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of May 8, 2019 No. 320

About approval of Rules of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan

(as amended on 21-06-2024)

According to the subitem 26) article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About use of airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan and activities of aircraft" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2. To provide to management of the commander-in-chief Silami of air defense of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) the direction of the copy of this order in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "Institute of the legislation and legal information of the Republic of Kazakhstan" the Ministries of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Kazakh and Russian languages within ten calendar days from the date of state registration;

3) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its first official publication;

4) the direction of data in Legal department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1) and 2) and 3) of this Item within ten calendar days from the date of state registration.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on heads of governing bodies of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. Bring this order to officials in the part concerning them.

5. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan major general

N. Ermekbayev

It is approved

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"____" _________ 2019


It is approved

Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"____" _________ 2019


Approved by the Order of the Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 8, 2019 No. 320

Rules of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. These rules of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - Rules) determine procedure for meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - the state aircraft of RK).

Meteorological providing is one of types of fighting ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Air service of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan, directed to the most complete use of weather conditions for effective application of aircraft and safety of flights. It is performed by meteorological division (further – meteodivisions).

Weather conditions have significant effect on take-off, landing and flights of aircrafts (further - VS), their fighting application, condition of airfields, operation of the aircraft equipment, means of ensuring of flights and on work of staff.

2. Main determinations:

1) absolute altitude - distance down from the average level of the sea to the level, point or the object accepted for point;

2) air unit (military unit, structural division) - the republican public institution performing production of flights of VS of destructive, bombing, attack, transport, army and educational state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan, their operation, repair and storage, aviation commandant's offices, air stores parks, structural divisions of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - MO RK), law-enforcement bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Air service of Committee of homeland security of the Republic of Kazakhstan which include the divisions operating pilotless aircrafts (further - BVS), and also training centers on training of aviation personnel, training centers of combat training and fighting application of BVS;

3) the leading aircrew of air unit - the aircrew holding positions from the commander of aviation squadron above (in separate aviation squadron from the commander of link (group) above);

4) the aviation meteorological station - the station intended for carrying out observations and creation of the meteorological reports which are subject to use in the international air navigation;

5) the aircraft equipment - complex of aviation technical means (VS, their onboard equipment and aggregates, engines, aviation arms of VS of the state aircraft, aviation survival equipment, complex exercise machines (flight simulators), components, technical means of air traffic control, navigation of landing and communication, and also the means of land ensuring common and special application intended for accomplishment of flight, the organization of air traffic control and land ensuring flights;

6) hurricane - wind of destructive force and considerable duration (wind speed from 31 to 50 meters per second (further - m/s);

7) special task - flight on task performance, not provided by Rates of combat, flight, educational and flight, special training approved as heads of governing bodies of the state aircraft;

8) operational weather forecasts - the weather forecasts developed for the period till 6 o'clock in the airfields which are not performing alert;

9) weathers especially dangerous by the phenomena (further - OOYaP) - are considered the phenomena which on the intensity, can cause to time of origin, duration and the area of distribution or caused significant damage to the aircraft equipment, airfield constructions and staff;

10) at least weathers - minimum admissible values of minimum for take off and landing, proceeding from minimum of airfield, minimum of VS, minimum of the commander of VS on the greatest of them;

11) the dangerous phenomena of weather (further - OYaP) - the phenomena of weather or value of meteorological sizes which threaten safety of flights or preserving the aircraft equipment in airfield;

12) the collection of aeronautical information - the publication issued or authorized by the state which contains the long-term aeronautical information which is important for air navigation;

13) balloon - the aircraft which lifting force is based on aero static or at the same time aero static and aerodynamic principles (balloons are subdivided on piloted, automatic, fastened and free);

14) airline hub - consolidation of close located areas of airfields (helidromes) which general borders and the organization of accomplishment of flights from which requires coordination and coordinating have;

15) the region of airline hub - part of airspace of the established size with two and more close located airfields, for the organization and accomplishment of flights from which, special coordination and coordinating is necessary;

16) it is excluded

17) the area of airfield (helidrome) - airspace over airfield (helidrome) and the area adjoining to it in established borders the horizontal and vertical planes;

18) control point of airfield (further - KTA) - the point determining the geographic location of airfield;

