of August 30, 1995
We, the people of Kazakhstan united by general historical destiny, creating statehood on the primordial Kazakh earth, understanding itself the peaceful civil society committed to ideals of freedom, equality and consent, wishing to take the worthy place in the world community, realizing the high responsibility before present and future generations, proceeding from the sovereign right, we accept this Constitution.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan approves itself by the democratic, secular, constitutional and social state which supreme values are the person, his life, the rights and freedoms.
2. The fundamental principles of activities of the Republic are: public consent and political stability, economic development to the benefit of all people, the Kazakhstan patriotism, the solution of the most important issues of the state life by democratic methods, including vote on republican referendum or in Parliament.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan is the unitary state with presidential government.
2. Sovereignty of the Republic extends to all its territory. The state provides integrity, immunity and inalienability of the territory.
3. The administrative-territorial device of the Republic, the status of its capital are determined by the law. The capital of Kazakhstan is the city of Astana.
3-1. In city boundaries of Astana the particular legal regime in the financial sphere according to the constitutional law can be set.
4. Names the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kazakhstan are equivalent.
1. The single source of the government are the people.
2. The people perform the power directly through republican referendum and free elections, and also delegate implementation of the power to state bodies.
3. Nobody can appropriate the power in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Assignment of the power is pursued under the law. The right to act on behalf of the people and the state belongs to the President, and also Parliament of the Republic within its constitutional powers. The government of the Republic and other state bodies act on behalf of the state within the powers delegated by it.
4. The government in the Republic is single, is performed on the basis of the Constitution and the laws according to the principle of its separation into legislative, executive and judicial branches and their interactions among themselves with use of system of controls and counterbalances.
1. The law in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan are regulations of the Constitution, the laws corresponding to it, other regulatory legal acts, the international contractual and other commitments of the Republic, and also normative resolutions of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic.
2. The constitution has the highest legal force and direct action in all territory of the Republic.
3. The international agreements ratified by the Republic have priority before its laws. The procedure and conditions of action in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of international treaties which participant is Kazakhstan are determined by the legislation of the Republic.
4. All laws, the international agreements which participant is the Republic are published. Official publication of the regulatory legal acts concerning the rights, freedoms and obligations of citizens is the compulsory provision of their application.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan are recognized ideological and political variety. Creation in state bodies of the organizations of political parties is not allowed.
2. Public associations are equal before the law. Illegal intervention of the state in cases of public associations and public associations in cases of the state, assignment on public associations of functions of state bodies is not allowed.
3. Creation and activities of public associations are forbidden, the purposes or actions of which are directed to violent change of the constitutional system, violation of integrity of the Republic, undermining safety of the state, kindling of social, racial, national, religious, class and patrimonial discord, and also creation not of stipulated by the legislation paramilitary forces.
4. In the Republic activities of political parties and labor unions of other states, batches on religious basis, and also financing of political parties and labor unions by foreign legal entities and citizens, foreign states and the international organizations are not allowed.
5. Activities of foreign religious associations in the territory of the Republic, and also appointment of religious associations as the foreign religious centers of heads in the Republic are performed in coordination with the relevant state bodies of the Republic.
1. The Republic of Kazakhstan are recognized and are similarly protected the state-owned and private property.
2. The property obliges, use of it shall serve the public benefit at the same time. Subjects and objects of property, amount and limits of implementation by owners of the rights, guarantees of their protection are determined by the law.
3. The earth and its subsoil, waters, plant and animal life, other natural resources belong to the people. On behalf of the people the property right performs the state. The earth can be also in private property on the bases, conditions and in the limits set by the law.
1. In the Republic of Kazakhstan Kazakh is state.
2. In the state organizations and local government bodies on an equal basis with Kazakh Russian is officially used.
3. The state cares for creation of conditions for studying and development of languages of the people of Kazakhstan.
Article 8
The Republic of Kazakhstan respects the principles and rules of international law, pursues policy of cooperation and good-neighbourhood between the states, their equalities and non-interference to internal affairs of each other, peaceful resolution of international disputes, refuses use of the first armed force.
The Republic of Kazakhstan has the state symbols - the Flag, the Coat of arms and the Anthem. Their description and procedure for official use are established by the constitutional law.
1. Nationality of the Republic of Kazakhstan is acquired and stops according to the law, is single and equal irrespective of the bases of its acquisition.
2. The citizen of the Republic cannot be deprived of nationality, the right to change the nationality, and also cannot be expelled out of limits of Kazakhstan. Deprivation of nationality is allowed only by a court decision for making of terrorist crimes, and also for causing other severe harm to the vital interests of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
3. For the citizen of the Republic nationality of other state is not recognized.
1. The citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan cannot be issued to foreign state if other is not established by international treaties of the Republic.
2. The republic guarantees to the citizens protection and protection beyond its limits.
1. In the Republic of Kazakhstan human rights and freedoms according to the Constitution are recognized and guaranteed.
2. Human rights and freedoms belong to everyone from the birth, are recognized absolute and inaliennable, determine content and application of the laws and other regulatory legal acts.
3. The citizen of the Republic owing to the most nationality has the rights and performs duties.
4. Foreigners and stateless persons have the rights and freedoms in the Republic, and also perform the duties established for citizens if other is not provided by the Constitution, the laws and international treaties.
5. Implementation of rights and freedoms of man and citizen shall not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons, to encroach on the constitutional system and public morality.
1. Everyone has the right to recognition of its legal personality and have the right to protect the rights and freedoms by all methods which are not contradicting the law, including justifiable defense.
2. Everyone has the right to judicial protection of the rights and freedoms.
3. Everyone has the right to qualified legal aid. In the cases provided by the law, legal aid is given free of charge.
1. All are equal before the law and court.
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