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The document ceased to be valid since  February 27, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 10, 2023 No. 97


of May 27, 2019 No. 378

About approval of the Instruction about measures of fire safety in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended on 28-02-2022)

According to subitem 19-56) of Item 21 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 16, 2001 No. 1074, I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about measures of fire safety in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. And arms of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide to the chief Tyla:

1) registration of this instruction in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the direction of the copy of this order in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh and Russian languages within ten calendar days from the date of state registration;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its first official publication;

4) the direction of data in Legal department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of Item 2 of this order within ten calendar days from the date of state registration.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the deputy defense secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan major general Kurmanbayev B. Zh.

4. Bring this order to officials in the part concerning them.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan major general

N. Ermekbayev

It is approved

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan


"__" __________ 2019


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 27, 2019 No. 378

The instruction about measures of fire safety in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. The instruction about measures of fire safety in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the Instruction) disaggregates measures of fire safety in Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - AF of RK).

2. Treats measures of fire safety:

1) organization of service of fire protection (fire job specification, execution of fire sentry duty, team of fire protection (fire-fighting crews), ensuring fire protection with property);

2) the organization of fire scheduled maintenance (carrying out fire scheduled maintenance, fire and preventive training of staff, fire and technical inspection of condition of fire protection of military units (organizations), measures of fire safety on objects).

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising deputy defense secretary of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chapter 2. Organization of service of fire protection and measure of fire safety

Paragraph 1. Organization of services of fire protection of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan

4. For providing measures of fire safety of objects of military unit (organization) and creation of safe conditions for staff the commander of part (the chief of organization) will organize timely holding fire-proof actions for studying by staff of military units and organizations of the requirements of fire safety specified in the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 9, 2014 to No. 1077 "About approval of Fire safety regulations" (further - PPB).

5. Officials of service of fire protection and daily details of military unit (organization) exercise control over the implementation by staff of requirements of PPB, in case of the fire without delay report in territorial subdivisions of authorized body in the field of civil protection.

6. The service of fire protection in military units and organizations (garrisons) is performed:

1) regular teams of fire protection;

2) emergency fire brigades.

7. The staff of regular teams of fire protection, emergency fire brigades and calculations, are exempted from the job specifications, works which are not connected with service of fire protection.

8. Use of the fire fighting equipment (motor-pumps), the equipment and tool not for the intended purpose, and also placement in buildings of fire stations of persons, divisions and to the technician which do not have relations to service of fire protection is not allowed.

Paragraph 2. Fire job specification

9. For service according to the prevention and suppression of the fires, and also carrying out first-priority wrecking from line-up of the team of fire protection the daily fire details are daily appointed. Other staff constitutes reserve of team of fire protection.

10. Service by the fire job specification is accomplishment of fighting task and demands from staff of exact observance of requirements of the Charter of internal service of Armed Forces, other troops and military forming of the Republic of Kazakhstan, No. approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 5, 2007 364, (further - UVS) and this Instruction.

The structure of the job specification is determined depending on the number of staff of team of fire protection and availability of fire trucks.

11. In structure of the daily fire job specification are appointed:

1) chief of the job specification;

2) drivers (mechanics);

3) fire (fire rescuer) from calculation for quantity of the special and re-equiped fire tenders which are armed, cars (motor-pumps), and also the equipment intended for accomplishment of first-priority rescue operations;

4) point-policemen by quantity of fire posts.

12. In days of public holidays and carrying out in the territory of the protected objects (arsenals, bases, warehouses) of the mass handling works connected with the raised fire risk according to the decision of the commander of military unit (the chief of organization) increase in number of the daily fire job specification for the provision account of team of fire protection or other divisions of military unit (organization) for the purpose of strengthening of fire protection is made.

Paragraph 3. Execution of fire sentry duty

13. Fire posts are exposed in case of work on the most fire-dangerous objects, during thunder-storm.

14. For ensuring fire protection when carrying out on the protected objects of flammable, mass handling and scheduled works, filling and missiles launches, flights of airplanes (helicopters) the combat crew on the fire truck is allocated.

15. In team of fire protection there is efficient reserve and telephone communication (radio communication) is established with works location.

