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Registered by

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

December 21, 1999

No. 892/4185


of November 30, 1999 No. 291

About approval of the Chart of accounts of financial accounting and the Instruction for its application

(as amended on 10-01-2024)

In pursuance of the Program of reforming of financial accounting using international standards approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 28, 1998 No. 1706,


1. Claim the Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, the capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies and organizations approved by Methodological council on financial accounting under the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (further - the Chart of accounts) and the Instruction about application of the Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, the capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies and organizations (further - the Instruction) that increase.

2. Determine that the Chart of accounts and the Instruction are entered by the companies and the organizations in 2000 from the date determined by the administrative document of the director, the organization.

3. Recognize voiding from the date of application of the Chart of accounts and the Instruction, other regulating documents of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on accounting accounting in the part containing financial accounting account correspondence.

Deputy minister

A. V. Litvin

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine on November 30, 1999, No. 291

Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies and organizations

The chart of accounts of financial accounting is applied by the companies, the organizations and other legal entities (except banks and budgetary institutions) irrespective of patterns of ownership, legal forms and types of activity, and also allocated for separate balance of branches, departments and other separate divisions of legal entities (further - the companies).

New synthetic accounts can be entered into the Chart of accounts by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine according to the corresponding petitions concerning financial accounting of specific transactions.

Sub-accounts to synthetic accounts are entered by the companies independently proceeding from requirements of management, control, the analysis and reporting.

The companies which apply the Instruction about application of the Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, the capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies and the organizations approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of 30.11.99 No. 291, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 21.12.99 for No. 893/4186, use the sub-accounts determined by this Instruction.

Synthetic accounts







Class 1. Non-current assets


Fixed assets

All types of activity


Other non-current tangible assets

All types of activity


Intangible assets

All types of activity


Depreciation (depreciation) of non-current assets

All types of activity


Long-term financial investments

All types of activity


Capital investments

All types of activity


Non-current biological assets

Agricultural enterprises, the companies of other industries which perform agricultural activities


Delayed tax assets

All types of activity


Long-term accounts receivable and other non-current assets

All types of activity



All types of activity

Class 2. Inventories


Production supplies

All types of activity


Current biological assets

Agricultural enterprises, the companies of other industries which perform agricultural activities


Invaluable and quickly - the worn-out objects

All types of activity


Production (1)

All types of activity


Production scrap

Industries of production of goods


Semifinished products



Finished goods

Industry, agricultural industry, etc.


Products of agricultural production

Agricultural industry, the companies of other industries with subsidiary agricultural production



All types of activity

Class 3. Means, calculations and other assets


Cash desk

All types of activity


Accounts in banks

All types of activity


Other means

All types of activity


The short-term bills of exchange received

All types of activity


Current financial investments

All types of activity


Settlings with buyers and


All types of activity


Settlings with different debtors

All types of activity


Reserve of doubtful debts

All types of activity


Deferred expenses

All types of activity

Class 4. Equity and providing obligations


The registered (share) capital

All types of activity


The capital in revaluations

All types of activity


Supplementary capital

The registered (share) capital


Reserve capital

The registered (share) capital


Retained earnings (uncovered losses)

The registered (share) capital


The withdrawn capital

The registered (share) capital


Unpaid capital

The registered (share) capital


Providing future expenses and


All types of activity


Target financing and target receipts (2)

All types of activity


Insurance reserves

Insurance activity

Class 5. Long-term obligations


Long-term loans

All types of activity


The long-term bills of exchange issued

All types of activity


Long-term obligations on bonds

All types of activity


Long-term obligations on lease

All types of activity


Delayed tax liabilities

All types of activity


Other long-term obligations

All types of activity

Class 6. Current obligations


Short-term loans

All types of activity


Current debt on long-term obligations

All types of activity


The short-term bills of exchange issued

All types of activity


Settlings with suppliers and


All types of activity


Calculations for taxes and payments

All types of activity


Calculations for insurance

All types of activity


Calculations for payments to workers

All types of activity


Settlings with participants and means of clients

All types of activity


Calculations for other transactions

All types of activity


Deferred revenues

All types of activity

Class 7. Income and results of activities


Income from realization (3)