19) the aircraft report VS - the aircraft report VS, being in flight which is constituted according to requirements for data message on location, the course of accomplishment of flight and (or) weather conditions;

20) the aircraft - the device supported in the atmosphere due to its interaction with air excepting interaction with the air reflected from land (water) surface;

21) the airfield climatological table - the table containing statistical data about results of observation of one or several meteorological elements in airfield;

22) the airfield climatological report - the summary of results of observation of certain meteorological elements in airfield based on statistical data;

23) the commander of VS - the pilot (pilot) who is the senior in crew and responsible for accomplishment and safety of flight of VS;

24) control centers of air traffic - the operational governing bodies of air traffic of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - BC PK) intended for planning and coordinating of use of airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan, control over observance of procedure for use of airspace of the Republic of Kazakhstan, safety of flights and regularities of air traffic in the limits set for them regions of responsibility according to the Instruction for air traffic control of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by authorized body in the sphere of the state aircraft according to the subitem 29) "About use of airspace and activities of aircraft" (further - the Law);

25) airfield meteorological body - the service located in airfield, intended for meteorological ensuring flights of VS;

26) the airway - controlled airspace (or its part) in the form of corridor;

27) extra airfield flight - the flight which is carried out outside the boundaries of airspace of the area of airfield (airline hub) with transfer of management to other governing body of flights with landing in airfield of take-off;

28) excess of airfield - excess of the highest point of the landing area;

29) hardware and software systems - the systems intended for collection, transfer and processing of meteorological information;

30) airfield of appointment - airfield in which landing of VS is provided by flight plan or task for flight (airfields of appointment are subdivided into airfields of intermediate and final landing);

31) the high-rise card - the meteorological chart for certain high-rise surface or atmospheric layer;

32) the forecast (weathers) - the description of the weather conditions expected at some point or period of time in certain zone or part of airspace;

33) the prognostic card - graphical representation on the card of the forecast, certain meteorological element for certain moment or period of time for certain surface or part of airspace;

34) height of the lower bound of clouds (further - VNGO) - distance down between land (water) surface and the lower bound of the lowest layer of clouds;

35) airfields of joint basing - airfields of civil and state aviation on which VS relating to the state, civil and experimental aviation are based;

36) the spontaneous hydrometeorological phenomena - the phenomena which on intensity of development, duration, the areas of distribution or to the moment of origin pose threat of life of staff lead to failure of fighting task, and also can cause significant material damage to arms, military equipment and military facilities;

37) storm warning - the forecast of origin (preserving, strengthening) the weather phenomena, dangerous to aircraft;

38) the storm notification - the message on the weather phenomena, dangerous to aircraft, in airfield (around airfield), in observation Item (under review);

39) not equipped landing strip (further - the runway) - intended for VS which is carrying out visual landing approach;

40) the area flat - the area with relative excesses of relief to the 200th meter (further - m) in radius of 25 kilometer (further - km);

41) fighting aircraft - VS intended for accomplishment of fighting task;

42) rainfall - the atmospheric phenomenon, is connected with presence at the atmosphere of water at liquid or firm state, dropping out of clouds or besieged from air on the land surface (rain, snow, drizzle, hail);

43) the meteorological artificial Earth satellite (further MISZ) - the companion making meteorological observations and transferring results of these observations to Earth;

44) landing zone - the site of landing strip behind its threshold intended for the first contact of landing strip with the landing planes;

45) the mobile meteorological station (further - PMS) - the station intended for accomplishment of meteorological (hydrometeorological) measurements, wind sounding of the atmosphere, acceptance, transfer, processing, display and finishing information on the actual weather, meteorological and hydrological forecasts, forecasts of the phenomena of weather and separate parameters for the benefit of hydrometeorological ensuring operational and tactical actions of troops in field conditions;

46) technical structure - the aviation personnel having the special preparation and the holding positions connected with servicing, operation, storage and repair of the aircraft equipment;

47) incident - any event, except aviation incident, VS connected with use which influences or could affect safety of operation;

48) the duty meteoexpert – the official, the specialist of meteorological ensuring flights (aviation personnel) having special preparation and holding position, connected with ensuring flights of aircrafts, operation, servicing and carrying out scheduled works on technical means of meteorological division and performing watch in meteodivision;

