of June 4, 2019 No. 360
About specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of the objects which are sources of not ionizing radiation
Based on paragraph two of subitem 2.1 of Item 2 of general sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of the objects which are sources of not ionizing radiation (are applied).
2. Grant to the Ministry of Health the right to explain questions of application of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of the objects which are sources of not ionizing radiation, approved by this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 4, 2019 No. 360
1. These specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements establish requirements to content and operation of the objects which are sources of not ionizing radiation.
2. The state sanitary inspection behind observance of these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements is exercised in case of the placement and application (operation) of sources of not ionizing radiation according to the procedure established by the legislation.
3. Perpetrators bear responsibility according to the legislation for violation of these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements.
4. In these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements the following terms and their determinations are used:
the antenna - the device intended for radiation or acceptance of radio waves. Depending on purpose of the antenna are subdivided into the receptions transferring and send-receive;
output capacity of radio transmitter - the active capacity transmitted by radio transmitter to the antenna-feeder device or to loading equivalent;
the living room - the certain room in the apartment (the single-family apartment house) intended for accommodation or the room in premises intended for dream, rest, leisure, meal. Bathrooms, kitchens, halls, storage rooms and other utility rooms, and also the production rooms intended for individual labor activity or home work do not belong to living rooms if the processes which are carried out in these rooms cannot be combined with functions of living rooms;
premises - the room intended and suitable for accommodation of citizens, either the building or its isolated space part intended or which is actually used for accommodation, housekeeping and recognized as premises in accordance with the established procedure;
building restriction zone (further - ZOZ) - the territory where at the height more than two meters from the Earth's surface intensity of not ionizing radiation exceeds maximum-permissible level (further - PDU). The external border of ZOZ is determined by the maximum height of the existing buildings taking into account perspective building at which height of upper floor the level of not ionizing radiation does not exceed PDU;
magnetic field (further - MT) - one of forms of the electromagnetic field (further - EMP). It is created by moving electric charges and the spin magnetic moments of atomic carriers of magnetism (electrons, protons and others);
the population - the persons living, working or temporarily being near external and internal sources of not ionizing radiation including the employees of the organizations who are carrying out the works near external and internal sources of not ionizing radiation but which are professionally not performing their operation and servicing;
coefficient of strengthening of the antenna - the relation of intensity or density of flow of the energy (further - PPE) created by this antenna at some distance in the direction of the maximum radiation to the intensity or PPE created at the same distance and in the same direction by the ideal isotropic antenna provided that the capacities brought to both antennas identical;
public buildings - the buildings intended for placement of the organizations and organizations providing social, consumer, cultural and public service of the population;
utility rooms - the rooms which are in the apartment (the single-family apartment house) and intended for the economic domestic needs living or the rooms which are not living rooms and are not intended for individual labor activity or home work. Kitchens, bathrooms, halls, wardrobe, laundry places, working (household) rooms, furnace, storage rooms, corridors, halls, locks, rooms without windows, open and cold rooms and others treat utility rooms;
permanent magnetic field (further - PMP) - the field generated by direct current (permanent magnets, electromagnets, silnotochny systems of direct current, reactors of thermonuclear synthesis, magnetohydrodynamic generators, superconducting magnetic systems and generators, aluminum production, magnets and magnetic materials, installation of nuclear magnetic resonance, electronic paramagnetic resonance, physiotherapeutic devices and another);
PDU - the level of specific pollutant (physical and other factors) in the environment in case of permanent contact or impact for certain period *, not influencing health of the person and not causing the adverse effects at its posterity found by modern methods of researches;
the first line of building - the conditional line passing on external surfaces of front walls of buildings the next to the placed transferring radio engineering object (further - PRTO), including the base station, in all directions;
the sanitary protection zone (further - the SPZ) - the territory with specific mode of use which size provides the sufficient level of safety of health of the population from harmful effects of the not ionizing radiation created by source of such radiation on its border and behind it (the external border of the SPZ is determined at the height of 2 m from the Earth's surface (bearing area) by PDU of not ionizing radiation);
EMP - special form of matter by means of which interaction between charged particles is performed;
electric field (further - the EDS) - private form of manifestation of EMP which is created by electric charges or to the MT variables and is characterized by intensity;
electrostatic field (further - ESP) - electric field of motionless electric charges or stationary electric field of direct current (electrogas purification, electrostatic separation of ores and materials, electronapping, power stations of direct current, production and operation of semiconductor devices and chips, processing of polymeric materials and production of products from them, operation of computer, multiplying facilities and another);
electroinstallation (further - EU) - set of machines, devices, lines, the service equipment, construction, the room in which they are established, intended for production, transformation, transformation, transfer, distributions of electrical energy and its transformation to other type of energy (any combination of the interconnected electric equipment within certain space or the room);
equivalent isotropic and emitted capacity (further - EIIM) - the work of the capacity brought to the antenna on coefficient of strengthening of this antenna in the set direction of rather isotropic antenna.
* In the conditions of production impact - during the work no more than 40 h a week during all working life.
