Accepted at the forty seventh plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS
(The resolution of April 13, 2018 No. 47-7)
About examination and expert activities
This Law determines legal, economic and organizational basis of examination and expert activities in the State Parties of the CIS.
The purposes of this Law are increase in reliability and justification of results of examinations, strengthening of their role in scientific, economic and legal activity for reduction of risk of mistakes in case of adoption of management and legal decisions, for increase in efficiency of functioning of economy.
This Law regulates the legal relationship arising under the appointment/organization and use of results of examinations in scientific, management, legislative and law-enforcement activity between her participants, establishes requirements to the expert organizations and experts, determines the status of the state and non-state expert organizations. Conducting examinations in separate fields of activity is regulated by the relevant laws for specific types of examinations and subordinate legislations. This Law regulates also the organization and conducting the joint expertizes which are carried out by the expert organizations and experts of the State Parties of the CIS.
Expert activities - the system of actions performed in the course of scientific, management, legislative or law-enforcement activity and consisting in the organization and production of examination for reasons for the made decisions.
Examination - the research performed by the expert and based on application of special knowledge custom-made legal entity or physical person.
Examination subject - the facts and circumstances researched using special knowledge, constituting content of the task issued to the expert.
1. Objects of examination - any material and non-material data carriers about examination subject which authenticity is properly certified and which contain the basic actual data necessary for the expert for the solution of tasks of examination.
2. The obligation of collecting, the certificate and representation for examination of objects lies on the customer of examination. This obligation cannot be assigned to the expert.
3. Objects of research can be damaged or spent only in that measure which is necessary in case of examination production, and with the written permission of the customer of examination.
4. In case of impossibility of transportation of object to place of employment of the expert the customer of examination provides it easy access to object and necessary conditions of research.
The expert - authorized physical person which has necessary special knowledge, experience and the qualification in knowledge domain concerning examination subject makes research on examination subject, draws the conclusion on the substance of the task issued to it.
Professional expert activity can be performed only by experts of the state organizations and the certified experts having the license for the right of production of this type of expert activities.
The procedure for certification of experts and licensing by types of expert activities is established by the corresponding regulations.
Participants of expert activities - the physical persons and legal entities acting on the basis of the legal relationship arising in connection with the appointment/organization, production and use of results of examination in case of acceptance of the relevant legal and management decisions.
Tasks of examination are:
1) establishment of the unknown facts, circumstances, situations;
2) identification or distinctions;
3) establishment of objective properties and conditions of cash objects;
4) object assessment according to the set criteria;
5) establishment of compliance of object to the existing principles and rules of law;
6) establishment of compliance of object to the set system of normative and technical requirements;
7) establishment of effects of change of object according to the set program of its development.
The specific expert task can include one or several of the specified examination tasks.
Examination can be state, public and special.
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