49) squall - the sharp strengthening of wind speed (to 30 m/s) within a short period of time in the limited territory which is followed by changes of the direction of wind;

50) climate - the statistical mode of atmospheric conditions inherent in this area depending on its geographical location;

51) the climatic description (reference) - information intended for studying of local features of climate;

52) consultation - discussion with the meteospecialist or other expert of the actual and (or) expected weather conditions connected with flight accomplishment (discussion includes answers to questions);

53) visibility (visible range) - the maximum distance from which objects are visible and are identified;

54) visibility horizontal - the maximum distance from which objects in the afternoon and light reference points at night in the horizontal direction at the earth are visible and are identified;

55) the visual flight rules - rules in case of which the established intervals between VS and other material objects in air by visual observation by the pilot of air situation are observed;

56) difficult weather conditions (further SMU) - conditions under which flight is fully or partially carried out on devices (in the absence of visibility of the earth or the natural horizon) or visually under clouds in the conditions determined by rules of production of flights of the state aircraft of RK;

57) tornado - powerful whirlwind under storm cloud with approximately vertical axis of rotation (wind speed reaches 51 - 100 m/s);

58) simple weather conditions (further - PMU) - conditions under which all flight can visually be carried out;

59) safe height - minimum admissible flight altitude guaranteeing VS against collision with land (water) surface or obstacles in it;

60) landing - the slowed-down movement of VS from height of the beginning of equalization (the beginning of braking in case of vertical landing) until contact of land, water or other surface and the end of run (engine drosselirovaniye after landing in case of vertical landing);

61) at least airfield for landing - minimum admissible values of visibility on the runway and heights of the lower bound of clouds or height of decision making in case of which it is allowed to carry out landing to VS of this category in this airfield;

62) at least VS for landing - minimum admissible values of visibility on the runway and heights of the lower bound of clouds or height of decision making allowing to carry out safely landing to VS of this type;

63) at least the commander of VS for landing - minimum admissible values of landing visibility and height of the lower bound of clouds or height of decision making in case of which the commander of VS is allowed to carry out landing to VS of this type;

64) reserve airfield - airfield where VS can follow if it is impossible or inexpedient to follow to airfield of the planned landing or to make on it landing.

The reserve airfield in case of take-off - airfield in which VS will be able to make landing if in it there is need soon after take-off and is not possible to use airfield of departure.

Reserve airfield on route - airfield in which VS will be able to make landing if during flight along route it turned out that it is necessary to leave on reserve airfield.

Reserve airfield of destination - airfield in which will be able to make landing of VS if it is impossible or inexpedient to make landing in airfield of the planned landing;

65) short-term forecasts of weather - weather forecasts which effective period constitutes till 36 o'clock from the moment of the beginning of their action;

66) meteodivision of the state aircraft - meteodivision (department, group, service, the center) which is directly performing complex of works in the field of meteorological observations, collection, processing, the analysis and finishing parameters of the corresponding meteorological situation to provided, governing bodies, troops and higher division of hydrometeorological providing;

67) meteorological information - data, messages on the actual and predicted weather arriving from meteodivision, crews of VS and bodies of servicing of air traffic (management of flights);

68) meteorological observations - tool measurements and visual observations of condition of separate components of the environment for the purpose of assessment and the forecast of meteorological and climatic characteristics (parameters);

69) the equipment for production of meteorological observations (further - the meteorological equipment) - measuring instruments, technical means and complexes intended for obtaining, finishing and registration of meteorological sizes (parameters);

70) the meteorological bulletin - the text including meteorological information under the corresponding heading;

71) the meteorological equipment is the technical means intended for measurement of the meteorological sizes necessary for safety of take off and landing of VS;

72) regulations of supply with the meteorological equipment (supply regulation) - the quantity and the nomenclature of the hydrometeorological equipment established to issue in peace or wartime to governing bodies and troops;

73) meteorological situation - set of meteorological data (the meteorological elements, characteristics and the phenomena) about atmosphere condition for certain interval of time exerting impact on application of the state aircraft in airspace and on the land surface;

