It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On December 22, 2017 No. 49381
of November 22, 2017 No. 626
About approval of Rules of care of the woods
According to Article 64 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation Code, 2006, No. 50, Art. 5278; 2008, No. 20, Art. 2251; No. 30, Art. 3597, Art. 3599, Art. 3616, No. 52, Art. 6236; 2009, No. 11, Art. 1261, No. 29, Art. 3601, No. 30, Art. 3735, No. 52, Art. 6441; 2010, No. 30, Art. 3998; 2011, No. 1, Art. 54, No. 25, Art. 3530, No. 27, Art. 3880, No. 29, Art. 4291, No. 30, Art. 4590, No. 48, Art. 6732, No. 50, Art. 7343; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446, No. 31, Art. 4322; 2013, No. 51, Art. 6680, No. 52, Art. 6961, Art. 6971, Art. 6980; 2014, No. 11, Art. 1092, No. 26, Art. 3377, Art. 3386, No. 30, Art. 4251; 2015, No. 27, Art. 3997, No. 29, Art. 4350, Art. 4359; 2016, No. 1, Art. 75, No. 18, Art. 2495, No. 26, Art. 3875, Art. 3887, No. 27, Art. 4198, Art. 4294; 2017, No. 27, the Art. 3940) and subitem 5.2.124 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2015 No. 1219 (The Russian Federation Code, 2015, No. 47, Art. 6586; 2016, No. 2, Art. 325, No. 25, Art. 3811, No. 28, Art. 4741, No. 29, Art. 4816, No. 38, Art. 5564, No. 39, Art. 5658, No. 49, Art. 6904; 2017, to No. 42, of the Art. 6163), I order:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of care of the woods.
S. E. Donskoy
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2017 No. 626
1. These rules of care of the woods (further - Rules) are developed according to Article 64 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation (The Russian Federation Code, 2006, No. 50, Art. 5278; 2008, No. 20, Art. 2251, No. 30, Art. 3597, Art. 3599, Art. 3616, No. 52, Art. 6236; 2009, No. 11, Art. 1261, No. 29, Art. 3601, No. 30, Art. 3735, No. 52, Art. 6441; 2010, No. 30, Art. 3998; 2011, No. 1, Art. 54, No. 25, Art. 3530, No. 27, Art. 3880, No. 29, Art. 4291, No. 30, Art. 4590, No. 48, Art. 6732, No. 50, Art. 7343; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446, No. 31, Art. 4322; 2013, No. 51, Art. 6680, No. 52, Art. 6961, Art. 6971, Art. 6980; 2014, No. 11, Art. 1092, No. 26, Art. 3377, Art. 3386, No. 30, Art. 4251; 2015, No. 27, Art. 3997, No. 29, Art. 4350, Art. 4359; 2016, No. 1, Art. 75, No. 18, Art. 2495, No. 26, Art. 3875, Art. 3887, No. 27, Art. 4198, Art. 4294; 2017, No. 27, Art. 3940) (further - the Forest code of the Russian Federation) also establish procedure of actions for care of the woods in all forest regions of the Russian Federation.
Care of the woods is performed taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, and also Rules of procurement of wood and features of procurement of wood in the forest areas, forest parks specified in Article 23 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation, approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2016 No. 474 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2016, registration No. 45041) with the changes made by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of January 11, 2017 No. 5 (registration No. 45468) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 30, 2017 (further - Rules of procurement of wood), Vidov of the felling works, procedure and the sequence of their carrying out approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of June 27, 2016 No. 367 (No. 45040, (further - Types of felling works is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2016), Fire safety regulations in the woods, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2007 No. 417 (The Russian Federation Code, 2007, No. 28, Art. 3432; 2011, No. 20, Art. 2820; 2012, No. 6, Art. 671, No. 46, Art. 6339; 2014, No. 16, Art. 1901; 2016, No. 35, the Art. 5327) (further - Fire safety regulations in the woods), Rules of sanitary safety in the woods approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 20, 2017 No. 607 (The Russian Federation Code, 2017, No. 23, the Art. 3318) (further - Rules of sanitary safety), Features of use, protection, protection, reproduction of the woods located in especially protected natural territories approved by the order MPR of Russia of July 16, 2007 No. 181 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on September 3, 2007, registration No. 10084) with the changes made by the order MPR of Russia of March 12, 2008 No. 54 (registration No. 11402), Features of use, protection, protection, the reproduction of the woods located in the water protection zones, the woods, performing functions of protection of natural and other objects, the valuable woods is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on March 25, 2008, and also the woods located on especially protective sites of the woods approved by the order of Rosleskhoz of December 14, 2010 No. 485 (registration No. 19474) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 30, 2010.
In the woods located in especially protected natural territories, care of the woods is carried out according to regulations on the corresponding especially protected natural territory.
2. According to Article 64 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation care of the woods represents implementation of the actions directed to increase in productivity of the woods, preserving their useful functions (the cabin of part of trees, bushes, agricultural forest melioration and other actions) (further - the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings).
3. Care of the woods is performed according to these rules in amounts by types of the actions specified in forest plans of subjects of the Russian Federation, forestry and landscape regulations of forest areas (forest parks), in projects of development of the woods.
4. Care of the woods shall be performed by persons using the woods based on the lease agreement of the wood lot, the right of permanent (termless) use of the wood lot or free use by the wood lot, or public authorities, local government bodies within their powers determined according to Articles 81 - 84 Forests codes of the Russian Federation (further - public authorities, local government bodies), Article 19 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation.
5. Care of the woods by holding agricultural forest melioration actions on lands on which reforestation is performed, the recovered, reclaimed <1> lands, is performed for the purpose of creation of the protective forest plantings providing preserving and increase antierosion, water regulating of sanitary and hygienic functions of the woods.
<1> Paragraph 4 of article 2 of the Federal Law of January 10, 1996 No. 4-FZ "About land reclamation" (The Russian Federation Code 1996, No. 3, the Art. 142).
6. The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings belong to actions for care of the woods; agricultural forest melioration actions; other actions, including updating of forest plantings; reorganization of forest plantings; reconstruction of forest plantings; lesovodstvenno-forest shelter care of the woods; care of reforestation, undergrowth and other valuable components of plantings (subjects to leaving); recreational and landscape care of the woods; auxiliary types of care of the woods; special types of care of the woods.
7. Actions for care of the woods are performed taking into account purpose of the operational woods, categories of the protective woods and especially protective sites of the woods.
In the operational woods of action for care of the woods are directed to increase in productivity of the woods, receipt of high-quality wood and not wood forest resources.
In the operational woods leaving is conducted behind target tree species of artificial and natural origin which wood is most demanded. Target tree species shall be established in the forest plan of the subject of the Russian Federation based on the analysis of structure of production and demand for wood.
In the protective woods and on especially protective sites of the woods of action for care of the woods are directed to preserving and recovery of sredoobrazuyushchy, water preserving, protective, sanitary and hygienic, improving and useful functions of the woods.
For the protective woods and especially protective sites of the woods target breeds are the tree species answering to purpose of the protective woods and especially protective sites of the woods.
8. The quality evaluation and efficiency of the held events for care of the woods is carried out by public authorities, local government bodies in case of survey of cutting areas after the end of felling works according to the cutting area Inspection routine approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of 27.06.2016 No. 367 (registration No. 45040) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 29, 2016, and also when entering information into the state forest register and its change according to the procedure established by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2013 No. 496 "About approval of the List, forms and procedure for preparation of documents based on which entering of documentary information into the state forest register and its change is performed" (registration No. 30979) is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 31, 2013.
9. The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings shall be performed for achievement of the following results:
improvement of age structure and pedigree structure of forest plantings;
improvement of quality and stability of forest plantings;
preserving and strengthening of protective, water preserving, sanitary and hygienic properties of forest plantings;
maintenance and recovery of biological diversity of the woods;
increase in productivity of plantings (their resource potential);
reducing terms of cultivation technically ripe wood;
rational use of resources of wood.
