of July 26, 1999 No. 1357
About approval of Instructions for use electrical energy for the population
In pursuance of article 26 of the Law of Ukraine "About power industry" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve Instructions for use by electrical energy for the population (are applied).
2. The national commission of regulation of power industry together with the Department of Energy in two-month time to develop and approve technique of charge of the size of indemnification, caused to the power supplier owing to use of electrical energy.
3. To make to the national commission of regulation of power industry explanations concerning accomplishment of Instructions for use electrical energy for the population.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Pustovoytenko
Approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 26, 1999 No. 1357
General provisions
1. These Rules govern the relations between residential customers and power suppliers.
Rules of obligation for accomplishment by all residential customers and power suppliers irrespective of patterns of ownership.
2. In these Rules the stated below terms are used in such value:
refusal in access to object of the residential customer - actions and/or failure to act of the residential customer (the owner or the user of object of the consumer) and/or the owner, the user of the parcel of land on whom object of the residential customer is located/is placed, as a result of which obstacles to representatives of the electrosupplier (the electrodistribution companies) are created to perform the functions provided by these rules that is confirmed by the relevant act of not admission;
metering station - set mounted and established on one board or in one case of means of accounting and the equipment of automatic shutdown or capacity limitations;
the generating installation of private household (further - the generating installation) complex of the interconnected equipments and constructions intended for production of the electrical energy transformed from energy of sunlight and/or wind energy, established within private household;
the sale and purchase agreement of electrical energy on "green" rate - the transaction directed to settlement of the civil laws and obligations between the residential customer and the electrosupplier during purchase and sale on "green" rate of the made electric power from energy of sunlight and/or from wind energy the generating installations of private household;
power network - substations, the distribution installations and electric lines intended for transfer and distribution of energy to which electroinstallation of the consumer is directly attached;
the electrodistribution company - the subject of managing performing activities for electricity distribution according to the license;
the electrosupplier - the participant of the market of electrical energy of Ukraine who buys electrical energy in this market for the purpose of its sale and/or delivery to consumers;
electroinstallation - complex of the interconnected equipments and constructions intended for production or transformation, transfer, distribution and consumption of electrical energy;
means of accounting - means of the measuring equipment, including counters, transformers of current and tension, accounting circles which are used for scoping of electrical energy and size of consumption of electric power and are compound metering station;
control survey of metering station - visual inspection of integrity of metering station, integrity of seals, prints of brands and indicators of action of influence permanent (variable) magnetic, electric and/or electromagnetic removals of indications of means of accounting and identification of unauthorized connections of the fields established on it according to the act of sealing out of means of accounting which to reveal representatives of the electrosupplier have opportunity without use of special technical means or partial dismantle of building and/or finishing constructions;
distribution limit - point of the Section of elements of power network between owners of adjacent electroinstallations;
not domestic needs - consumption (use) of electrical energy on object of the residential customer for requirements satisfaction of business, economic activity;
object of the residential customer - the apartment house (part of the house), the apartment or the building which are located at one address and belong to one physical person or several physical persons on the property rights or uses;
the personal account of the residential customer - data set about object of the residential customer (the name, the location, capacity of object, the place of arrangement of metering station, rate type, quantity of the consumed and paid electric power, availability of privileges and/or subsidies, data on all changes which happened during use of the residential customer of electrical energy, etc.), received by the electrosupplier according to the legislation and entered by it into single system (register) according to certain number for identification of object of the residential customer;
connection to power network - accomplishment of transaction of switching in places of contact connections of electrical wiring for the purpose of giving of tension on electroinstallation (electroinstallations);
domestic needs - consumption (use) of electrical energy for satisfaction of conditions of accommodation and/or stay of physical persons on object of the residential customer, including the house adjoining (homestead) territory, including for individual construction (reconstruction) of objects of private household, except requirements of business, economic activity;
the residential customer - the physical person using electrical energy for satisfaction of own domestic needs based on the contract on use of electrical energy with the electrosupplier;
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The document ceased to be valid since June 26, 2018 according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 20, 2018 No. 502