74) the duty engineer-weather forecaster of meteodivision – the specialist having the corresponding education, ensuring safety of flights in the meteorological relation, allowed by the order of the commander of part to meteorological ensuring flights in the corresponding weather conditions using means of land ensuring common and special application (technical means of meteorological division);

75) visibility meteorological - the horizontal visibility determined by meteodivision by means of technical means or visually by visibility reference points;

76) meteorological providing - complex of the actions directed to the organization of meteorological observations, collection, processing, the analysis and bringing to governing bodies, connections, military units (teaching departments and organizations, military educational institutions and parts of reserve) of the state aircraft of information on condition of the surrounding environment;

77) the meteorological report - the message on results of observations of the weather conditions relating to certain time and the place;

78) ice accretion - adjournment of ice on various parts of VS (weak - in case of adjournment of ice on forward edge of wing to 0,5 of millimeters a minute (further - mm/min.), moderated - from 0,5 to 1 mm/min., strong - more than 1 mm/min.);

79) thunder-storm - the atmospheric phenomenon in case of which in clouds or between clouds and the land surface, there are electric discharges - lightnings accompanied with thunder;

80) the actual weather - set of values of meteorological elements and phenomena at present time;

81) instructing - oral consultation on the actual and/or expected weather conditions;

82) octant - the eighth part of the heavenly code;

83) orography - the description of various elements of relief (ridges, heights, hollows and so forth) and their classification by external signs regardless of origin;

84) relative height - distance down from the specified initial level to the level, point or the object accepted for point;

85) standard isobaric surface - the isobaric surface used in the world scale for graphical representation and the analysis of atmospheric conditions;

86) starting time - period of time during which the crew of VS is allowed to carry out flight;

87) mountain airfield - the airfield located on the area with the crossed relief and relative excesses of 500 m and more in radius of 25 km from control point of airfield and also the airfield located at the height of 1000 m and more above sea level;

88) the mountain area - the area with the crossed relief and relative excesses of 500 m and more in radius of 25 km, and also the area with excess above sea level 2000 m and more; pressure in airfield - atmospheric pressure at the level of working threshold of the runway;

89) tropical cyclone - the general term for designation not of frontal cyclone of the synoptic scale arising in the ocean of tropical or subtropical zone with the convective and developed cyclonic circulation of ground wind expressed;

90) visibility vertical - the maximum distance from the Earth's surface to the level from which vertically objects on the land surface are visible down;

91) turbulence - movement of air in case of which air particles make the unsteady chaotic movement on difficult trajectories. In the atmosphere whirl usually is characterized by availability of whirlwinds of various sizes moving with various speed generally (average) air flow. Vortex nature of movement of air causes availability in turbulent zone of sign-variable pulsations of wind speed, including the pulsations of vertical component of wind having significant effect on flight of VS;

92) long-term forecasts of weather - weather forecasts which effective period constitutes more than 36 hours from the moment of the beginning of their action;

93) the runway - the certain rectangular site of overland airfield prepared for landing and rise of VS;

94) aircrew - the pilots, navigators, cadets (listeners) of flight military educational institutions and other officials having the corresponding military specialties suitable according to the conclusion of the medical and flight commission for flight work and the carrying-out obligations in flight as a part of crew of VS;

95) the airfield - part of airfield on which one or several flight strips, rulezhny paths, platforms and platforms of special purpose are located;

96) flight change - the period of time determined by the planned table of flights during which flights are carried out;

97) the senior of flight change - the official, from among the leading aircrew of air unit, appointed to flight change for the organization, carrying out and control of flights;

98) duration of flight change - time counted from the moment of the beginning of take-off of the first and until the end of landing of the last VS according to the planned table of flights;

99) management of flights - actions of group of management of flights and calculations of the control centers attracted on the flights aimed at providing completeness, timeliness and safety of accomplishment by crews of VS of flight tasks;

100) group of management of flights (further - GRP) - the group of persons appointed by the commander of air unit (the head of governing body of the state aircraft, management of the commander of the Air Force) for carrying out flights for management (management, control) flights in zones of the responsibility, from officials of air unit (governing body of the state aircraft, management of the commander of the Air Force);

101) the planned table of flights - the document of the established sample in which graphical and tekstualno are stated (are displayed) the decision of the commander on carrying out flights and task to the crews participating in them;