10. Depending on age of forest plantings and the purposes of care of the woods the following types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are performed:
the cabins of clarification directed to improvement of pedigree and high-quality structure of young growths and conditions of growth of trees target or target tree species;
the cabins of clearing directed to regulation of density of forest plantings and improvement of conditions of growth of trees target or target tree species and also on continuation of forming of pedigree and high-quality structure of young growths;
the cabins of thinning directed to creation in forest plantings of favorable conditions for forming of trunks and kroner of the best trees;
the cabins through passage directed to creating favorable conditions of growth of the best trees, increases in their surplus, continuation (completion) of forming of structure of plantings;
the cabins of preserving forest plantings which are carried out in ripe and overmatured forest stands for the purpose of preserving, their maintenance in condition of effective implementation of criterion functions, accumulatings of high-quality wood, increase in fructification;
the cabins of updating of forest plantings which are carried out in overmatured forest stands ripe and in the coming forest stands losing criterion functions for the purpose of creating favorable conditions for growth of the young perspective trees which are available in planting, appearing in connection with assistance to forest regeneration and carrying out cabins of the forest plantings which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings;
the cabins of reorganization of forest plantings which are carried out in the forest stands created middle-aged and more advanced age for the purpose of basic change of their structure, structure, structure by regulation of ratio of the elements of the wood and creating favorable conditions of growth of trees of target breeds, generations, tiers constituting planting;
the cabins of reconstruction which are carried out for the purpose of removal of invaluable forest plantings or their parts for preparation of conditions for carrying out landing, crops of valuable forest forming breeds died assistance to natural forest regeneration;
the landscape cabins directed to forming, preserving, updating, reconstruction of forest-park landscapes and increase in their esthetic, improving value and stability;
cabins of single trees, including seed plants which executed the function it shall be performed in case of cabins of clarification, cabins of clearing, and also to be carried out as separate action if it was not carried out in the course of cabins of clarification, cabins of clearing.
11. In the protective woods cabins through passage, cabins of thinning, the cabin of preserving forest plantings, cabins of updating of forest plantings, cabins of reorganization of forest plantings, cabins of reconstruction, landscape cabins shall be performed according to the project of care of the woods which is constituted by person performing such cabins.
12. In case of creation of the project of care of the woods shall be carried out:
inspection of the wood lot;
designation on the area of borders of the wood lot.
The project of care of the woods shall contain:
the name of type (types) of actions for care of the woods according to these rules;
stages and terms of work, accounting and assessment of their results;
characteristic of location of the wood lot (name of forest area (forest park), local forest area, category of the protective woods, number of quarter, number of apportionment, area of the wood lot);
characteristic of forest vegetation conditions of the wood lot (including relief, hydrological conditions, soil);
the initial characteristic of planting before holding actions for care of the woods;
the main characteristics of actions for care of the woods (intensity of the cabin, minimum density of kroner, the amount of the areas of sections, amount of the cut-down wood);
the characteristic of the cut-down part of planting;
the description of technologies of performance of works with indication of the carried-out technological transactions, the sequences of their accomplishment on cutting area elements (technological strips, drag, technological (loading) Items);
the projectible characteristic of planting after holding actions for care of the woods.
13. In 30 days prior to carrying out in the protective woods of cabins of preserving forest plantings, cabins of updating of forest plantings, cabins of reorganization of forest plantings, cabins of reconstruction, landscape cabins, cabins of thinning, cabins through passage, person performing the specified cabins sends the project of care of the woods to public authority, local government body for its placement on the official site of relevant organ of the government, local government body on the Internet.
14. Cabins of updating, the cabin of reorganization, the cabin of reconstruction, the cabin of preserving, landscape cabins are not carried out in nut and trade zones and in forest plantings with dominance of cedar Korean.
15. Implementation of cabins of updating, reorganization, reconstruction of the forest plantings located in especially protected natural territories is allowed only if their carrying out is established by regulations on this especially protected natural territory.
16. The age periods of carrying out different types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are given in Appendix 1 to these rules.
Standard rates of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings for forest areas are given in Appendix 2 to these rules.
17. In case of determination of intensity of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in young growths the cut-down wood of inappropriate breeds shall not be considered, at the same time decrease in density of target tree species below the values established for reference of lands to the lands occupied with forest plantings according to the Rules of reforestation approved by the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation of June 29, 2016 No. 375 shall not be allowed (registration No. 44342) (further - Rules of reforestation is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 15, 2016).
18. When implementing all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings improvement of sanitary condition of forest plantings by the cabin of the dried-out, strongly damaged and weakened trees which belong to undesirable according to Item 22 of these rules is provided. The exception is constituted by the separate trees or groups of trees which are subject to leaving as auxiliary for preserving stability, biodiversity and other ecological purposes if they are not the sources of spread of dangerous pathology and objects of increase in fire risk which are subject to obligatory removal according to requirements of Rules of sanitary safety in the woods and Fire safety regulations in the woods.
19. When implementing the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings classification of trees according to which all trees on their lesovodstvenno-biological signs are distributed on three categories is applied: I - the best, II - auxiliary, III - undesirable.
20. Trees of preferably seed origin, with straight lines, the full-wood, rather cleared of boughs trunks well created by kroner, good rooting which are selected mainly from trees target or target breeds in the mixed plantings belong to the best. In difficult forest plantings such trees can be in any tier of forest stand. In the protective woods the trees of different breeds which are characterized by the qualitative characters corresponding to purpose of the woods and functions which are carried out by them belong to the best.
21. The trees promoting clarification of the best trees from boughs, to forming of their trunks and kroner, performing soil-protective and soil-improving functions, and also providing preserving stability and biodiversity of plantings belong to auxiliary.
Auxiliary trees can be in any tier of forest planting.
22. Treat the undesirable trees (which are subject to the cabin):
a) the trees hampering the growth and forming of kroner of the selected best and auxiliary trees;
b) trees of unsatisfactory condition (dead standing, slash, snegolomny, dying off, strongly damaged by harmful organisms, animal);
c) trees with unsatisfactory quality of trunk and krone (bent, with knots stepsons, with strongly expanded, low lowered krone and big sbeg of trunk if these trees lost useful functions and their cutting down does not lead to decrease in completeness of planting below normative, to decrease in stability of plantings).
The trees which are subject to the cabin can be in all array of forest planting.
23. The seed plants which executed the function, single trees which remained on cutting area from the cut-down forest stand (further - single trees) if preserving them is undesirable, shall be cut down in case of the first acceptances of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings. Stocked wood of these trees in case of determination of intensity of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, in young growths it shall not be considered.
24. In forest plantings of the photophilous tree species consisting of trees of one wood breed or with single impurity of trees of other tree species, selection of trees on cultivation is conducted mainly from the upper part of bed curtains, and to the cabin - from lower.
In the forest plantings consisting of trees of two and more breeds in which copies of target tree species lag behind in growth on height from inappropriate to the cabin trees of inappropriate tree species from the upper part of bed curtains shall be selected first of all.
25. In case of space placement of the cut-down and kept trees on the area of the wood lot the following methods of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are applied:
rather uniform cutting down of trees (razrezhivaniye),
uneven cutting down of trees (group, kurtinny, corridor),
schematic cutting down of trees (according to the scheme without signs and qualities of trees corridors, platforms, strips).
At the same time, groups of the cut-down trees shall occupy the small space - to 0, hectare, curtains - to 0, hectare. Width of technological corridors - 2 - 5 m, the size of platforms is established to 0,1 of hectare, width of strips shall not exceed the size of the greatest height of forest stand on the wood lot - as much as possible to 35 m, the area of each strip shall not exceed 0,5 of hectare.
26. Care of young growths (the cabin of clarification and the cabin of clearing) can be performed as method of the uniform cabin of trees on all area, and uneven (groups, corridors, curtains) cabins of trees.
In case of uneven group or kurtinny placement of trees of target tree species on the area of the wood lot the uneven group method of carrying out cabins or kurtinny method of carrying out cabins of the forest plantings which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings shall be applied.
In the mixed young growths in case of cultivation of the mixed plantings it is necessary to provide (including cabins) placement of trees of each wood breed by net groups and with impurity of trees of other breeds which are not exceeding on height target (the strips or curtains consisting of trees of one wood breed).
27. Lesovodstvenny feasibility of implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings is established on the following signs: pedigree structure, completeness and density of forest stand, density of its bed curtains, ratio of heights of trees of different breeds and categories, placement of trees on the area.
In young growths (in case of cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing) the determining signs of feasibility of implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are: structure of forest stand, density of its bed curtains (kroner), the density determined by quantity of trees per acre, ratio of heights of target and minor tree species.
In middle-aged forest plantings in case of cabins of thinning and cabins through passage the determining signs of feasibility of their implementation are: completeness of forest stand and density of bed curtains, density and structure of forest stands, placement of trees on the area and in canopy of the wood.
28. In the forest plantings consisting of one wood breed or with insignificant impurity minor the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are appointed when forest plantings have density of bed curtains of more 0,6 - 0,8, completeness - more 0,8 and in them signs of forming of undesirable quality of trunk of the best trees, oppressions of kroner are shown. Cabins of thinning in the forest plantings consisting of one wood breed are carried out in case of completeness of forest stand of 0,8 above for the purpose of decrease in their density.
In middle-aged plantings, steady in case of razrezhivaniye in forest vegetation conditions of habitat, cabins through passage are carried out in case of completeness of forest stands of 0,8 above.
