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of March 26, 2012 No. 346

About the approval of the Procedure for licensing of implementation of auditor services in the Republic of Armenia, commitment forms on the license for implementation of auditor services, forms of the license, form of the announcement, form of certificates of the legal entities and physical persons affiliated with person which acquired participation in the authorized capital of person performing audit, the head of body of board, the auditor, forms of certificates of the physical persons and legal entities which acquired participation I the authorized capital of person performing audit and about recognition of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of March 19, 2002 No. 262 invalid

Accepted the Government of the Republic of Armenia on March 22, 2012

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of 21.01.2014 No. 20)

According to part 3 of Article 10 and part 2 of article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About licensing", the Government of the Republic of Armenia decides:

1. Approve:

1) procedure for licensing of implementation of auditor activities in the Republic of Armenia according to Appendix No. 1;

2) the commitment form on the license for implementation of auditor services according to Appendix No. 2;

3) form of the license for implementation of auditor services according to Appendix No. 3;

4) announcement form according to Appendix No. 4;

5) form of the reference on the legal entities affiliated with person, the acquired participation in the authorized capital of person performing audit, the head of body of board, the auditor according to Appendix No. 5;

6) form of the certificate of the physical persons affiliated with person, the acquired participation in the authorized capital of person performing audit, the head of body of board, the auditor according to Appendix No. 6;

7) form of the certificate of the physical person which acquired participation in the authorized capital of person performing audit according to Appendix No. 7;

8) form of the reference on the legal entity who acquired participation in the authorized capital of person performing audit according to Appendix No. 8.

2. Declare invalid the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of March 19, 2002 No. 262 "About approval of procedure for licensing of implementation of auditor activities in the Republic of Armenia".

3. This Resolution becomes effective for the tenth day after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia

T. Sargsyan

Appendix № 1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of March 22, 2012 No. 346-N

Procedure for licensing of implementation of auditor services in the Republic of Armenia

1. The relations connected with licensing of implementation of auditor services in the Republic of Armenia are regulated by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About licensing", the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About auditor activities" (further - the Law) and this Procedure.

2. This Procedure regulates conditions and requirements imposed to addressed for receipt of the license for implementation of auditor services according to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia (further - the license) in authorized body of public administration (further - the licensing body) to legal entities (further - the applicant), to the auditing organizations which obtained the license (further - person performing audit).

3. The license is granted by the licensing body is termless. The license is granted in one copy.

4. In the license are specified:

1) the name of the licensing body;

2) number and series of the license;

3) day, month and year of licensing;

4) words "License for Implementation of Auditor Activities";

5) name and location of the legal entity;

6) license effective period;

7) the authorized signature of the licensing body and impress of a seal of this body with the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia.

5. The subjects having the right to the license and requirements imposed to them for receipt of the license are established by article 26 of the Law.

6. The applicants having the right to the license represent to the licensing body:

1) the request according to Appendix No. 2;

2) for the foreign legal entity who is the founder (participant) of the legal entity - copies of the relevant constituent documents and the document on state registration and their translation into the Armenian certified in notarial procedure;

3) the documents confirming the acceptance fact for work of workers-auditors in the quantity established by the Law, providing conditions of the license of the legal entity (the copy of the employment contract and (or) the order);

4) passport copies of the auditors providing conditions of the license of the legal entity;

5) the announcement signed by the corresponding auditor that the certificates on qualification of the auditor specified in the Items "and" and "b" of part 1 of article 26 of the Law as of day of application do not provide conditions of the license for implementation of auditor services of any other organization;

6) the documents confirming satisfaction to requirements, stipulated in Item "in" part 1 and part 3 of article 26 of the Law concerning the head of the organization, in particular:

and. the copy of the diploma about the higher education;

. the copy of the service record, under seal (in the presence of seal) and signed by the employer and (or) the copy of the employment contract and the reference confirming agreement performance;

century the announcement signed by person represented as the head of the organization according to Appendix No. 4;

7) data on the member of body of government of the legal entity or the other person fulfilling such duties, founders (participants), auditors providing license conditions and the physical persons and legal entities affiliated with them according to the references provided in Appendices No. No. 5, of 6, 7 and 8;

8) Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Armenia of 21.01.2014 No. 20

6.1. For licensing or its duplicate, prolongation of effective period of the license, renewal of the license, provision of information about other persons from registers of licenses, and also for occupation the same activities which are subject to licensing in other place and participation in qualification examination collect the state fee according to the procedure and the size, established by the Law.


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