102) visibility on landing strip (further - the runway) - the maximum distance within which the pilot of VS which is on the axial line of the runway can see marking of its covering or light reference points. Visibility of light reference points is accepted to visibility on the runway at night;

103) flight - the flight which is carried out with landing in other airfield (platform);

104) visibility flight - visibility from cabin of VS in flight;

105) take-off - the accelerated movement of VS from the moment of moving (the moment of department from surface in case of vertical take-off) to department from land (water) or artificial surface and ascent of 10 m (height of influence of the screen of surface in case of vertical take-off);

106) at least airfield for take-off - minimum admissible values of visibility on the runway and, if necessary, heights of the lower bound of clouds in case of which it is allowed to carry out take-off on VS of this category in this airfield;

107) at least VS for take-off - minimum admissible values of visibility on the runway and heights of the lower bound of clouds allowing to make safely take-off on VS of this type;

108) weather conditions of flights - set of the meteorological sizes and the phenomena observed in the area or on route of flight, exerting impact on accomplishment of flight task. Depending on complexity degree weather conditions are subdivided on simple and difficult;

109) cloud, significant for flights - cloud with the lower bound is lower than height of 1500 m (5000 feet) or below the greatest minimum height in the sector depending on the fact that it is more either cumulus cumulonimbus cloud or bashenkoobrazny cumulus cloud at any height;

110) at least the commander of VS for take-off - minimum admissible values of visibility on the runway and, if necessary, heights of the lower bound of clouds in case of which the commander of VS is allowed to carry out rise of VS of this type;

111) flight echelon - the surface of constant atmospheric pressure carried to the established hectopascal 1013,2 pressure size (further - gpa) and remote from other such surfaces at size of the established pressure intervals.

The barometric altimeter graduated according to the standard atmosphere:

in case of installation on QNH will show absolute altitude;

in case of installation on QFE will show relative height over reference point of QFE;

in case of installation on pressure of 1013,2 of gp it is used for specifying of echelons of flight;

The terms "relative height" and "absolute altitude", mean instrument, but not geometrical relative and absolute altitudes;

112) bumpiness - the chaotic movements of VS arising when flying in the conditions of turbulence of the atmosphere:

bumpiness moderate - moderate change of provision and (or) absolute altitude of VS, but still providing positive control where indications of the accelerometer constitute 0,5 минус деления1, 0g in the center of gravity of VS, and in case of take off and landing, moderate bumpiness in case of + 0,3 минус деления0, 4g;

bumpiness strong - sharp change of provision and (or) absolute altitude of VS where during the short periods of VS does not react to management, with characteristic changes of airspeed, with the indications of the accelerometer exceeding 1.0g in the center of gravity of VS, and in case of take off and landing, with increments of overload is more + 0, 4g; 14);

113) the forecast approximate - the forecast constituted on aero synoptic materials in the absence of initial meteorological information;

114) decision making height - height established for exact landing approach at which the maneuver of leaving on the second circle shall be begun if before achievement of this height by the commander of VS the necessary visual contact with reference points for continuation of landing approach or provision VS in space was not come or parameters of its movement do not ensure safety of landing;

115) information of AIRMET - information on the actual or expected emergence of certain phenomena of weather on flight route issued by body of meteorological tracking which can affect safety of flights at small heights and which were not included in the forecast constituted for flights at small heights in the respective region of flight information;

116) broadcasting transfer of ATIS (the reduced abbreviation in English of ATIS) - the regular broadcasting transfer intended for operational providing crews of VS around airfield by necessary meteorological and flight information;

117) information of ORMET - the data of observations and forecasts used for ensuring flights of VS;

118) pressure in airfield of QFE - atmospheric pressure in millimeters of mercury column (further - mm of mercury.) or gpa at the level of runway threshold;

119) pressure of QNH - the atmospheric pressure in gp specified to the average level of the sea for the standard atmosphere;

120) meteorological information of SIGMET - information on the actual or expected emergence of certain phenomena of weather on route of flight and other phenomena issued by body meteorological trackings in the atmosphere which can affect safety of flights of VS;

121) data line of VOLMET (D-VOLMET). Provision of the current regular meteorological aerodrome reports (METAR) and special meteorological aerodrome reports (SPECI), forecasts for airfield (TAF), information of SIGMET, special aircraft reports and, in the presence, messages of AIRMET on data line;

122) meteorological information of VOLMET - for VS which are in flight;

123) broadcasting VOLMET broadcast. Provision in appropriate cases of the current reports of METAR, SPECI, forecasts of TAF and information of SIGMET by means of the continuous and repeating speech broadcast.

