of May 21, 2019 No. UP-5723
About enhancement of procedure for determination of the amount of compensation, pensions and other payments
For the purpose of enhancement of procedure for determination of the amount of compensation, elimination of dependence of conditions between compensation, purpose of pensions and collection of taxes, the state fees, penalties, charges and other payments:
1. Supersede since September 1, 2019 the minimum size of the salary:
basic size of calculation of pension.
a) minimum wage:
is monetary value of the monthly tariff charge according to the first grade of the Single scale of charges in compensation with tariff coefficient of 1,0;
it is applied in the sphere of employment relationships to determination of the amount of official pay rate, allowances, surcharges, the fees, compensation payments for extra work and other payment types of the stimulating nature, and also the deduction established by the legislation and other payments which are earlier established in the relation to the minimum size of the salary, and also determination of needs of family in social support and the size of unemployment benefit;
is obligatory for all employers, irrespective of form of business and employment relationships, as the lower bound of compensation of the workers who completely executed the established labor regulations;
it is established taking into account need of providing worthy level of living of the person and cannot be lower than the cost of the minimum consumer spendings;
b) basic settlement size is applied in case of determination:
the amount of taxes, charges, penalties, the state fees and other payments for the provided state services;
costs of the patent, the license and other payments for occupation certain type of business activity, the size of authorized and other funds (capital) of the organizations, costs of the shares paid not with money, other securities, book value of assets of legal entities, the extreme size of the microcredits and leasing, and also other financial and economic indicators;
the sizes of the state awards (including monetary rewards), departmental awards, including the awards provided for ranks, memorable signs and breastplates and also compensations for expenses on food and journey and some other similar compensations
c) the basic size of calculation of pension is applied to calculation of the pensions, allowances, surcharges and compensations applied in the sphere of provision of pensions, and also the indemnification caused to workers by the mutilation, occupational disease or other damage of health connected with execution of labor obligations by them.
3. Determine that:
all types of the allowances, surcharges, remunerations and other payments of the compensatory and stimulating nature established in the relation to the minimum size of the salary are recalculated with preserving the operating amount-based values of these payments (if necessary with their rounding in the big party);
other procedure for determination of the amount of compensation, pensions and other payments, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the Decree can be established by the legislation.
4. To the ministry of employment and employment relationships together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan in two-month time:
make in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on review of the Single scale of charges on compensation and establishment of the sizes of separate types of benefits, compensations and payments in the absolute amount;
develop and approve methodical recommendations about application of the Single scale of charges about compensation and establishment in the organizations of system of hourly pay of work taking into account requirements of this Decree.
5. To the Ministry of Finance together with the interested ministries and departments in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan offers on the changes and amendments in the legislation following from this Decree.
To the ministries and departments in three-months time to bring into accord with this Decree departmental regulatory legal acts.
6. To impose control of execution of this Decree on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan D. A. Kuchkarov.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Shavkat Mirziyoev
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