29. In the mixed single-layer and difficult forest plantings of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, are appointed for the purpose of forming of structure of forest stand and creating favorable conditions for growth of trees of target tree species.
In the mixed young growths for release of trees of target tree species from negative influence of trees of minor tree species, the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are appointed irrespective of density of bed curtains of forest plantings.
In the mixed plantings of second class of age and middle-aged forest plantings of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, are appointed in case of completeness not below 0,7, in case of adverse influence of minor tree species on target, and also for the purpose of cutting down of trees of the short-lived (soft-wooded broadleaf) tree species losing viability, stability, and in the operational woods - reached the established age of the cabin (ripeness) which leaving will lead to loss of quality of wood.
30. Cabins of clarification and the cabin of clearing shall be carried out in the absence of deep snow cover.
In deciduous young growths of steppe zone care of the woods shall be carried out to the spring period.
31. The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in forest plantings of yagodnikovy types of the wood for the purpose of their preserving are performed mainly in case of the chilled soil and snow cover.
32. In coniferous forest plantings with the second tier and undergrowth of cedar leaving shall be conducted in a complex behind the best trees of the first tier and trees of cedar in the second tier and undergrowth when implementing all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings.
33. Forming of cedar orekhonosny plantings shall be performed by systematic razrezhivaniye of the upper bed curtains for the purpose of release from shading of trees of cedar and forming at them the developed krone providing early, plentiful and permanent fructification.
34. Forming of cedar plantings of selection appointment is conducted for the purpose of their improvement feno-and genotypic structure. In the course of care of forest plantings, from trees of the accompanying breeds only those which promote forming of kroner, trunks or strengthening of target signs of selection of subjects to leaving in planting shall remain.
35. Carrying out cabins through passage shall stop in forest plantings coniferous, hard-wooded broadleaved and soft-wooded broadleaf seed and vegetative origin for one class of age to the established age of the cabin.
In the cedar woods with class of age of 40 years cabins through passage shall be conducted to 120-year age.
36. The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are subdivided on intensity: very weak - to 10%; weak - 11 - 20%; moderated - 21 - 30%, moderate and high - 31 - 40%; high - 41 - 50%; very high - 51 - 70%; exclusively high - 71 - 90% with care of target trees under bed curtains (the share of trees of target breeds in planting can be less than 10% in case of enough viable plants).
In case of determination of intensity of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings the cut-down wood of dead trees shall not be considered.
37. In net peregushchenny young growths (completeness of more 1,0) the density of kroner after the cabin shall not be below 0,6. In the mixed forest stands in which copies of target wood breed are muffled or okhlestyvatsya by copies of minor wood breed and also in young growths, heterogeneous by origin, decrease in density of kroner after the cabin to 0,4 is allowed.
In forest cultures and in young growths of natural origin in which target tree species are under bed curtains of invaluable soft-wooded broadleaf breeds complete cutting down of the upper bed curtains of invaluable tree species is allowed.
38. In case of cabins of thinning and cabins through passage in the forest plantings consisting of one wood breed or with insignificant impurity of the accompanying breeds, completeness after the cabin shall not decrease below 0,7 in mixed, and difficult on structure - below 0,5.
39. Cabins of preserving forest plantings for the purpose of maintenance on the maturities (coming ripe, target steady overmatured plantings) in condition of effective functioning, accumulating of resource and ecological potential shall be carried out weak and very weak intensity (to 10 - 15% on inventory) by removal of trees of unsatisfactory sanitary condition, other undesirable trees exerting negative impact on the best, perspective trees. The period of repeating of cabins of preserving forest plantings shall constitute at least 10 years. Cabins of preserving forest plantings shall be carried out according to the standard rates specified in forestry and landscape regulations of forest area (forest park) for the territory of the forest area.
40. In the mountain woods of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, are directed to strengthening of their antierosion function and the water preserving role, to improvement of high-quality condition of plantings. On slopes by the steepness to 10 degrees of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, shall be conducted the same as in similar plantings of the flat woods. On slopes more than 30 degrees of the cabin of forest plantings are not carried out by the steepness.
Completeness of forest plantings (and in young growths - density of kroner) after the cabin on slopes the steepness to 20 degrees of northern exposures shall not be below 0,6, on slopes of the southern exposures - 0,7, on slopes the steepness more than 20 degrees - according to 0,7 and 0,8. In the mixed young growths in case of muting of target tree species minor decrease in density of kroner to 0,5 - 0,4 is admissible.
Cabins through passage in net forest stands on slopes more than 20 degrees are not carried out by the steepness.
41. Agricultural forest melioration actions are performed by creation and recovery of protective forest plantings, their reconstruction and directed forming, rejuvenescence of bushes, assistance to natural renewal of forest plants, care of undergrowth, fixing of mobile sands, afforestation of the degraded lands and soils subject to erosion.
42. For the purpose of increase in productivity of the woods by holding hydromeliorative actions on boggy, rehumidified, excessively humidified or on the contrary, the dry, washed-away and other forest and not forest lands intended for reforestation or afforestation lesovodstvenno-hydroforest melioration care of the woods is performed.
The boggy and rehumidified owing to violation of the hydrological mode in connection with economic or industrial activity sites, and also sites of the drained forest lands, including subjects to fire-proof care of the woods belong to priority projects of drying melioration.
The carrying out drying melioration of sites leading to reducing, change of biodiversity, radical for this territory, loss of valuable natural ecosystems is not allowed.
In complex of lesovodstvenno-hydromeliorative care of the woods of action for creation and operation of drying systems if necessary and economic feasibility are supplemented with the actions improving fertility of the soil: application of fertilizers, crops of green manure crops, and also measures of assistance to renewal by partial removal of moss cover, loosening of the upper layers of earth, crops of seeds, landing of seedlings or saplings.
43. For the purpose of recovery of productivity of the woods on the sites broken by anthropogenous impacts the lesovodstvenno-recultivation care of the woods (lesovodstvenny recultivation) including which is combined with technical recultivation of lands, way of creation on such sites of the forest plantings providing increase in ecological and resource potential of the woods and their useful functions shall be performed.
The sites of the territory with strongly broken or destroyed (remote) soil cover recovered for use in the different purposes using lesovodstvenny actions for creation and cultivation of forest plantings or landings of forest forming plants belong to subjects to lesovodstvenno-recultivation leaving (lesovodstvenny recultivation).
44. Actions for updating of plantings (the cabin of updating and actions supplementing it), are performed with assistance to natural reforestation or with landing of target tree species in the ripe and overmatured forest plantings losing useful functions or in weakened, the coming forest plantings losing stability, viability.
Events for updating of forest plantings shall not be held in the forest plantings growing on slopes the steepness more than 20 degrees and also in the woods located in forest-tundra zones, in nerestookhranny strips of the woods.
45. When carrying out the cabin of updating conditions for successful renewal and development of the younger generations of target forest forming tree species by razrezhivaniye of the upper tier by removal of undesirable trees are created.
In case of razrezhivaniye of the upper tier measures of assistance to natural reforestation can be applied. In plantings without undergrowth partial cutting down of the upper tier by narrow strips or curtains and landing of plants in them target tree species shall be performed.
In the coming and ripe forest plantings losing for various reasons viability and stability of those groups of types of the wood in which the razrezhivaniye provides natural renewal including with carrying out measures of assistance, the cabin of updating is performed by intensity of 16 - 25% of wood inventory to the cabin with the period of repeating of 0,4 - age class 0,6 in plantings with the undergrowth, and 0,6 - age class 1,0 in plantings without undergrowth.
46. Completeness of the upper tier after the cabin in the coming plantings shall not decrease below 0,7, in ripe and overmatured - below 0,. After forming under bed curtains of the younger generation of forest stand the remained overmatured trees of the upper tier are cut down by method of uniform or band selection with intensity of 30 - 50% of inventory of the upper tier for 2 - 3 acceptances of the cabin.
47. In the forest plantings weakened, losing useful functions without undergrowth of target tree species, from the second half of the period of ripeness of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, shall be performed by platforms the size to 0,1 of hectare or strips Ploshchad 0,1 - 0,2 of hectare (up to 30 m wide), and in overmatured forest plantings - to 0,3 - 0,4 of hectare (up to 30 m wide and 100 - 125 m long) with the subsequent landing of plants of target forest forming tree species.
Total area of platforms or strips in case of each cabin shall constitute no more than 20 - 25% of total area of the site.
48. In the coming and ripe forest plantings consisting of undesirable (inappropriate) soft-wooded broadleaf tree species, the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings shall be performed high intensity. In forest stands above with the undergrowth or the second tier of target breeds under bed curtains care of them is performed by completeness of 0,8 by removal each cabin which is carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, no more than 1/3 trees of the first tier with interval between cabins of 0,4 - age class 0,6. In forest stands with completeness of 0,5 - 0,7 the cabin of trees of the first tier in case of care of undergrowth or the second tier is performed for 2 cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, including the strips equal on width to height of forest stand and the area to 0,3 - 0,4 of hectare.