3. Includes these rules:

1) organization of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of RK;

2) the organization of meteorological information and procedure for maintaining documentation in meteodivisions;

3) productions of meteorological observations and reports;

4) productions and transfers of observations and reports from boards of aircrafts;

5) productions of aviation weather forecasts;

6) productions of storm warnings and notifications about dangerous, especially dangerous phenomena of weather;

7) method of operation of technical means of meteorological division;

8) productions and provision of the aviation climatological characteristic.

Chapter 2. Organization of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Paragraph 1. Procedure for the organization of meteorological providing

4. The organization of meteorological providing the state aircraft is performed by authorized body in the sphere of the state aircraft in RK.

5. The meteorological service of the command post the Air Force Sil of air defense of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further - KP weather service) submits to the chief of the command post the Air Force Sil of air defense of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and (further - the Air Force of CBO BC RK) performs the organization and control of flights of VS of the state aircraft.

6. The weather service of KP provides for heads of bodies of the state aircraft, the Department of Internal Affairs centers, to the meteodivisions and other bodies connected with implementation or ensuring flights, the meteorological information necessary for assistance to safe, regular and effective implementation of flights.

7. The meteodivision represents set of the interacting regular meteodivisions which are part of associations, connections and military units of BC PK intended for implementation of meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft.

8. In weather service of KP and in meteodivisions of military units, for collection and transfer of meteorological information use wire and radio channels of troops of communication of BC PK along with regular technical means. At the same time reserve of data on communication channels is provided.

9. The meteodivision performing meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft in specific airfield is guided by the job descriptions developed according to the standard instruction of calculation on duty for meteorological ensuring flights in airfield, approved by the chief of staff of part (person supervising this direction).

10. Meteorological ensuring flights of the state aircraft in airfield will be organized by the chief of staff of part (person supervising this direction). Work of meteodivision is carried out by the corresponding chiefs of meteodivision taking into account the tasks solved by military units.

11. Meteorological safety of flights of the state aircraft of RK is performed by regular meteodivisions at all stages of preparation and carrying out flights.

Meteorological ensuring flights includes:

1) production of visual observations of weather and measurements by means of technical means of values of meteorological elements;

2) collection, transfer, processing, mapping and the analysis of aero synoptic information in the established amount;

3) development of aviation weather forecasts, aviation and climatic references and descriptions of areas of basing and flights;

4) organization and implementation of the storm notification and warning of OYaP;

5) ensuring command, the headquarters, group of management of flights, calculations of the command post (further - KP), the Department of Internal Affairs centers and aircrew all types of the meteorological information necessary for planning, decision makings on flights and their carrying out;

6) development of offers on the organization of radar investigation of weather (further - RRP), air reconnaissance of weather (further - VRP) and additional explorations of weather (further - DRP), on use and accounting of meteorological situation for successful accomplishment of flights and ensuring their safety;

7) ensuring calculations of KP and Department of Internal Affairs centers with data on expected time and trajectories of movement of radiosondes, balloons;

8) data preparation for assessment of radiation and chemical situation;

9) teaching aviation meteorology with aircrew and faces of group of management of flights.

12. All necessary meteorological information provided by meteodivision when ensuring flights conforms to flight requirements for time and flight altitude, geographical extent of route, belongs to certain moment or period of time and is sufficient for ensuring flights in airfield and to airfield of the planned landing. It contains data on the expected weather conditions on the site of route between airfield of the planned landing and reserve airfields.

13. The provided meteorological information for ensuring flights contains the latest data and includes the following data:

1) weather forecasts;

2) actual weather;

3) meteorological phenomena;

4) weather conditions in reserve airfields;

5) winds and temperatures at heights;

6) geopotential absolute altitude of echelons of flight;

7) tropopauza heights in terms of echelon of flight and temperature of tropopauza;

8) the directions and speeds of the maximum wind and its height in terms of flight echelon;

9) cumulus cumulonimbus clouds, ice accretion and turbulence.