16. Fire posts are exposed:

1) for the prevention of emergence of the fires;

2) for timely challenge of team of fire protection in case of the fire on post or near it;

3) for liquidation of ignitions and the fires on post the available fire extinguishing means.

17. In military camps (organizations) located in forest zone or having mainly timber buildings and also where there is no fire alarm and telephone communication, posts are exposed on the observation towers for detection of the fires and the message on them in team of fire protection.

18. Fire posts depending on importance of the protected objects, their fire risk and time of service can be permanent or temporary.

19. The quantity and arrangements of fire posts are determined in the sheet of the daily fire job specification by form according to appendix of 1 this Instruction which is developed by the chief of team of fire protection.

On fire post telephone communication is established with team of fire protection and fire extinguishing means.

20. The point-policeman of fire post submits to the chief of the fire job specification.

21. For change of point-policemen the chief of the fire job specification builds point-policemen of the next change in one rank in garage of depot of team of fire protection and instructs on service.

Paragraph 4. Teams of fire protection (fire-fighting crews)

22. In military units (organizations) regular teams of fire protection, are completed with the military personnel of AF of RK. Inclusion of the military personnel of conscription service in line-up of fire protection is not allowed.

23. The quantity and type of fire trucks (motor-pumps) is determined according to the regulations of supply with property of fire protection of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan on peace time approved by the order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 17, 2015 No. 348 (No. 11741) is registered in the State Register of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 24, 2015.

24. Teams of fire protection consist of departments. From structure of departments combat crews are allocated for fire trucks.

25. The number of staff of fire-fighting crew is determined by tactical technical characteristics of the fire fighting equipment and shall provide possibility of complete expansion of fire extinguishing means, carrying out rescue operations and service in the fire job specification.

26. In cases when the number of division of fire protection does not allow to organize high-quality service to regular staff the order of the commander of military unit (the chief of organization) the staff numbering at least 5 people is appointed in addition.

27. In the military unit (organization) which does not have regular team of fire protection, the order of the commander of military unit (the chief of organization) forms emergency fire brigade numbering from 5 to 15 people.

28. From team of fire protection the fire job specification which keeps watch on fire posts round the clock or during the time determined by the commander of military unit (the chief of organization) is selected.

29. In military camps where several military units (organizations) are billeted, the decision of the chief of garrison allows creation of one summary emergency garrison fire brigade.

30. From structure of emergency fire brigade the fire job specification which submits to the person on duty by part (organization) and the chief of emergency fire brigade is daily appointed.

31. Are part of the fire job specification:

1) chief of the job specification;

2) drivers (mechanics) by the number of fire trucks (motor-pumps).

32. Emergency fire brigades are provided with firefighters or the cars adapted for suppression, motor-pumps, and also the fire equipment, according to regular polozhennost of military unit (organization).

33. In works locations with military property and military equipment for control of observance of PPB, suppression of the arisen fires and evacuation of property (equipment) fire-fighting crews are appointed.

34. On fire-fighting crews control over the implementation in production sites of works of measures of fire safety, the message on the fire, suppression of the fires and evacuation of property (equipment) is imposed.

35. The fire-fighting crew on fire case in divisions of military units (organizations) is daily specified by the person on duty on company upon termination of evening checking (working day).

Paragraph 5. Ensuring fire protection with property

36. Ensuring fire protection of connections, military units (organizations) of AF of RK is made by public institutions administrators of budget programs.

37. The head department of military infrastructure provides installation, servicing and repair:

1) automatic fire alarm;

2) systems of automatic fire extinguishing;

3) lightning protection devices;

4) outside and internal fire-water supply (fireplugs, hydrants, reservoirs);

5) electrical facilities;

6) earth embankments around groups of land reservoirs of warehouses of fuels and lubricants, storages of rockets, weapon and ammunition.

38. Management of fire protection provides with fire and technical products:

1) track laying fire tenders;

2) fire trucks and the completing fire and technical arms;

3) figurative and portable fire motor-pumps;

4) all types of portable, portable and portable fire extinguishers;

5) individual protection equipment (fighting clothes of the firefighter);

6) fire hoses of all diameters;

7) fire boards and stock;

8) consumable materials (frother, fireproof structure).

Chapter 3. Organization of fire scheduled maintenance

Paragraph 1. Work planning

39. Work of officials of bodies of fire control is determined by monthly work plans.

Plans affirm the commander of military unit, the chief of organization to whom the service of fire protection is subordinated.