49. In ripe and overmatured plantings with completeness of forest stand of the upper tier of 0,4 less in coniferous, 0, less in deciduous plantings with the second tier or enough viable undergrowth of target breeds care of the last shall be performed by the cabin of the trees of the first tier losing functional role for one leaving of vydelama by the square to 2, of hectare in regions of taiga zone to 1,5 of hectare - in regions of zone of the coniferous and broad-leaved woods, in forest-steppe, podtayezhno-forest-steppe areas, to 1,0 of hectare - in areas of steppes, and also areas of semi-deserts and deserts. In vydela of the bigger area on the trained soils the upper tier is cut down consistently by sections of the specified square with interval between the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, 0,4 - 0,6 of class of age or cherespolosno for 2 - 3 acceptances of the cabin. Strip care of the second tier and undergrowth shall be made at the same time on sites up to 10 hectares.
50. The first tier from trees of the target breeds keeping high viability and strengthening functional role of forest planting shall be cut down only at the end of the period of ripeness or at overmatured age in case of deterioration in condition and negative influence on younger perspective trees.
51. Actions for updating of forest plantings of vegetative origin are admissible to be held irrespective of their initial completeness and availability of the younger generation under bed curtains.
Actions for updating of uneven-aged forest plantings shall be performed by carrying out cabins with intensity of 20 - 25% on inventory and frequency with 1,0 interval - age class 1,2.
52. When implementing actions for updating of forest plantings by method of uneven selection of trees (platforms, strips) width of certain platforms (strips) shall not exceed heights of trees, and extent them in any direction shall not exceed half of extent of the site in the same direction. The share of their total area from the area of all site shall correspond to intensity of the cabin. The arrangement of platforms on land area with rather homogeneous planting shall be rather uniform taking into account the accepted technology of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings. In case of uneven group or kurtinny arrangement of trees of undesirable breeds of the platform take place in places of the most intensive transition of trees to category undesirable or falling off of forest stand.
53. Action for updating of forest plantings which are not under bed curtains or there is quantity of young trees, insufficient for forming of forest stand of target breeds, in which the razrezhivaniye does not provide natural renewal of target tree species, no more than 5 years rarefied to completeness of 0,6 and below plantings in time after the cabin or on platforms and strips within 1 - 2 years after cutting down of trees of the first tier on them are performed with landing of plants of target tree species under bed curtains. The subsequent cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings are performed on the site only after on platforms or strips the close young growth is created. The undergrowth and underbrush of undesirable tree species hampering renewal and the growth of young trees of target breeds shall be cut down.
54. Between acceptances of the cabin of updating shall be carried out to the period: care of undergrowth, razrezhivaniye or removal of underbrush, and also the cabin of clarification and the cabin of clearing on strips with remote upper tier.
In plantings with slabodrenirovanny soils, especially with breeds, poorly steady against windfall, indicators of intensity of the cabin decrease in time 1,5, at the same time the number of acceptances of leaving increases.
55. In the operational woods of the cabin of reorganization of the middle-aged and coming forest plantings with the first tier of breeds, soft-wooded broadleaf or inappropriate on this site, and availability of podpologovy viable generation of target coniferous, hard-wooded broadleaved and other breeds (potential fir groves and potential cedar forests) are performed for 2 - 3 acceptances of the uniform or cherespolosny cabin taking into account condition of podpologovy generation and capability of its adaptation during removal of the upper tier. For preserving not enough forest stands, steady in case of cabins, on the last acceptance the most part of the deleted forest stand is left (for 5 - 10%) and steady strips width the upper height of forest stand suffices.
56. One-reception cabins of reorganization of forest plantings with complete cutting down of the upper tier shall be carried out on sites with low-half-musical coming, more rare middle-aged soft-wooded broadleaf forest stands completeness to 0,6 - 0,7, in which trees of deciduous breeds reached rather large sizes, with viable, not oppressed (or poorly oppressed) the undergrowth of coniferous.
57. Cabins of reorganization of forest plantings shall be carried out by intensity of 50 - 60% on inventory with cutting down of the most large-sized trees of deciduous tier and preserving less large on growing on sites with middle-aged high-half-musical soft-wooded broadleaf forest stands with the oppressed undergrowth or the second tier of coniferous breeds. Cutting down of the first tier for two acceptances shall provide gradual adaptation of coniferous breeds to conditions after the cabin and growing of young thin trees of deciduous breeds to the operational sizes. The period of repeatability of cabins depending on condition of trees of the first tier and podpologovy generation of the wood usually constitutes from 6 - 10 to 15 - 20 years.
58. Cherespolosny cabins of reorganization of forest plantings with cutting down of the first tier of soft-wooded broadleaf breeds strips for two acceptances shall be conducted on sites with the coming srednepolnotny forest stands, with the oppressed undergrowth in which selection of trees on diameter for uniform selection is inexpedient to be made because of their poorly expressed differentiation. The period of repeatability of cabins constitutes from 4 - 6 to 8 - 10 years.
59. In the protective woods for the purpose of increase in efficiency of accomplishment of the water preserving, protective and useful functions, plantings with forest stands of deciduous breeds in the upper tier or their dominance, and availability of the second tier from coniferous trees, and also viable, perspective coniferous undergrowth, are reformed in target, with dominance of coniferous breeds (mainly ate) for one-two acceptances of the cabin taking into account stability of razrezhivayemy forest stand. At the same time the general density of kroner of razrezhivayemy forest stand and the generation of coniferous exempted from under bed curtains shall not be less 0,7.
The middle-aged, coming plantings included in sites of nut and trade zones with forest stands of soft-wooded broadleaf breeds and cedar under bed curtains taking into account age of forest stands, density of bed curtains and condition of cedar are reformed in target cedar plantings for one-two cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings.
In soft-wooded broadleaf unripe forest plantings with availability under bed curtains of forest stand of quantity of trees of cedar, sufficient for forming, in the second tier of the cabin of reorganization are conducted by cutting down of trees of soft-wooded broadleaf breeds of the first tier for one or two acceptances. In forest plantings with completeness to 0,6 release of cedar is made at one time cabins, in case of completeness of more 0,6 - for two acceptances of the cabin with cutting down in the first acceptance of 50 - 60% of initial inventory of forest stand.
60. Actions for reorganization of the even-aged coniferous and deciduous plantings mixed on structure in uneven-aged (conditionally and the woods, absolutely uneven-aged with the number of age generations, respectively at least 3 - 4) are performed for 3 - 4 acceptances of the cabin which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, intensity of 25 - 30% on inventory with the period of repeating of 0,6 - age class 1,0. Specified actions are carried out in the coming plantings with dominance of invaluable short-lived soft-wooded broadleaf breeds which are cut down in the first acceptances in process of their aging, at the same time coniferous forest plantings are not subject to the cabin.
61. In the operational woods events for reconstruction of forest plantings shall be held for the purpose of replacement of unproductive and low-quality forest stands (low-half-musical, unsatisfactory structure, low-commodity) by forest stands of target breeds.
62. In the protective woods events for reconstruction of forest plantings shall be held for the purpose of replacement of the forest plantings losing the sredoobrazuyushchy, water preserving, sanitary and hygienic, improving and other useful functions by the forest plantings providing preserving purpose of the protective woods and the useful functions which are carried out by them.
Events for reconstruction of forest plantings are not held in the forest plantings growing on slopes the steepness it is higher than 20 degrees, and also in the woods located in forest-tundra zones, in nerestookhranny strips of the woods.
63. Actions for reconstruction of forest plantings shall be performed by complete (continuous), partial, and also incomplete cutting down of invaluable forest stand for one or several acceptances with complete or incomplete, supplementing the kept part of planting, reforestation.
64. In the operational woods standard rates of actions for reconstruction of forest plantings, including cabins (width and the area of cutting areas, term of adjunction of cutting areas) in the middle-aged, coming, ripe and overmatured invaluable forest plantings shall be determined according to standard rates of continuous cabins of forest plantings of the soft-wooded broadleaf tree species established by Rules of procurement of wood.
When holding actions for reconstruction of young growths the area of the timberland on which cabins of reconstruction are carried out shall not be limited, and reforestation events shall be held within one year after the cabin of reconstruction.
65. When holding actions for reconstruction of forest plantings in the protective woods types of multireception, not continuous and incomplete reconstruction shall be applied. In invaluable forest plantings in the protective woods the area of sites of one-reception reconstruction shall not exceed 5 hectares, in case of two-three-reception reconstruction - 10 hectares. At the same time, the area of cutting area shall not be more than a half of the reconstructed site located among other sites of the lands occupied with forest plantings with width of cutting area no more than 100 m and its extent equal no more than one third of the reconstructed site.