In airfields of joint basing:

the messages METAR TAF for airfields of joint basing in case of departure and landings of VS;

forecasts for take-off;

the advisory meteorological information on tropical cyclones relating to all route;

forecasts for flights at small heights, continuous overcast on extensive space with height of the lower bound less than 300 m;

preventions on airfield of departure (for local airfield);

reports of VRP and DRP;

information of RRP this the meteorological radar (further - MRL);

the images received with MISZ.

14. The KP weather service organizing provision of meteorological ensuring flights coordinates with meteorological authorities of other states of measure, directed to obtaining from them to necessary meteorological information and (or) weather forecasts.

15. In case of meteorological providing crews, the taking-off VS the forecast of the expected meteorological situation is reported based on daily work plans of aircraft, and separate departures, not specified in the plan for additional requests, no later than 1 hour till the planned departure time.

The request contains the following data:

1) the planned departure time;

2) the planned arrival time on airfield of appointment;

3) route of flight and the planned arrival time on intermediate airfield and time of departure from it;

4) reserve airfields;

5) echelon and flight altitude;

6) flight type (according to the instrument flight rules, according to the visual flight rules).

Paragraph 2. Procedure for ensuring flights by meteorological division

16. Treat the meteodivisions which are directly participating in meteorological providing the state aircraft:

1) KP weather service;

2) meteorological department;

3) meteorological service;

4) meteorological department;

5) meteorological group.

17. The weather service of KP performs the following functions:

1) operational and prognostic, methodical and information work will also be organized by interaction with meteodivisions of the state aircraft of RK and other states;

2) ensuring command of headquarters, calculations of KP and Department of Internal Affairs centers with all types of meteorological information on areas of basing and flights;

3) assistance of military units to meteodivisions in the analysis, assessment and forecasting of meteorological situation.

18. KP weather service at all stages of preparation and carrying out flights:

1) represents reports of weather, forecasts and preventions on airfields and routes (areas) of flights received from other meteorological bodies;

2) develops weather forecasts and storm warnings in airfields of CBO BC RK;

3) studies plans of flights of the state aircraft;

Provides 4) in meteodivisions of military units, aero synoptic consultations, weather forecasts, storm notifications and preventions, data on the actual weather, the results of VRP and RRP and other data necessary for ensuring flights and their safety;

5) is controlled by compliance of the actual and expected weather condition in airfields to the conditions provided for accomplishment of plan flight targets (including VRP) and to level of training of aircrew;

6) is performed by the choice of routes of VRP;

7) performs timely and high-quality meteorological observations in airfields including by means of radar station (further - radar station);

8) controls timeliness of the report to command and the head of flights (further - RP) in airfields of the weather forecasts, storm notifications and preventions received from KP weather service.

19. Meteodivision perform acceptance:

1) meteorological and aerological reports, weather maps;

2) data on the actual and expected meteorological situation in airfields;

3) notifications and warnings of OYaP;

4) satellite meteorological information;

5) data VRP and RRP.

20. The meteodivision according to the amount of work established for them is constituted (accept), processed and analyzed:

1) weather maps;

2) aerological cards;

3) ring weather maps;

4) microring weather maps (cards of the actual weather of airfields);

5) prognostic cards;

6) aerological charts;

7) vertical cuts of weather along route and areas of flights;

8) data VRP and RRP;

9) pictures of MISZ;

10) data on average wind;

11) settlement cards of average wind;

12) settlement cards about OYaP;

13) maps of lines of currents (card of the maximum winds).

21. The weather service of KP carries out work on studying and generalization of aviation and climatic features of areas of basing and flights. In meteodivisions aviation and climatic descriptions are developed for the area of airfield.

22. For the purpose of studying by specialists of meteorological divisions of physiographic features of areas of basing and flights, flight weather conditions during various seasons of year and in case of various synoptic situation, flights by specialists of meteodivision of the area of basing will periodically be organized.