All types of activity


Other operating income

All types of activity


Income from equity participation

All types of activity


Other financial incomes

All types of activity


Other income

All types of activity


It is excluded



Insurance payments

Insurance activity


Financial results

All types of activity

Class 8. Expenses on elements


Material expenses

All types of activity


Expenses on compensation

All types of activity


Assignments on social actions

All types of activity



All types of activity


Other operating expenses

All types of activity


It is excluded


Class 9. Activities expenses


Cost of sales

All types of activity


General production expenses

All types of activity


Administrative expenses

All types of activity


Distribution costs

All types of activity


Other expenses of operating activiies

All types of activity


Financial expenses

All types of activity


Losses from equity participation

All types of activity


Other expenses

All types of activity


Income tax

All types of activity


It is excluded


Class 0. Off-balance accounts


Leased non-current assets

All types of activity


Assets on responsible


All types of activity


Contract commitments

All types of activity


Unforeseen assets and liabilities

All types of activity


Guarantees and the providing provided

All types of activity


Guarantees and the providing received

All types of activity


Written off assets

All types of activity


Forms of strict accounting

All types of activity


Depreciation charges

All types of activity


(1) the Companies which perform production transportation, delivery of heat energy and render services in centralized water supply and drainage system and keep the separate expense accounting on each type of activity, subject to licensing, separate sub-accounts shall be selected.

(2) separate sub-accounts on which also their uses on purpose implementation of actions according to the legislation, and also accounting of receipt and use by taxpayers on value added of means of the charitable help which according to the legislation is exempted from the taxation by the value added tax is recorded the means released from the taxation in connection with provision of privileges on the income tax Shall be selected.

(3) the Companies which perform production transportation, delivery of heat energy and render services in centralized water supply and drainage system and keep separate account of the income on each type of activity, subject to licensing, separate sub-accounts shall be selected.

Head of department of methodology of financial accounting

V. M. Parkhomenko


Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of November 30, 1999 No. 291

The instruction about application of the Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, the capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies and organizations

I. General provisions

This Instruction establishes appointment and procedure for account management of financial accounting for generalization as method of double data recording about availability and movement of assets, the capital, obligations and the facts of financial and economic activities of the companies, organizations and other legal entities (except budgetary institutions and the companies which according to the legislation constitute the financial reporting under International Financial Reporting Standards) irrespective of patterns of ownership, forms of business and types of activity, and also allocated for separate balance of branches, departments and other separate divisions of legal entities (further - the companies). Maintaining off-balance accounts is performed on simple system (without application of method of double record).

The chart of accounts of financial accounting is the list of accounts and schemes of registration and group of the facts of financial and economic activities on them (account correspondence) in financial accounting. Codes (numbers) and names of synthetic accounts (the accounts of the first procedure) and sub-accounts (the accounts of the second procedure) are given in it on decimal system. The first figure of code determines class of accounts, the second number of the synthetic account, by third - number of sub-account. Kontirovaniye of documents of primary accounting, maintaining bookkeeping registers is performed using, at least, code of class and code of the synthetic account.

The paragraph third is excluded according to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of 09.12.2011 No. 1591

Sub-accounts are used by the companies, proceeding from requirements of management, control, the analysis and reporting and can be supplemented with them introduction of new sub-accounts (the accounts of the second, third procedures) with preserving codes (numbers) sub-accounts of this Chart of accounts. The procedure for conducting analytics and account correspondence which is not given in the Instruction are established by the company, proceeding from regulations of this Instruction, National provisions (standards) of financial accounting, other regulatory legal acts on financial accounting and managerial requirements.

The instruction for application of the Chart of accounts is aimed at providing unity of display of economic activities, uniform in content, on the corresponding synthetic accounts and sub-accounts. The short characteristic and purpose of synthetic accounts and sub-accounts, the standard scheme of registration and group of information on economic activities (account correspondence of the first procedure) is provided in the Instruction.

Accounts of classes 0-7 are obligatory for all companies.

Accounts of class 9 "Activities expenses" are operated by all companies, with opening according to own solution of accounts of class 8 "Expenses on elements".