The area of cutting area shall constitute no more than 3 hectares in case of reconstruction of invaluable forest plantings on the site adjoining sites of the lands which are not occupied with forest plantings and also the cuttings down planned for the next 5 years in the woods located on slopes the steepness over 6 degrees.
Carrying out each subsequent cabin of reconstruction on the neighboring sites is allowed only after on the sites adjoining it there was reforestation the forest plantings of valuable breeds conforming to criteria and requirements to young growths which areas are subject to reference to the lands occupied with forest plantings, established by Rules of reforestation.
66. The Lesotaksatsionny vydela of invaluable forest plantings exceeding on the area, the established maximum permissible sizes less than in 1, time, located among valuable forest plantings, can be appointed to the cabin completely if it does not conduct to negative ecological and other effects. In need of holding such action in big vydela or groups of several having manufactured, occupying the big space, laying of two and more sites at the distance exceeding in any direction site width by 2 - 3 times at least is allowed.
67. In the mountain woods when holding actions for reconstruction of invaluable plantings on slopes to 20 limiting degrees the area of sites shall be 1,5 times less, than in the flat woods.
68. In conditions with the crossed relief of ovrazhno-frame systems depending on the steepness and the extent of slopes, and also their use, taking into account resistance of soils to erosion and actions of other limiting factors the area of sites shall be less established for flat conditions in time 1,5 on slopes of 6 - 20 degrees and twice on slopes more than 20 degrees, at the extent of the site of the continuous cabin along slope no more than on half of its extent.
69. Lesovodstvenno-lesozashchitny care of the woods includes the events for care of the woods held for the purpose of improvement of forest plantings, increase in their resistance to wreckers and diseases, prevention of easing, and also decrease in intensity of spread of pathology both within the wood lot, and on the neighboring timberland.
70. Treat lesovodstvenno-forest shelter actions for care of the woods:
- forming and preserving by the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, plantings of the most steady of structure and structure in specific forest vegetation conditions to defeat by their harmful organisms and to spread of pathology, and also damages by adverse natural factors (windfall, snowbreakage, snow breaker, ожеледь);
- creation, forming and maintenance by the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, and other actions for care of the woods of pedigree and age structure of forest plantings under which general antipathological stability of the woods increases decreases probability of mass defeat by their harmful organisms, the possibility of unrestricted spread of pathology on arrays of forest plantings of identical pedigree structure, age and structure decreases or prevented;
- regular improvement of forest plantings, improvement of their sanitary condition throughout all cycle of development of forest planting by the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings and other actions for care of the woods including performed for the purpose of the prevention of distribution of harmful organisms;
- cleaning of illiquid wood.
71. Planning and holding actions for cleaning of illiquid wood, is performed by the public authorities, local government bodies and persons using the woods on provided in permanent (unlimited use, lease the timberland, according to the project of development of the woods and based on acts of forest pathological inspection of the wood lot confirming sanitary and forest pathological condition.
72. Selection criteria of trees for carrying out lesovodstvenno-forest shelter care of the woods shall be specified in forestry and landscape regulations of forest areas (forest parks).
73. Care of undergrowth, the kept valuable plants and components of forest plantings under bed curtains includes removal of undesirable copies of undergrowth, separate invaluable trees of the upper tiers, underbrush for the purpose of improvement of conditions of growth for target tree species, and also removal of certain part or all undesirable (old, damaged, unpromising) the undergrowth, underbrush as measure of assistance to reforestation and care of target tree species.
Auxiliary types of care of the woods include care of wood edges, care of underbrush, cutting of boughs and branches.
Complex, including special types of care of the woods on the basis of the applied nonmechanical methods of impact on plants and other components of forest plantings include chemical leaving, entering of fertilizer into the soil.
74. According to the procedure of care of the best steady perspective trees of undergrowth and the second tier, and also for assistance to target reforestation copies of the oldest, often big plants on height, shirokokronny, slaborastushchy, dying off, and also less valuable breeds taking into account purpose of the site of the wood shall be cut down.
The cabin of separate invaluable and undesirable trees of the upper tier for the purpose of creation of more favorable conditions to the best copies of undergrowth, trees of the second tier, ensuring their preserving, is allowed of no more than 10% of general inventory of the coming and ripe forest stands in the mixed coniferous and deciduous and deciduous and coniferous plantings, is preferential due to cutting down of trees of soft-wooded broadleaf breeds.
As measures of assistance to reforestation events are also held:
- improvement of conditions of development and fructification for seed trees (planting sources) by removal of the undesirable trees which are close located to them, shading their kroner;
- mineralization of surface of the soil on sites with insufficient quantity of trees with landing, crops of seeds of forest plants.
75. Care of the woods for the purpose of preliminary renewal of target breeds under bed curtains is performed during the period in 10 - 20 years prior to age of the continuous cabin and change of old generation of the wood by complete or partial (depending on specific conditions under bed curtains) removals of inappropriate, unpromising undergrowth, including in complex with underbrush, with preserving in need of part of plants for protection of the soil from ground cover and other adverse processes.
Depending on structure of forest stands, density of bed curtains, underbrush availability such leaving can be performed in two types - "podpologovy" at the expense of razrezhivaniye or removal of undesirable plants under bed curtains of forest stand or combined - with the slabointensivny razrezhivaniye of forest stand supplementing the specified measures due to removal of the separate overmatured trees of unsatisfactory condition which lagged behind in growth of the old unpromising, exerting negative impact on renewal young people.
76. Care of valuable copies of protected species of plants shall be performed by improvement of conditions of their growth due to cutting down of strongly their invaluable and rather invaluable plants shading or exerting other negative impact in any tier or part of bed curtains of planting, without exceeding standard rates of razrezhivaniye and excepting cutting down of the best trees - subjects to leaving.
77. Care of undergrowth under bed curtains, and also plants of protected species, is performed when carrying out main types of care of the woods.
78. For increase in stability of forest plantings, protection them from harmful effects of wind and other factors by the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings shall be created edges of the wood 20 - 25 m wide on borders with woodless spaces (more than 10 hectares) and 5 - 10 m wide from glades, reservoirs, along roads, power lines, communication lines, routes of the pipelines and other similar sites located in the woods.
When carrying out care of edges the forest stand of irregular multilevel shape shall be created of steady trees with low lowered kroner and bushes under their bed curtains, first of all, on border with woodless spaces.
Forest plantings on edges shall be created by their razrezhivaniye at young age to density of kroner 0, - - 0,5, of maintenance by cabins of the forest plantings performed during the actions directed to increase in productivity of the woods, preserving their useful functions, conditions for good development of kroner and achievement of vertical density of their bed curtains. Upon termination of forming of forest plantings on edges only cabins of preserving plantings and if necessary sanitary cabins shall be carried out to them.
In edges of coniferous and hard-wooded broadleaved forest plantings along iron and highways, and also in the edges adjoining agricultural holdings in the fire-proof purposes removal on trees with low lowered kroner of the lower dry branches shall be made.
79. Care of underbrush shall be made for the purpose of increase in its value consisting in protection of the soil against ground cover, siccation, prevention of erosion and also for the purpose of weakening of negative influence of the underbrush muffling trees of target breeds in young growths, creating favorable conditions for renewal of valuable tree species.
Depending on the carried-out appointment the underbrush remains and rejuvenates, or is completely cut down or razrezhivatsya with different intensity.
In young growths in which they need to increase density of underbrush for the best shading of the soil bushes are cut down for ensuring their vegetative renewal at the expense of young growth and strengthening of tillering. At the same time, if breeds from underbrush overtake main in growth and muffle them, the razrezhivaniye or complete cutting down of underbrush shall be carried out.
The cabin of bush shall be made for receipt of plentiful young growth at the height of 5 - 10 cm from the earth in the fall or in the early spring.
On the timberland in the territory of which bushes have antierosion value (on slopes of ravines and in other places) or provide favorable conditions for fauna, their rejuvenation shall be made by the uneven cabin by strips, platforms with repeating in 3 - 5 years.
Care of underbrush is combined whenever possible with the next cabin which is carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings.
80. Cutting of boughs and branches in coniferous forest plantings on the growing trees shall be made for receipt of wood of the extra quality, in soft-wooded broadleaf - for the prevention of formation of internal decay and cultivation of high-quality assortments, at wild-growing fruit-trees - for fructification strengthening, on sites of the protective woods having recreational value - when forming elements of recreational landscape.
