It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On June 7, 2019 No. 296
of May 31, 2019 No. 273
About the Size and payment procedure of grants to students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of organizations of average and higher education and research establishments
According to article 45 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About education" the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:
1. Approve the Size and payment procedure of grants to students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of organizations of average and higher education and research establishments it (is applied).
2. Perform payment of grants to students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of organizations of average and higher education and research establishments within the provided budgetary funds for education.
3. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, other ministries, departments and the organizations having in the structures institutions of higher professional education, and also research establishments to perform payment of grants to students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of organizations of average and higher education and research establishments according to this resolution.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rahmon
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of May 31, 2019, No. 273
1. The size and payment procedure of grants to students (the bachelor, the specialist, the master (further - students), to graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates in organizations of average and higher education and research establishments (further - the Procedure) determines payment procedure of the state academic grant to students (the bachelor, the specialist, the master (further - students) organizations of average and higher education and the state grant to graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, to doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of institutions of higher professional education and research establishments.
2. The state academic grants for students of average and the highest professional and research establishments, and also the state grants for graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates of budget groups of full-time departments of averages and the highest professional and scientific research organizations are established for a period of 12 months for the purpose of stimulation and their social support.
3. The state academic grant is established for students of averages and the highest professional educational institutions and the state grant for graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates on representation of management of faculties and scientific structures and the scholarship commission of institutions of higher professional education and research organizations of the Republic of Tajikistan.
4. The scholarship commission for students of organizations of average and higher education, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates is created by the order of the head of organizations of average and higher education and research establishment. Representatives of teaching department, the center of registration and consultation, management of faculties, scientific structures and student's trade-union committee, youth organization and accounts department are part of the commission.
5. The list of students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates which appoints grant affirms the order of the head of organization of average and higher education and research establishment based on the decision of the scholarship commission.
6. Students, graduate students and doctoral candidates in the specialty, the doctoral candidates and post-doctoral candidates who are not included according to the decision of the scholarship commission in the order of the head of organization of average and higher education and research establishment on purpose of grant and not concordant with this decision can file petition, to the head of organization. The scholarship commission on the order of the head of organization considers the application and makes the relevant decision.
7. The state academic grant is appointed following the results of examinations (winter and summer) taking into account educational achievements of students in case of development of the training program on the studied disciplines, acquisition of high academic rating, considerable research results and active participation in public actions in organizations of average and higher education.
8. The fund of the state academic grant is determined in the amount of 60 percent from total number of students of organizations of average and higher education. This ratio concerns to the students studying at the expense of the government budget in full-time department.
9. For the students studying in contractual groups, the grant is charged and paid according to agreement provisions organizations of average and higher education.
10. The state academic grants are appointed to students of the first rates (bachelors, specialists) in the first half of the year of academic year (1 semester) based on result of the got points (estimates) at admission examinations in educational institution.
11. From the second half of the year of academic year to students of the first rates (bachelors, specialists) and older years the state academic grants are appointed on final results of active examinations. Results of assessment of training and the draft of the term paper in case of determination of the size of grant are not considered.
12. No. 86 is excluded according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of 02.03.2023
13. To the students who received assessment of Fx, F (unsatisfactory) or without the reasons not taking part in the examinations and having debts after the end of examinations irrespective of receipt of positive estimates the state academic grant is not appointed.
14. To orphan students and students, without parental support, the state academic grant is paid to disabled people of I and II groups irrespective of results of training.
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