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of June 19, 2019 No. 298

About approval of Safety rules for the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of 25.01.2024 No. 24)

For the purpose of increase in safety and decrease in risks of emergencies in case of operation of the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases in the Kyrgyz Republic, according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve Safety rules for the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

M. Abylgaziyev


to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 19, 2019 No. 298

Safety rules for the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of safety for the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases (further - Rules) establish requirements of industrial safety to designing, construction, installation, reconstruction and operation of objects of storage, transportation and use of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases with the excessive pressure of no more 1,6 of megapascal, regulate requirements for ensuring industrial safety of sectional storage bases and realization of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, gas-filling stations and Items, automobile gas-filling stations when filling vehicles with the hydrocarbonic liquefied gases.

2. In these rules the following concepts and determinations are used:

the automobile gas-filling station - the technology station intended only for filling of cylinders of fuel system of vehicles with the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases;

the multifuel gas station - gas station in the territory of which filling of vehicles with two and more types of fuel among which liquid motor fuel (gasoline and diesel fuel), the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas is allowed is provided and is characterized by underground arrangement of reservoirs and their razneseniye with fuel-dispensing column;

the object using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases - the subject to production and utility and production appointment providing storage and (or) realization of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, their transportation through gas pipelines to the consumer and also use in fuel quality on hazardous production facilities;

subject to production appointment - object of storage and (or) realization, transportation of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases through gas pipelines, including sectional storage bases and realization of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases and gas-filling stations, gas-filling Items, automobile gas-filling stations, stations of regasification (evaporators), reservoir installations for industrial and (or) utility and production function, group balloon installations for industrial use, outside gas pipelines, internal gas pipelines and gas-using installations on hazardous production facilities, and also buildings and constructions of production appointment, reservoirs, fittings and instrumentations;

subject to utility and production appointment - the object providing gas consumption from reservoir installations including outside gas pipelines to the disconnecting device before the building and (or) to the protecting structures of the building in housing and communal services;

gas consumption object - the production and technology system which is turning on internal gas pipelines, the gas equipment and gas-using installations, automatic equipment of safety, blocking, the alarm systems and regulations of process of combustion of gas placed in one production territory (platform);

technical devices - reservoirs, filling devices (fuel filling columns, the carousel and weight installations), pumps, compressors, evaporating installations, gas pipelines, installations of electrochemical protection of gas pipelines and reservoirs against electrochemical corrosion, reducing heads on reservoirs, regulators of pressure, system of automatic equipment, protection, blocking and alarm systems, instrumentations, auxiliary devices, and also fittings (latches, valves, gates, etc.).

Chapter 2. Coverage and procedure for application

3. Activities for designing, construction, expansion, reconstruction, modernization, preservation and liquidation of the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, and also to production, installation, adjustment, servicing and repair applied on the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, technical devices are regulated by construction regulations and rules, other operating regulatory legal acts and regulating technical documents of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Fire-proof requirements to placement, designing and construction of gas stations, including complex gas stations and automobile gas-filling stations, are regulated by the Fire safety regulations in the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 22, 2018 No. 381, and SN KR 21-02:2018 "Gas stations. Fire protection regulations", and also the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About fire safety".

4. Requirements to the vehicles intended for transportation of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, their marking, requirements to power supply system of gas-balloon vehicles, its placement and installation are accepted according to provisions of Technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union of TR EEU 036/2016 "Requirements to the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases for their use in fuel quality" and the Customs union of TR CU 018/2011 "About safety of wheel vehicles".

5. Rules extend on:

- storage bases of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases and gas-filling stations;

- gas-filling Items;

- stationary automobile gas-filling stations;

- the platforms of gas station of motor transport and cylinders from portable gas stations (truck tanks) accepted in operation in accordance with the established procedure;

- reservoir installations in settlements and on hazardous production facilities, and also group balloon installations on hazardous production facilities;

- cistern and automobile cars for transportation (transportation) of the liquefied gases;

- outside gas pipelines of liquid and steam phase of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases;

- remedies of steel gas pipelines and reservoirs from electrochemical corrosion;

- outside and internal gas pipelines and the gas equipment (technical devices) of industrial, agricultural and other productions intended for storage, transportation and use of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases in fuel quality;

- outside and internal gas pipelines and gas equipment (technical devices) of production, heating and production and heating boiler rooms;

- security aids, regulations and protection, and also systems of automated management of engineering procedures when using of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases;

- buildings and constructions on gas pipelines of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases.