Legal entities who according to the Law of Ukraine «About financial accounting and the financial reporting in Ukraine» are acknowledged as the microcompanies, small enterprises, not entrepreneurial societies and also representative offices of foreign business entities can apply the simplified Chart of accounts of financial accounting of assets, the capital, obligations and economic activities of the companies approved by the order of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine of April 19, 2001 No. 186, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 05, 2001 for No. 389/5580.

Financial accounting on sub-accounts is kept in analytical section with the requirement to provide quantitative and amount-based and high-quality (brand, grade, the size and so forth) information on availability and movement of objects of financial accounting on the corresponding synthetic account of class 1 "Non-current assets", 2nd "Inventories" and 0 "Off-balance accounts". For financial accounting of separate types of inventories, considering their high-quality technical characteristics and appointment, the company can use more than one natural measuring instrument (for example, ton/litre, piece / square meter, etc.). The retailers applying evaluation method of goods on selling price can keep analytics of goods in amount-based expression.

Class 1. Non-current assets

Accounts of this class are intended for generalization of information on availability and fixed asset movement, other non-current tangible assets, intangible assets, long-term financial investments, capital investments, long-term accounts receivable and other non-current assets, and also depreciation of non-current assets.

On accounts of this class with the corresponding conducting analytics information on availability and movement of the non-current assets belonging to the company on the property right, received on the right of economic maintaining, on the right of operational management, received in financial leasing, in trust management or according to the lease agreement of single (complete) property complex is generalized. The economic organizations (except the state (state) and municipal companies) on separate sub-accounts of the third procedure for the corresponding sub-accounts with indication of belonging to the state-owned and/or municipal property display controlled by them (which are in their ownership and/or use) the non-current assets which are objects of the right of the state-owned or municipal property and which did not enter the authorized capital of the economic societies created in the course of privatization (corporatisation).

Account 10 "Fixed assets"

Account 10 "Fixed assets" is intended for accounting and generalization of information on availability and movement of own or received on the terms of finance lease objects and leased single (complete) property complexes carried in structure of fixed assets, and also objects of the investment real estate.

Tangible assets which the company contains for the purpose of use them in production process or deliveries of goods and services, performance of works of provision to lease to other persons or for implementation of administrative and welfare functions which expected useful life (operation) is more than one year (or operating cycle belong to fixed assets if it is longer than year).

Methodological bases of forming in financial accounting of information on fixed assets are determined in the National provision (standard) of the financial accounting 7 "Fixed assets".

On the debit of account 10 "Fixed assets" receipt (acquired, created, bezoplatno received) fixed assets on balance of the company, considered at primary cost, expense amount which is connected with the improvement of object (upgrade, modification, completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and so forth) leading to increase in the future economic benefits which are initially expected from use of object is displayed; the amount of revaluation of project cost of fixed assets, on the credit - fixed asset retirement owing to sale, bezoplatny transfer or discrepancy to recognition criteria asset, and also in case of partial liquidation of fixed asset object, the amount of writedown of fixed assets. On the debit of account 10 "Fixed assets" the amount of the created providing, in particular on stipulated by the legislation land reclamation is also displayed.

Account 10 "Fixed assets" has such sub-accounts:

100 "The investment real estate"

101 "Parcels of land"

102 "Capital expenditures on improvement of lands"

103 "Houses and constructions"

104 "Machines and equipment"

105 "Vehicles"

106 "Tools, devices and stock"

107 "Animals"

108 "Long-term plantings and the fructifying plants"

109 "Other fixed assets"

On sub-account 100 "Investment real estate" it is recorded availability and movement of objects of the investment real estate.

On sub-account 101 "Parcels of land" it is recorded the parcels of land.

On sub-account 102 "Capital expenditures on improvement of lands" it is recorded capital investments in improvement of lands (meliorative, drying, irrigational and other works).

On sub-account 103 "Houses and constructions" it is recorded availability and movement of houses, constructions, their structural components and transfer devices, and also residential buildings.

On sub-accounts 104 "Machines and the equipment", 105th "Vehicles", 106 "Tools, devices and stock" it is recorded according to machines and the equipment, vehicles, tools, devices and stock.

On sub-account 107 "Animals" it is recorded animals who are not connected with agricultural activities.

