in writing. Potrebitel timely tells the Supplier surname, name and middle name (in case of its availability) the authorized representative submitting operational applications by means of the written notice.
In case of address modification of e-mail, phone numbers and/or fax machines on which for the purpose of agreement performance monthly, daily, operational requests of the Consumer, and also operational requests arriving in festive and the days off are accepted by the Supplier the Supplier shall notify on it the Consumer in writing.
11. The actual amount transferred by the Supplier to the Consumer of electrical energy for settlement period in delivery points, is determined from 00:00 o'clock the first calendar day till 24:00 o'clock (Central European time - time of meridian of Greenwich plus one hour) the last calendar day of settlement period based on indications of the devices of commercial accounting established on borders of balance sheet accessory.
The actual amount of the transferred electrical energy for settlement period is confirmed by the statement of the performed works (the rendered services) which is drawn up based on reconciliation statements of indications of devices of commercial accounting and (or) the reconciliation statement of amounts of the rendered services.
12. The parties access to devices of commercial accounting within a day for the purposes of removal of indications shall provide at any time each other, checks of technical condition of chains of telemetry and complex of commercial accounting of the electric power. Removal of indications of devices of commercial accounting on the end of settlement period is made by authorized representatives of the parties. If the authorized representative of one of the parties is absent or refuses removal of indications, then the authorized representative of other party is allowed to self-construct removal of indications.
In case of removal of indications of devices of commercial accounting by authorized representatives of the parties the reconciliation statement of indications of devices of commercial accounting shall be signed.
13. The parties draw up till the fifth of the calendar month following for settlement, the act of the performed works (the rendered services) on the electrical energy transferred for the corresponding settlement period which is signed and certified by seals of the parties (in case of their availability).
In case of refusal one of the parties from signing of the act, the document confirming amount of the transferred electrical energy is the actual balance of production - consumption of electrical energy in the wholesale market of electrical energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
14. If accounting is made not on limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of the Supplier and Consumer, the actual amount of the transferred electrical energy is determined by devices of the commercial accounting established at the Consumer taking into account losses of electrical energy in networks of the Consumer. Losses of the electrical energy transferred on power networks of the third parties are determined by the owner of these power networks.
15. The consumer regulates relations on transfer of electrical energy and supervisory control in power networks of the third parties by creation of the separate contract with the third parties.
16. The supplier does not bear responsibility on amounts and quality of the transferred electrical energy through power networks of the third party.
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