Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since  October 21, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 28, 2023 No. 512 


of June 3, 2019 No. 263

About approval of the List of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials, making payment of the VAT with reduction by 80 percent

According to article 276 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve the List of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials, making payment of the VAT with reduction by 80 percent according to appendix.

2. Recognize invalid:

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for realization of Item 8 of part 1 of Article 212 and part 5 of article 239 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic" of August 12, 2009 No. 517;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendment into the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for realization of Item 8 of part 1 of Article 212 and part 5 of article 239 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic" of August 12, 2009 No. 517" of September 30, 2010 No. 222;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for realization of Item 8 of part 1 of Article 212 and part 5 of article 239 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic" of August 12, 2009 No. 517" of November 18, 2010 No. 278;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification of the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for realization of Item 8 of part 1 of Article 212 and part 5 of article 239 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic" of August 12, 2009 No. 517" of January 26, 2012 No. 57;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification of the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About measures for realization of Item 8 of part 1 of Article 212 and part 5 of article 239 of the Tax Code of the Kyrgyz Republic" of August 12, 2009 No. 517" of September 25, 2012 No. 630;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the companies of food and processing industry which are performing industrial conversion of agricultural products, subject to exemption of the income tax" of January 25, 2013 No. 37;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials which are exempted from the value added tax" of May 3, 2013 No. 226;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification of the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials which are exempted from the value added tax for a period of 6 years" of May 3, 2013 No. 226" of May 12, 2015 No. 284;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendment and changes into the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the companies of food and processing industry which are performing industrial conversion of agricultural products, subject to exemption of the income tax for a period of three years" of January 25, 2013 No. 37" of June 13, 2013 No. 346;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendment into the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the companies of food and processing industry which are performing industrial conversion of agricultural products, subject to exemption of the income tax for a period of three years" of January 25, 2013 No. 37" of April 23, 2015 No. 239;

- Items 1, 3 and 4 orders of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendment into the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of April 11, 2016 No. 190;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About entering of amendments into the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials which are exempted from the value added tax" of May 3, 2013 No. 226" of December 23, 2016 No. 697.

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification and amendments in some decisions of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" of October 5, 2017 No. 646;

- the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About modification of the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "About approval of the List of the companies of food and processing industry which are performing industrial conversion of agricultural products, subject to exemption of the income tax" of January 25, 2013 No. 37" of April 19, 2018 No. 216.

3. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication and is applied since September 24, 2018.

Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

M. Abylgaziyev


The list of the types of economic activity performed by the companies of food and processing industry (except production of excisable group of goods) processing domestic agricultural raw materials, making payment of the VAT with reduction by 80 percent

GKED code

Name of type of economic activity



Production salty, in brine, dried or smoked meat, fowl and food offal



Production of sausage and other products from meat, meat offal or blood of animals



Conversion and conservation of potatoes


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