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of May 31, 2019

About coordination of the interstate relations in the field of basic researches of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

The governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States which further are referred to as with the Parties

being guided by provisions of the Concept of further development of the Commonwealth of Independent States approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth of Independent States of October 5, 2007

in view of the Agreement on creation of Council for cooperation in the field of fundamental science of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 19, 2011,

considering significant role of the sphere of basic researches in development of sci-tech cooperation of the State Parties of the CIS,

wishing to develop and strengthen general scientific space of the State Parties of the CIS,

in view of mutual interest in development of scientific research, support of scientific personnel, upgrade of material and technical resources of the scientific organizations conducting basic researches

realizing need and benefits of coordination of activities of the Parties in the field of basic researches for development of economic capacity of the State Parties of the CIS,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

The parties coordinate the actions in the field of basic researches, forming of the single (approved) system of priorities and examination of programs, projects of joint basic researches, harmonizations of the regulatory legal base of cooperation in the field of fundamental science in case of compliance with law and international treaties of the State Parties of this agreement, and also take other measures for development of single approaches of interaction in the field.

Article 2

The parties take measures for ensuring effective coordination of the collateral actions directed to creating favorable conditions for implementation of regular contacts between scientists, the organizations of the State Parties of this agreement conducting basic researches (further - the organizations of the State Parties of this agreement), funds of the Parties, promote every possible distribution of scientific knowledge and increase in the public status of science.

Article 3

For the purpose of development of cooperation of the Party give full assistance to the organizations of the State Parties of this agreement, including in the following priority directions:

a) physical and mathematical and chemical sciences, information and communication technologies;

b) new substances and materials, including nanomaterials and nanotechnologies;

c) sciences about Earth, life, including biological, agrarian and medical sciences, biotechnologies and genetic engineering;

d) rational environmental management and environmental protection; studying of climate changes, including glaciers;

e) power, including nuclear, alternative and renewable; mechanical engineering and instrument making;

e) social and economic and humanities;

g) space researches;

h) in other priority directions of basic researches approved by the Parties.

Article 4

The parties on mutually advantageous and equal basis develop cooperation in the field of basic researches in the following forms:

a) accomplishment of joint programs and projects;

b) the organization of scientific visits and training of scientists and researchers in the State Parties of this agreement, including with involvement of young scientists and specialists, for the purpose of implementation of basic researches;

c) exchange of information in the field of basic researches;

d) creation of joint laboratories, scientific centers of basic researches and centers of collective use of the equipment;

e) organization and holding scientific conferences, symposiums, seminars, forums and other actions;

e) other forms according to the mutual arrangement between the Parties.

Article 5

The parties promote provision, exchange and distribution in the territories of the states of information, necessary for implementation of provisions of this agreement, taking into account the legislation and international treaties of the State Parties of this agreement.

Each Party taking into account the legislation and international treaties of the State Parties of this agreement sends to Council for cooperation in the field of fundamental science of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States information on the main directions of basic researches in the state.

Council on cooperation in the field of fundamental science of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States coordinates exchange of information.

Article 6

The parties promote development of interest in basic researches, improvement of quality of preparation of the scientific personnel performing basic researches including tenders of young scientists, to studying of national and international experience of the organization of basic researches, development of mobility of scientific personnel, implementation of the advanced forms and methods in work, to preserving scientific potential and its integration into world scientific space.

Article 7

Financing of joint programs, projects and actions is performed within the means provided in budgets of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States to the ministries and departments on ensuring the functions assigned to them and/or on implementation of the appropriate national programs and also at the expense of non-budgetary sources.

Each Party or the organization of the State Party of this agreement independently incurs expenses on the participation and participation of the employees in other joint activities if another is not provided by specific arrangements.

Article 8

Registration, protection and joint use of the rights to the intellectual property items received during cooperation within this agreement are performed according to the legislation and international treaties of the State Parties of this agreement.

The parties provide taking measures to legal protection of intellectual property items, and also to ensuring confidentiality and privacy of information of the corresponding nature according to the procedure, established by the legislation and the international obligations of the State Parties of this agreement.

Information obtained as a result of joint activities within this agreement, except for the confidential and classified information can be distributed in the world scientific community according to the legislation and international treaties of the State Parties of this agreement.

Article 9

Each Party determines authorized body (organization) to which implementation of this agreement is assigned what informs depositary along with the written notice of accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for the introduction of this agreement in force on.


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