6. Rules do not extend on:

- technology (on-site) gas pipelines, terminals, reservoirs and the gas equipment of the chemical, petrochemical, oil-extracting and oil processing productions using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases as raw materials and fuel, and also production on their production and shipment for the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, production and (or) utility and production appointment;

- terminals of storage of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases and their discharge filling for transportation of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases by water vessels;

- railway platforms of discharge filling of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, and also railway tracks to platforms;

- technology (on-site) gas pipelines, reservoirs and gas equipment for metallurgical productions;

- portable gas-using installations, including tonara, and also gas equipment of road and rail transport, aircraft, water vessels;

- special gas and military gas-using equipment;

- experimental gas pipelines and prototypes of the gas equipment;

- the installations using energy of explosion of air-gas mixes and (or) intended for receipt of protective gases;

- internal gas pipelines and the gas equipment of office, public and household buildings where the liquefied hydrocarbonic gas is used for food preparation or the laboratory purposes;

- group and individual balloon installations of household appointment;

- systems of autonomous heating and hot water supply of office, public and household buildings with coppers, heatgenerators, without development of heat energy for the production purposes, provision of services and (or) in case of the total thermal power of equipment in place of 100 kilowatts and less.

7. Activities for obtaining, storage and realization of the substances capable to form explosive mixes (the filling stations making filling of cylinders the compressed and liquefied gases) are subject to licensing according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of licensed authorization system.

8. Activities for re-equipment of vehicles in case of modification of their design under use of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases in fuel quality are regulated according to the existing Rules of carrying out re-equipment of vehicles in the Kyrgyz Republic.

9. On each fact of emergence of accident technical investigation of its reasons according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities" shall be made.

10. The organizations operating the hazardous production facilities using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases irrespective of patterns of ownership shall register them in the state register according to the Regulations on registration of objects in the state register of hazardous production facilities and maintaining the state register approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of June 8, 2017 No. 356.

Chapter 3. Requirements to officials and service personnel on the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases

11. The heads and specialists of the company performing activities for designing, construction, installation and operation of the hazardous production facilities using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, to conducting technical supervision of their construction, installation, adjustment and testing of the equipment (technical devices) listed in Item 5, to production of the gas equipment (technical devices), preparation and retraining of heads and specialists for the hazardous production facilities using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases shall undergo certification (the examination of requirements established in industrial safety).

12. Workers shall be trained, and also examination by safe methods and acceptances of performance of works according to requirements of instructions on safe methods of the works approved by heads of the companies.

13. Control of designing and accomplishment of installation and construction works is performed taking into account requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of designing and construction of gas supply systems by executive body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of architecture, construction and housing and communal services.

14. Responsibility for the organization and implementation of production supervision are born by the head of the organization and person to whom the decision of the head assigns such obligations.

Chapter 4. Designing of the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases

15. The project documentation on construction, expansion, reconstruction, modernization, preservation and liquidation of hazardous production facilities, including the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, and their elements is subject to examination of industrial safety according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About industrial safety of hazardous production facilities".

16. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Kyrgyz Republic of 25.01.2024 No. 24

17. The technical solutions applied in the project (planning and technology) when designing the objects using the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases, 200 tons having in the address and more liquefied hydrocarbonic gases shall contain the actions ensuring industrial safety including:

- comprehensive risk assessment of accidents and related threats;

- the analysis of sufficiency of the taken measures for the prevention of accidents;

- assessment of readiness of the organization for operation of hazardous production facility according to requirements of industrial safety, and also to localization and recovery from the accident, regulations of the organization of works;

- development of the actions directed to decrease in scale of effects of accident.

18. It is necessary to provide in projects, underground laying of gas pipelines. Land and elevated laying of gas pipelines is allowed in case of reasons for impossibility of underground laying, and also in the territory of the gas-filling stations, gas-filling Items, automobile gas-filling stations.

20. Burying of underground gas pipelines of steam phase of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases of low pressure from reservoir (with artificial evaporation) and group balloon installations it is necessary to provide at least the level of frost penetration in soil, for the purpose of exception of condensation of vapors of gas.

21. It is necessary to apply the steel straight-line-seam and spiralnoshovny welded and seamless pipes made of well cooking steel containing no more 0,25 of % of carbon to construction of outside gas supply systems, 0,056 of % are gray also phosphorus % 0,046.

Thickness of wall of pipe shall be at least 3 millimeters for underground and land gas pipelines in ridging and 2 millimeters - for elevated and land without ridging.

Carbon equivalent size for carbonaceous and low-alloyed by staly shall not exceed % 0,46. Requirements to material of pipes from polyethylene, to marking and test methods shall conform to state standard.

Polyethylene pipes are admissible to use in case of construction of gas pipelines of steam phase of the liquefied hydrocarbonic gases of low pressure from reservoir installations from polyethylene with the minimum long durability 8,0 of megapascals suffices.

22. Reservoir installations shall include: reservoirs, pipelines of liquid and steam phases, shutoff valves, safety locking valves, gas pressure regulators, safety waste valves, instrumentations. In need of (climate conditions) as a part of reservoir installation it is necessary to provide evaporating installations.


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