Cutting of boughs shall be made at 400 - 700 best trees on 1 hectares allocated usually as target trees by removal of the lower dead boughs and part of the live branches (1 - 2 verticils) shaded and weakened. Cutting shall begin in case of cabins of thinning and repeat in process of emergence of new dead boughs and the weakened branches. When carrying out cutting of boughs at young age height of cutting shall not exceed half of general height of tree, and at poplar - one third.
81. Regulation of structure of forest plantings shall be carried out by method of chemical leaving with use of the medicines allowed for use in the territory of the Russian Federation and taking into account requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of application of chemical method the methods and technologies providing directly oriented local (local) or pointed impact of chemicals (medicines) on separate components of biogeocenoses or fitotsenoz shall be used.
At stages of renewal and formation of young growths methods of local introduction of medicines of the selective action shall be used generally (in particular, for regulation of structure of breeds in case of formation of young growths and forming of their structure).
At the age of carrying out cabins of thinning is also more senior injections of chemical medicines in trunks of trees shall be used.
In middle-aged, ripe and overmatured plantings for prevention of emergence of vegetative renewal of undesirable breeds when carrying out different types of cabins carrying out chemical dehumidification by method of injections with use of the medicines allowed for use and taking into account legal regime of the protective woods is possible.
82. Fertilizer of the woods shall be performed by introduction of mineral, organic and bacterial fertilizers, cultivation of green manure crops or other methods of collateral security of forest plants by nutrients for the purpose of increase in productivity of the woods and viability of forest plantings.
Care of the woods by application of fertilizers is carried out first of all in valuable coniferous (pine or fir-tree) and hard-wooded broadleaved (oak, beechen, ashen) the forest plantings without underbrush growing in forest vegetation conditions with the trained soils of average or low fertility, with completeness of forest stands of 0,6 - 0,8.
Fertilizer of the woods can systematically be applied in case of target cultivation of forest plantings to the accelerated receipt of wood of the set quality, increase in surplus of trees at the final stage of reproduction of the woods.
When leaving in young growths, and also in the forest plantings which are in age of carrying out cabins of thinning, the period of repeating of acceptances of application of fertilizers can match with the period of repeating of the corresponding types of cabins of the forest plantings which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings. At stage of the last acceptances of cabins of thinning and cabins through passage fertilizers can be introduced twice for the period between acceptances of carrying out cabins of the forest plantings which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings.
Types of fertilizers, their doses and frequency of introduction on specific sites of the woods shall be determined by persons performing care of the woods by results of special soil and ecological inspections.
Fertilizer of the woods can be performed with use of both land, and aviation methods (in case of application of fertilizers on sites, considerable on the area).
83. The combined leaving combining mechanical and chemical methods is applied in case of care of young growths in the operational woods in which carrying out exclusively mechanical leaving is almost unavailable in connection with large volumes of works. The combined leaving is performed first of all in the dense, mixed on structure young growths, by combination of the high-intensity mechanized their schematic razrezhivaniye by creation of dense network of technological corridors of leaving and use of chemical medicines for regulation of structure in the formed narrow strips of young growth with enough plants of target breed.
84. The complex care consisting in combination of mechanical leaving using fertilizers is performed in case of care of young growths in the conditions of intensive forest management, including in case of plantatsionny forest growing on rather poor soils as well as as measure of acceleration of growth of forest stands at the subsequent stages of cycle of lesovosproizvodstvo. In case of application of complex care the minimum razrezhivaniye can be reached also by cutting of boughs for the purpose of exception of their growth and improvement of quality of trunks.
85. The choice of chemical medicines and performance of works on chemical care of the woods and fertilizer of the woods are performed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including concerning separate categories of the protective woods according to their legal regime established by the Forest code of the Russian Federation.
86. The recreational and landscape care of the woods including landscape cabins and actions supplementing them is directed to forming, preserving, updating and reconstruction of forest-park landscapes, increase in their esthetic, recreational value and stability.
87. Recreational and landscape care of the woods shall be carried out in the green space, certain sites of the green zones and the city woods used in the recreational purposes, and also in recreational zones of national and natural parks on especially protective sites of the woods having recreational value and other sites which are actually used in the recreational purposes, in options of the actions which are not contradicting basic purpose of sites of the woods. Landscape cabins are directed to forming of the woods, steady against recreational impacts, and forest landscapes with different degree of comfort.
For the specified purposes in total with other measures of leaving are created by landscape cabins opened (glades with single trees), half-open (sites of forest stands density of kroner of 0,3 - 0,5 with uniform or group placement of trees on the area), closed (sites of forest stands completeness of 0,6 - 1,0) recreational landscapes.
88. With landscape cabins improvement and preserving target properties and quality of forest stands, separate trees and their groups, change of structure, space placement of trees on the area of the timberland shall be provided; forming of edges; razrezhivaniye of undergrowth and underbrush.
In case of selection of trees to the landscape cabin not only their typically lesovodstvenny and biological signs, but also their esthetic qualities shall be considered.
To the undesirable trees (which are subject to the cabin) treat dead standing, infected with harmful organisms, with mechanical damages, hampering the growth of the best, and also breaking structure of landscape.
89. When forming of the closed landscapes in young growths and middle-aged forest plantings the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, moderate intensity shall be performed.
In high-half-musical middle-aged forest plantings (with completeness 0, above) when forming landscapes of half-open type landscape cabins shall be carried out in stages and intensity to 30 - 40% with interval between cabins of 6 - 8 years.
Forest stand, growing on slabodrenirovanny soils, in need of forming of landscapes of half-open type shall razrezhivatsya by intensity of 15 - 20% for several acceptances.
When forming half-open landscapes considerable decrease in density of kroner of forest plantings shall be carried out (to 0,3 - 0,5).
90. Cabins of preserving the created landscape plantings (landscapes) shall be performed by cutting down of the separate trees and bushes losing viability and target properties.
Actions for updating of target landscape plantings (landscapes) at stage of weakening of the trees and bushes forming them taking into account extent of loss of target properties shall be performed moderately weak or moderately strong intensity (from 20 to 50% on inventory).
91. For holding the actions for care of the woods which are not providing the cabin of forest plantings, and also the cabin of clarification and the cabin of clearing the withdrawal of the site including the following stages is performed:
a) designation of viewfinders, except for the parties delimited by the visible quarter glades, boundary lines, taxation viewfinders which are not covered with forest vegetation lands and forest cultures or designation of border of the site otherwise without cabin of trees - becomes mark (paint, bright tape, zateska) in the trees located on perimeter of the designated site;
b) installation of column at the corner of the site to which the tool binding to quarter glades, taxation viewfinders or other permanent reference points is made;
c) measurement of boundary lines, measurement of corners between them and tilt angles, and also tool binding to quarter glades, taxation viewfinders or other permanent reference points.
92. In case of cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing one or several trial areas of square or tape shape in characteristic places of the sites of carrying out leaving serving as standard for carrying out leaving on all site shall be pledged. The size of the trial areas shall constitute from 3 to 5% of land area of carrying out leaving depending on uniformity of planting, but 0,2 of hectare everyone suffices. The wood which is cut down on trial squares shall be considered in share measures and be transferred to dense measures on all land area.
93. For implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, except for cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing withdrawal of cutting area according to Rules of procurement of wood and Types of felling works is carried out.
94. In case of withdrawal of cutting area for carrying out care of the woods, on the trees with a diameter of 8 cm appointed to the cabin and more at height of 1,3 of m the mark (paint, bright tape, zatesk) becomes.
The inventory of the cut-down wood shall be determined based on continuous recouple of the trees appointed to the cabin.
The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings without preliminary selection and mark of the cut-down trees are performed by specially trained operators of logging machines and valshchik of the wood.
95. In deciduous forest plantings withdrawal of cutting areas shall be made during the vegetative period, and in coniferous - during the whole year.
When carrying out cabins without preliminary selection and mark of the cut-down trees withdrawal of cutting areas is made during the whole year.
96. Adjacent lesotaksatsionny vydela which forest plantings require the same type of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in case of identical target breed and homogeneous forest vegetation conditions, but differing on structure, completeness and age, shall be united in one site.
97. Need of laying of technological corridors (volok) on the site shall be established in case of withdrawal of cutting area for holding actions for care of the woods. Laying of network of permanent technological corridors (volok) shall be performed when leaving in young growths or the first acceptance of cabins of thinning. The area of permanent volok can constitute up to 20% of total area of cutting area.
98. In case of marking and laying of volok for the purpose of preserving the best trees which are subject to cultivation, biodiversity objects laying of corridors of not rectilinear form is allowed.
99. The amount of the wood which is cut down during the laying of volok and the device of loading points shall be considered in case of determination of general intensity of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings.