40. Monthly work plans are constituted taking into account fire scheduled maintenance and the analysis of fire situation.

41. Work plans are constituted that stay is direct in military unit (organization) with check and no more than one days was rendering the practical help to command of part (organization).

42. The work plan provides target checks:

1) installations of heating, furnaces, flues - before heating season, and also after cleaning of flues of soot, repair, but at least once a month;

2) electric equipments - once a quarter (in clubs, Officers' Clubs - at least once a month);

3) cellars and garrets of buildings - once a month;

4) fire reservoirs, hydrants, cranes with fence and start-up of water - during the spring and autumn periods.

43. The list of works joins the separate Section in the monthly plan of organizational and preventive actions and economic works of team of fire protection of military unit (organization) on form according to appendix of the 2nd this Instruction.

44. All staff of team of fire protection is involved in carrying out fire scheduled maintenance. Check of fire-proof condition of buildings and constructions is carried out, to the following terms:

1) storage facilities, storages, platforms of outdoor storage, the workshop, workshops, Items of works with the equipment and property, hangars, garages, parks and other fire-dangerous objects - daily in operating time and after the termination of the working day, before closing;

2) barracks, hostels, headquarters, clubs, dining rooms, bath-and-laundry rooms, boiler rooms, medical aid stations, gyms, educational cases, shops, libraries - at least once a week.

45. Annually during the fire-dangerous period the complex commissions of public institutions of AF of RK and scheduled inspections check fire-proof condition of warehouses of rocket and artillery arms (further - RAV) military units, arsenals and storage bases of arms (ammunition).

Paragraph 2. Carrying out fire scheduled maintenance

46. Fire scheduled maintenance is carried out:

1) the chief of service (team) of fire protection - daily;

2) staff of team of fire protection, except for drivers - in case of stay on fire posts.

47. Officials of team of fire protection results of check report on the commander (chief) of the checked division (object) and the chief of team (service) of fire protection.

The shortcomings found when checking and not eliminated in the presence of checking or the requiring allocations of finance costs and time for their elimination, are registered scheduled maintenance of team of fire protection on form according to appendix of 3rd this Instruction.

In cases when defects are at the scheduled time not eliminated, the chief of service, team of fire protection reports on it the official report on the commander of part (the chief of organization).

48. The list of the explosion-fire-hazardous buildings and constructions (storages, warehouses, parks, hangars, workshops and workshops) which are subject to daily survey by persons of the fire job specification of part (organization) in the presence of these objects, responsible for fire-proof condition, affirms the order of the commander of military unit (the chief of organization).

49. Check is considered finished when all rooms are inspected, the revealed defects are eliminated, electroinstallations are cut off power, the outside knife switch is disconnected and sealed, the entrance door is closed on the lock and is sealed.

Results of check are registered checks of fire-proof condition of objects before their closing in form according to appendix of the 4th this Instruction.

50. Works on servicing and repair of automatic installation of fire extinguishing, drawing fireproof structures (impregnations), reloading, testing and repair of all types of fire extinguishers, operating tests of outside fire-escapes and barriers on roofs of buildings and constructions are carried out at the expense of means directly, the interested public institution (asset holder).

Paragraph 3. Fire and preventive training of staff

51. Fire-proof preparation will be organized and carried out with the purpose to train in measures of the prevention of the fires, the handling of fire extinguishing means and to practical actions in case of the fire staff of military units (organizations).

52. On arsenals, bases, warehouses, the companies and with fire-dangerous production (employees) and workers who are again going to work of face of civil personnel undergo instructing in measures of fire safety and actions in case of the fire, data on which are brought in briefing register on fire-proof protection of staff of military unit (organization) in form according to appendix of the 5th this Instruction, in military units (organizations).

In case of registration for work repeated instructing directly on workplace - responsible for fire-proof condition of object is instructed by the chief of service of fire protection (warehouse, workshop and the workshop).

53. Training of commanders of military units (chiefs of organizations) and the officials responsible for fire safety fire technically to minimum in volume of knowledge of requirements of regulatory legal acts in the field of fire safety regarding fire prevention regime and training of specialists of regular teams of fire protection in specialties is provided by military units (organizations).


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