On sub-account 108 "Long-term plantings and the fructifying plants" it is recorded the long-term plantings which are not connected with agricultural activities, and also the fructifying plants.

On sub-account 109 "Other fixed assets" it is recorded the fixed assets which are not included in "Fixed assets" in other sub-accounts of account 10.

Analytics of fixed assets are kept concerning each object separately.

Account 10 "Fixed assets" corresponds

on the debit with the credit of accounts:

on the credit with the debit of accounts:


"Depreciation (depreciation) of non-current assets"


"Depreciation (depreciation) of non-current assets"


"Capital investments"


The line item is excluded


The line item is excluded


"Long-term accounts receivable and other non-current assets"


"Long-term accounts receivable and other non-current assets"




"Settlings with different debtors"


"Settlings with different debtors"


"The registered (equity) capital"


"Capital in revaluations"


"Capital in revaluations"


"Supplementary capital"


"Supplementary capital"


"The unpaid capital"



"Providing future expenses and payments"


"Target financing and target receipts"


"Other expenses of operating activiies"


"Long-term obligations on lease"


"Other expenses"


"Calculations for taxes and payments"


"Calculations for other transactions"


"Other incomes"


Account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets"

Account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets" is intended for accounting and generalization of information on availability and movement of other non-current tangible assets which are not displayed as a part of objects of accounting on account 10 "Fixed assets".

On the debit of account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets" receipt (other non-current tangible assets acquired, created, bezoplatno received on the company is displayed (at primary cost); expense amount, connected with improvement of object (reconstruction, upgrade) which leads to increase in the future economic benefits which are initially expected from use of object; amount of revaluation of project cost of non-current tangible assets. On the credit of account 11 are displayed disposal of other non-current tangible assets owing to sale, bezoplatny transfer or discrepancy to recognition criteria by asset, and also in case of partial liquidation of object and the amount of their writedown.

Account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets" has such sub-accounts:

111 "Library stocks"

112 "Invaluable non-current tangible assets"

113 "Shoddy (not title) constructions"

114 "Natural resources"

115 "Inventory container"

116 "Hire objects"

117 "Other non-current tangible assets"

On sub-account 111 "Library stocks" it is recorded availability and movement of library stocks.

On sub-account 112 "Invaluable non-current tangible assets" the cost of objects which useful life is more than one year, in particular the cost of scenic and production objects, special tools and special devices which cost is settled by charge of depreciation at the rate established by the company (regulation) taking into account the expected method of use of such objects and other objects which on cost signs are enlisted by the company in structure of invaluable non-current tangible assets is displayed.

On sub-account 113 "Shoddy (not title) constructions" it is recorded operational shoddy (not title) constructions.

On sub-account 114 "Natural resources" it is recorded availability and movement of the acquired natural resources for the following production (oil, gas and so forth).

On sub-account 115 "Inventory container" it is recorded availability and movement of inventory container.

On sub-account 116 "Hire objects" it is recorded availability and movement of the assets intended for issue for rent.

On sub-account 117 "Other non-current tangible assets" it is recorded availability and movement of other non-current tangible assets which did not find display on other sub-accounts of account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets". On this sub-account, in particular, the cost of complete capital investments into objects of operating lease (upgrade, modification, completion, additional equipment, reconstruction and so forth) is displayed.

Analytics of non-current tangible assets are kept concerning each object of these assets. The companies which charge depreciation of library stocks and invaluable non-current tangible assets in the first month of use of the specified objects in the amount of 100 percent of their cost can keep analytics of these objects with providing information on total quantity of objects and their total cost by classification subgroups which the company implements independently. Project cost of such subgroups in case of its disposal is determined by division of cost of the relevant subgroup which is considered on sub-accounts 111 and 112, on quantity of the objects which are part of the relevant subgroup with display on the credit of sub-accounts 111 and 112 in correspondence with the debit of sub-account 132.

Account 11 "Other non-current tangible assets" corresponds

on the debit with the credit of accounts:

on the credit with the debit of accounts:


"Depreciation (depreciation) of non-current assets"


"Depreciation (depreciation) of non-current assets"


"Capital investments"


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