100. In forest plantings of artificial origin when leaving in young growths as technological corridors row-spacings of forest cultures (can be used with their sufficient width and absence in them the valuable plants which are subject to preserving). With width of row-spacings of forest cultures pasechny drag less than 3 m and need of preserving for row-spacings of trees and other valuable plants (technological corridors) shall be pledged across ranks of forest cultures.
101. In the presence in forest planting of network of the forest roads and glades suitable for operation of the equipment in case of care of the woods and the cut-down trees providing availability, drag are not cut through.
102. The distance between technological corridors shall be established depending on age of planting, other taxation indicators, type of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, and the planned technology of carrying out leaving.
103. The technology of carrying out care of the woods shall provide work with the minimum damage of the trees left for cultivation.
Damage of trees more is not allowed than:
2% of quantity of the trees left on cultivation when carrying out cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing;
3% of quantity of the trees left on cultivation when carrying out cabins of thinning, cabins through passage, cabins of updating and reorganization of forest plantings.
In the protective woods in case of care of the woods the damaged trees shall not constitute more than 2% of quantity of the trees left on cultivation.
Treat the damaged trees: trees with top fiasco; demolition of trunk; with inclination by 10 degrees and more; damage of krone on one third and more its surface; obdiry bark on trunk, constituting 10% and more circle of trunk; with obdiry and break of skeletal roots.
104. When carrying out care of the woods preserving undergrowth of forest plantings of target breeds on the squares which are not occupied with loading points, trasses of the main and pasechny volok, roads, production and household sites according to Rules of reforestation shall be provided.
105. The cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in the middle-aged, coming, ripe and overmatured plantings are performed according to Rules of procurement of wood and Types of felling works.
106. In the Dwin and Vychegda taiga forest district, the Baltic and Belozersk taiga forest district, the Sredneangarsky taiga forest area, the Baikal mountainous forest area on the sites leased or in permanent (termless) use, the lessee has option by preparation of the project of development of the woods between application of standard rates of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, given in Appendix 2 to these rules and the standard rates given in Appendices 3 - 6 to these rules.
The choice is made in general for the wood lot leased or in permanent (termless) use and it is specified in the project of development of the woods.
In case of the choice by the lessee of application of the standard rates given in Appendix 2 to these rules, Items 107 - 118 these rules are not applied.
107. In the Dwin and Vychegda taiga forest district, the Baltic and Belozersk taiga forest district, the Sredneangarsky taiga forest area, the Baikal mountainous forest area in the territories leased or in permanent (termless) use, purpose of forest plantings for implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings including determination of limit of admissible thinning, it shall be performed by the lessee and be specified in the project of development of the woods according to forestry and landscape regulations of forest area (forest park).
On the timberland which is not leased or in permanent (termless) use, purpose of forest plantings for implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings including determination of intensity of the cabin, it shall be performed by public authorities, local government bodies and according to Article 19 of the Forest code of the Russian Federation.
108. In the forest plantings consisting of trees of one breed or with single impurity of trees of other breeds selection of trees on cultivation shall is made mainly from the upper part of bed curtains, and to the cabin - from lower.
In the forest plantings consisting of trees of two and more breeds in which target tree species lag behind in growth on height from inappropriate to the cabin trees of inappropriate tree species from the upper part of bed curtains shall be selected first of all.
109. In case of cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing intensity of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings is determined by decrease in density of forest stand (quantity of trees per acre). Standard rates on the minimum quantity of trees of target breeds and the total maximum quantity of trees on target breeds and groups of types of the wood are given in Appendix 3 to these rules.
In case of group or kurtinny placement of copies of target breeds all breeds to the total quantity established according to the standard rate on target breed on the site shall be thinned. If at the site there are several target breeds, then the minimum quantity of the left trees shall be established according to the standard rate for the most provided target breed on the site. The quantity of trees of inappropriate breeds shall not exceed 50% of total quantity of the left trees.
Decrease in density of forest stand below provided in Item 37 of these rules, and also purpose of cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing is allowed in case of completeness below provided in Items 29 and 30 of these rules if the quantity of the left trees of target breeds after cabins of the clarification and cabins of clearing are more minimum specified in Appendix 3 to these rules.
110. When carrying out cabins of thinning and cabins of forest plantings through passage on space placement on the area of the wood lot of the cut-down and left trees the uniform cabin shall be applied, including in case of group or kurtinny placement of trees of target tree species. Selection of trees is made so that to provide uniformity of placement on the area of the trees of target breeds left on cultivation. Intensity of cabins of thinning and cabins of forest plantings through passage shall be determined by decrease in absolute completeness of forest stand.
111. Carrying out cabins through passage forest plantings shall stop in coniferous and hard-wooded broadleaved seed forest plantings in 20 years prior to the established age of the cabin of forest plantings, and in soft-wooded broadleaf and hard-wooded broadleaved poroslevy forest plantings - in 10 years prior to the established age of the cabin of forest plantings.
The standard rate on completeness of forest stand after cabins of thinning and cabins through passage determined in Item 38 of these rules is not applied. Standard rates for cabins of thinning and cabins through passage, including limit of admissible thinning, are given in Appendix 4 to these rules. The procedure for application of standard rates for cabins of thinning and cabins through passage, cabins of updating and reorganization is given in Appendix 5 to these rules.
Appointment of forest plantings for carrying out the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings is allowed, in case of completeness below provided in Items 28 and 29 of these rules if the cut-down inventory in case of acceptance of the cabin exceeds 40 CBM on 1 hectare.
112. Cabins of updating and reorganization are carried out in the protective and operational woods in the middle-aged, coming and ripe forest plantings specified in Appendix 6 to these rules according to the standard rates specified in Appendix 4 to these rules.
113. In case of withdrawal of cutting areas for implementation of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings (except cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing), trees which remain on cultivation shall be noted by bright tape, paint, zatesky at m 1,3 height.
In case of withdrawal of cutting areas for implementation of cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing trial platforms are not pledged.
When implementing the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings by specially trained operators of logging machines and valshchik of the wood, preliminary selection and mark of trees which are subject to leaving are not required.
When carrying out cabins without preliminary selection and mark of the left trees withdrawal of cutting areas is made during the whole year.
114. The inventory of the cut-down wood is determined based on Appendix 5 to these rules.
115. Total area of the technological corridors which are cut through in case of cabins of thinning and cabins through passage shall not exceed 20% of the area of cutting area.
116. When implementing all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings movement of the specialized multioperational equipment in apiaries is allowed.
117. When implementing the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings damage of the trees left for cultivation, more is not allowed than:
2% of quantity of the left trees - when carrying out cabins of clarification, cabins of clearing and the cabin of single trees;
5% of quantity of the left trees - when carrying out cabins of thinning, cabins through passage, cabins of updating and reorganization.
In the protective woods in case of all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, the quantity of the damaged trees shall not exceed 2% of quantity of the trees left on cultivation.
In the protective woods in case of all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, safety of undergrowth in apiaries shall make at least 75%. In the operational woods need of preserving undergrowth is determined in case of withdrawal of cutting areas.
118. The quality evaluation and efficiency of carrying out cabins of clarification and cabins of clearing shall be carried out on compliance of quantity of trees of target breeds and total quantity of trees after the cabin to the normative values specified in Appendix 3 to these rules.
The quality evaluation and efficiency of carrying out cabins of thinning, cabins through passage, cabins of updating and reorganization shall be carried out on compliance of absolute completeness of forest stand after the cabin to the normative values specified in Appendix 4 to these rules. At the same time sizes of average diameters of target breeds of forest stand after the cabin shall be not lower than the sizes of average diameters of target breeds of forest stand to the cabin.
to Rules of care of the woods
The age periods of carrying out different types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings
1. European part of the Russian Federation
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings, years | ||||
coniferous and hard-wooded broadleaved seed and the first generation of vegetative origin of tree species in case of age of the cabin |
other tree species in case of age of the cabin | ||||
more than 100 years |
less than 100 years |
more than 60 years |
50 - 60 years |
less than 50 years | |
Cabins of clarification |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 5 |
Cabins of clearing |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
6 - 10 |
Cabins of thinning |
21 - 60 |
21 - 40 |
21 - 40 |
21 - 30 |
11 - 20 |
Cabins through passage |
more than 60 |
more than 40 |
more than 40 |
more than 30 |
more than 20 |
Note: in the North taiga region of the European part of the Russian Federation, Baltic and Belozersk taiga, Dwin and Vychegda taiga, Karelian taiga, Karelian North taiga, West Ural taiga areas of the cabin, carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings, in coniferous plantings of groups of types of the wood with low-productive forest stands (the lowest site classes), aged up to 20 years can treat osvetleniye, and aged from 21 up to 40 years - clearings.
