of May 28, 2019 No. 680
About determination of cases in which the antimonopoly authority does not perform placement on the Internet of the data which are subject to placement according to article 32 of the Federal law "About Protection of the Competition"
According to part 9.1 of article 32 of the Federal law "About Protection of the Competition" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
Determine that the antimonopoly authority has the right not to post on the official site on the data Internet about the petition for consent which arrived in antimonopoly authority on implementation of the transaction, other action if it contains information on persons to whom the measures of restrictive nature entered by foreign state, national association and (or) the union and (or) the public (interstate) institution of foreign state or national association and (or) union and (or) about the credit institution referred to category of authorized banks according to the Federal Law "About the State Defense Order" in case of simultaneous receipt in antimonopoly authority with the specified petition of the statement from these persons or person submitting the petition are applied which contains data on application concerning person of such measures of restrictive nature and (or) about its reference to category of authorized banks according to the Federal Law "About the State Defense Order" and details of the documents confirming these data.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
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The document ceased to be valid since June 21, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 10, 2023 No. 956