5. In this Section requirements to safety and harmlessness of impact per capita of the electromagnetic radiation of the radio-frequency range (further - EMI RCh) 30 kHz - 300 GHz are established.
6. Requirements of this Section do not extend on:
systems of cellular mobile telecommunication and system of broadband wireless access (further - ShBD), including terminal subscriber devices (terminals);
The PRTO, radio-electronic means and means of telecommunication placed on vehicles and operated during their movement;
impact on patients the radiation generated by products of medical appointment and medical equipment for the purpose of achievement of diagnostic or medical effect.
7. For the purposes of this Section the following main terms and their determinations are used:
external EMI RCh - external rather different closed spaces and rooms of EMI RCh;
secondary radiation - the reradiation of electromagnetic energy the different carrying-out objects and designs which are in the action area of EMI RCh created by PRTO;
PRTO - one or several radio transmitters (the radio-transmitting devices) working for one or several antennas located on the general platform (territory);
the sanitary passport of PRTO - the technical (technology) document developed by the organization for the purpose of ensuring sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population regarding electromagnetic safety and containing specification on PRTO, materials of calculation of distribution of intensity of EMI RCh in the territory, adjacent to PRTO, the sizes of the SPZ and ZOZ taking into account perspective development of PRTO and the settlement;
special polygon - the site of the area and airspace over it intended for holding actions for operational and combat training of troops (forces) and ensuring educational process of military educational institutions, teaching military units;
the vehicle - water or the aircraft, automobile (including trail car, semitrailer truck), railway (railway rolling stock, unit of railway rolling stock) and other device or the mechanism intended for transportation of people, loads or the equipment installed on it.
8. Normative and technical (technical, technology) documentation on sources of EMI RCh shall conform to requirements of this Section, including contain measures of protection of the population and workers, PDU and the actual levels of impact per capita EMI RCh, and also methods of their assessment.
9. Assessment of impact of EMI RCh on workers (the persons working or studying in zones of influence of sources, on condition of passing by these persons of medical examinations according to the procedure, established by the legislation) shall be performed on energy exposure (further - EE).
10. Assessment of impact of EMI RCh on the population shall be performed on its intensity for:
persons, work or training of which are not connected with business necessity of stay in zones of influence of sources of EMI RCh;
persons who did not have obligatory medical examinations on this factor;
the working or studying persons which did not reach 18 years;
women during the periods of pregnancy and feeding by breast;
persons which are in the residential, public and factory buildings and rooms which are affected by external EMI RCh (except buildings and premises of PRTO);
persons which are in the territory of the housing estate and in places of mass rest.
11. The estimated indicators and settlement PDU EMI RCh are provided according to appendix 1, if other is not provided in this Section.
12. Under production conditions EE EMI RCh for workers for the working day (working shift) shall not exceed maximum permissible values according to appendix 2.
13. Values of levels of intensity of the electric and magnetic constituting EMI in the range of frequencies of 0,03-300 of MHz under production conditions depending on duration of impact shall not exceed PDU according to appendix 3 or PDU calculated according to appendix 1.
14. Values of the PPE EMI levels in the range of the frequencies of 300 MHz - 300 GHz under production conditions depending on duration of impact shall not exceed PDU according to appendix 4 or PDU calculated according to appendix 1.
15. In case of radiation of workers from the antennas working in the mode of the circular overview or scannings with frequency no more than 1 Hz and porosity at least 20, PDU of impact of EMI RCh shall be calculated by formula according to Item 6 of appendix 1.
16. Irrespective of impact duration on workers intensity of EMI RCh shall not exceed the maximum values established in appendices 3 and 4.
17. In case of local radiation of hands of workers during the work with the PDU microstrip superhigh-frequency devices of impact of EMI RCh shall be calculated by formula according to Item 7 of appendix 1.
At the same time irrespective of duration of impact of PPE on hands shall not exceed the PDU maximum value established in appendix 4.
18. PDU EMI RCh shall be determined that impact happens during all working day (working shift).
19. Reducing duration of impact of EMI RCh shall be supported by the technology, organizational and administrative documents and (or) results of timing of the working day (working shift).
20. Maximum permissible operating time shall be reflected in the safety rule and in technology documents, and on sources of EMI RCh or in close proximity to them the corresponding preventions specifying presence of EMI RCh shall be placed.
21. Finding of out-of-pocket workers of individual protection in places where intensity of EMI RCh exceeds PDU for the minimum duration of impact, is not allowed.
22. Intensity of EMI RCh for the population, on workplaces of persons which did not reach 18 years of women during the periods of pregnancy and feeding by breast shall not exceed PDU according to appendix 5.
23. Intensity of EMI in the range of the frequencies of 150-300 MHz created by radio stations for implementation of communication through space and the radar stations of special purpose (further - SN radar Station) for control of space working in the mode of electronic scanning of beam, in the territory of the inhabited places, located in near and far zones of the chart of radiation, shall not exceed PDU according to appendix 6.
24. In case of simultaneous radiation from several sources of EMI RCh for which identical PDU are established the conditions specified in Item 8 of appendix 1 shall be complied.
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