2. Urals
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings, years | |||
more than 100 years |
61 - 100 years |
41 - 60 years |
less than 40 years | |
Cabins of clarification |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 5 |
Cabins of clearing |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
6 - 10 |
Cabins of thinning |
21 - 60 |
21 - 40 |
21 - 30 |
11 - 20 |
Cabins through passage |
61 and above |
41 and above |
31 and above |
21 and above |
3. North Caucasus and mountain Crimea
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings, years | |||
coniferous (pine, fir-tree, fir) |
deciduous | |||
beech, oak, ash-tree, maple of seed and vegetative origin of the first generation |
other tree species in case of age of the cabin | |||
more than 40 years |
40 years and less | |||
Cabins of clarification |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 10 |
to 5 |
Cabins of clearing |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
11 - 20 |
6 - 10 |
Cabins of thinning |
21 - 40 |
21 - 40 |
21 - 30 |
11 - 20 |
Cabins through passage |
more than 40 |
more than 40 |
more than 30 |
more than 20 |
4. Western Siberia
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings on forest areas, years | |||
podtayezhno-forest-steppe forest area |
flat taiga forest area | |||
coniferous |
deciduous |
coniferous |
deciduous | |
Care of young growths (cabin of clarification and cabin of clearing) |
to 20 |
to 20 |
to 40 |
to 20 |
Cabins of thinning |
21 - 60 |
21 - 30 |
41 - 60 |
21 - 40 |
Cabins through passage |
61 - 80 |
31 - 40 |
61 - 100 |
41 - 50 |
5. Eastern Siberia
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings on the prevailing tree species, years | |||
pine and larch |
cedar |
fir-tree and fir |
birch and aspen | |
Care of young growths (cabin of clarification and cabin of clearing) |
to 40 |
to 40 |
to 40 |
to 20 |
Cabins of thinning |
41 - 60 |
41 - 80 |
41 - 60 |
21 - 40 |
Cabins through passage |
more than 60 |
more than 80 |
more than 60 |
more than 40 |
Note: in the Sredneangarsky taiga forest area, the Baikal mountainous forest area of the cabin of thinning in coniferous plantings can be carried out since 21.
6. Far East
Types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings |
Age of forest plantings on the prevailing tree species, years | |||||
Pine, larch |
Fir-tree, fir white-backed, Sakhalin |
Hard-wooded broadleaved with participation of ash-tree, velvet, nut, dimorfant, oak |
The cedar is Korean, fir integrifolious |
Soft-wooded broadleaf | ||
seed |
poroslevy | |||||
Cabins of clarification |
to 10 |
To 10 |
to 20 |
to 20 |
to 10 |
to 5 |
Cabins of clearing |
11 - 20 |
11 - 30 |
21 - 40 |
21 - 40 |
11 - 20 |
6 - 10 |
Cabins of thinning |
21 - 40 |
31 - 40 |
41 - 60 |
do not carry out |
21 - 30 |
11 - 20 |
Cabins through passage |
more than 40 |
More than 40 |
more than 60 |
do not carry out |
more than 30 |
more than 20 |
Note: in cedar and broad-leaved plantings and forest stands from shares of fir of the integrifolious (black) cabin of thinning and cabins through passage shall is carried out only in the artificial plantings including created by method of reconstruction of forest stand.
to Rules of care of the woods
Standard rates of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings for forest areas
Standard rates of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in pine plantings of the North taiga region of the European part of the Russian Federation
Structure of forest plantings to the cabin |
Groups of types of the wood (site class class) |
Age of the beginning of leaving, years |
Cabins of clarification |
Cabins of clearing |
Cabins of thinning |
Cabins through passage |
Target structure to age of the cabin (ripeness) | ||||
The minimum density of kroner before leaving |
Intensity of the cabin, % on inventory |
The minimum density of kroner before leaving |
Intensity of the cabin, % on inventory |
The minimum completeness before leaving |
Intensity of the cabin, % on inventory |
The minimum completeness before leaving |
Intensity of the cabin, % on inventory | ||||
after leaving |
after leaving |
after leaving |
repeatability (years) |
after leaving |
repeatability (years) | ||||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
1. Net with impurity deciduous to 2 units |
lichen (IV) |
25 - 30 |
- |
- |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
0,9 |
20 - 25 |
0,9 |
20 - 25 |
7S3B |
0,7 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
| ||
cowberry (IV) |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
8S2B | |
0,6 |
0,6 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
| ||
kislichny (III-II) |
15 - 20 |
0,8 |
30 - 40 |
0,8 |
30 - 40 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
8S2B | |
0,5 |
0,6 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
| ||
bilberry (IV-III) |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
(7 - 8) WITH | |
0,6 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
(2 - 3) B | ||
dolgomoshny (IV) |
25 - 30 |
- |
- |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
7S3B | |
0,7 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
25 - 30 |
| ||
2. Pines, pine and deciduous with dominance, in structure |
lichen (IV) |
20 - 25 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
0,8 |
25 - 30 |
7S3B |
0,6 |
0,6 |
0,7 |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
25 - 30 |
| ||
cowberry (IV) |
15 - 20 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
25 - 30 |
(7 - 8) WITH | |
0,5 |
0,5 |
0,5 |
20 - 25 |
0,5 |
20 - 25 |
(2 - 3) B | ||
kislichny (III-II) |
10 - 15 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,6 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
25 - 40 |
8S2B | |
0,4 |
0,4 |
0,4 |
20 - 25 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
| ||
bilberry |
15 - 20 |
0,7 |
30 - 50 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
25 - 40 |
8S2B | |
(IV-III) |
0,5 |
0,5 |
0,5 |
15 - 20 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
(2 - 4) B | |
dolgomoshny (IV) |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
25 - 30 |
0,7 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 25 |
7S3B | |
0,5 |
0,5 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
| ||
2.1. Pines, pine and deciduous from share, as a part of 3 - 4 units (and 6 - 7 deciduous) |
cowberry (IV) |
15 - 20 |
0,7 |
40 - 50 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
(6 - 7) WITH |
0,4 |
0,4 |
0,5 |
15 - 20 |
0,5 |
20 - 25 |
(3 - 4) B | ||
kislichny (III-II) |
10 - 15 |
0,6 |
50 - 60 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
(6 - 8) WITH | |
0,3 |
0,4 |
0,4 |
15 - 20 |
0,5 |
20 - 25 |
(2 - 4) B | ||
bilberry (IV-III) |
15 - 20 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,8 |
30 - 40 |
(6 - 7) WITH | |
0,3 |
0,4 |
0,5 |
15 - 20 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
(3 - 4) B | ||
dolgomoshny (IV) |
20 - 25 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
20 - 30 |
0,8 |
20 - 30 |
(5 - 7) WITH | |
0,5 |
0,5 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
0,6 |
20 - 25 |
(5 - 3) B | ||
3. Deciduous and pine (deciduous more than 7 units, pine less than 3 in case of enough trees) |
cowberry |
10 - 15 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,6 |
30 - 40 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4 - 7) WITH |
0,4 |
0,4 |
(3 - 6) B | ||
kislichny |
10 - 15 |
0,5 |
50 - 60 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(5 - 8) WITH | |
0,3 |
0,3 |
(2 - 5) B | ||
bilberry |
10 - 15 |
0,6 |
40 - 50 |
0,6 |
30 - 40 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(4 - 7) WITH | |
0,3 |
0,4 |
(3 - 6) B | ||
dolgomoshny |
15 - 20 |
0,7 |
30 - 40 |
0,7 |
20 - 30 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
(3 - 6) WITH | |
0,4 |
0,4 |
(4 - 7) B |
1. Initial structure in column 1 for all types of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings from cabins of clarification to cabins through passage.
2. The maximum percent of intensity of cabins is given for plantings by density (completeness) equal to 1,0. In case of smaller indicators of density (completeness), availability of danger of sharp decrease in stability and other adverse conditions, and also carrying out leaving on sites with network of technological corridors intensity of the cabin respectively decreases.
Increase in intensity can be allowed in case of the pro-cabin of technological corridors (for 5 - 7% on inventory) and need of removal of large number of undesirable trees without negative effects (stability loss).
3. Plantings of 3rd group on structure only at young age belong to pine economic sections if in them there is quantity of trees of pine sufficient for forming by cabins of clarification and clearings of plantings of the 1st or 2nd groups (on structure).
4. With lesovodstvenny need of the cabin of the forest plantings which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings begin to be carried out in plantings of younger age (what it is specified in the table).
Standard rates of the cabins which are carried out for the purpose of care of forest plantings in fir-tree plantings of the North taiga region of the European part of the Russian Federation
Structure of forest plantings to the cabin |
Groups of types of the wood (site class class) |
Age of the beginning of leaving, years |
Cabins of clarification |
Cabins of clearing |
Cabins of thinning |
Cabins through passage |
Target structure to age of the cabin (ripeness) |
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