23. Meteodivisions carry out work on check, refining taking into account local features and to implementation in practice of new methods (methods) of forecasting of weather, meteorological ensuring flights.

24. The meteorological service of military unit performs the following functions connected with production of flights around airfield:

1) quality of meteorological ensuring flights of VS;

2) quality of observations of meteorological elements and the phenomena of weather, timeliness of transfer of these data on control offices, to persons GRP, KP weather service;

3) correctness of registration by VS of meteorological documentation and information issued to crews;

4) accurate maintaining operational and accounting documentation;

5) correctness of registration and timeliness of submission of meteorological telegrams on communication centers;

6) serviceable technical condition of meteorological devices, installations;

7) are constituted and receive forecasts of local weather conditions;

8) make permanent observations of weather conditions around airfields for which they constitute forecasts;

9) hold consultations and provide flight documentation to aircrew, in case of production of flights;

10) are provided with additional and other meteorological information;

11) make display of the available meteorological information;

12) exchange meteorological information with other meteorological services and departments;

13) is constituted by weather forecasts and preventions on airfield, routes and areas of flights and on airfields with entering zone of its responsibility;

14) watch the weather conditions influencing accomplishment of flights;

15) is carried out by analyses according to not come true forecasts;

16) perform operation of meteorological devices and the equipment.

25. Meteodivisions perform transfer:

1) results of meteorological, aerological observations;

2) data VRP and RRP;

3) forecasts of meteorological situation, aero synoptic consultations;

4) storm notifications and preventions;

5) it is excluded

In case of accomplishment of the functions the meteodivision uses all necessary meteorological information, forecasts of wind, temperature and air humidity at heights, the directions, speeds and heights of the maximum wind, height and temperature of tropopauza, and also forecasts of OYaP received from KP weather service and also alternative sources of meteorological information from the local Internet.

Official data on the actual and prognostic weather in airfield based on which decisions on departure, take off and landing of VS are made are the data provided by meteorological service, department.

26. Meteodivisions of the state aircraft provide:

1) command, RP, calculations of KP and the Department of Internal Affairs centers, aircrew of military units all types of the meteorological information necessary for planning, the organizations, accomplishment of flights and management of them, and also for holding actions for plans of operational and combat training;

2) the organization of work of meteodivision and direct implementation of meteorological providing for the benefit of safety of flights of VS;

3) development and deployment in practice of work of meteodivision of the most reliable and committed forecasting methods of meteorological situation, forms and methods of meteorological providing;

4) enhancement of system of collection, analysis, distribution and display of meteorological information;

5) timely warning of troops of time of origin and degree of intensity, OYaP;

6) control over operation of technical means of meteorological service, their content in good repair;

7) participation in development and creation of new types of TSM, and also their implementation in practice of work of meteorological divisions;

8) collection of aviation climatological information on the area of airfield is also constituted by airfield climatological tables and climatic descriptions of airfield;

9) studying and generalization of aviation and climatic, local features of areas of basing and flights and their influence on accomplishment of tasks;

10) teaching aviation meteorology with command and aircrew of military units, and also with calculations of KP and the Department of Internal Affairs centers;

11) occupations and technical studies according to the approved plans by preparation to spring and summer and autumn - winter to the periods;

12) continuous improvement and increase in level of training of meteorological specialists of all degrees.

13) education at staff high professional morally - psychological qualities and feeling of the personal liability for exact fulfillment of requirements on meteorological safety of flights;

14) maintenance at staff of meteorological divisions of high level of special and technical training, and also permanent readiness for accomplishment of tasks on meteorological ensuring flights;

15) application of the advanced scientific achievements in the analysis, the forecast of meteorological situation and deep studying of aviation and climatic features of areas of basing and flights;

16) knowledge of tactical specifications of the aircraft equipment consisting on arms, BVS and tasks of operational (fighting) and flight training of military units;

17) continuous improvement of forms and methods of meteorological ensuring flights;

18) effective use of technical means in work of meteodivision;

19) studying, generalization and implementation of the best practices in practice of work of meteodivision;

20) systematic enhancement of special knowledge and skills by staff of meteodivision;

21) permanent interaction with calculations of KP on duty, the Department of Internal Affairs centers meteodivisions of the state aircraft and with meteorological body of civil aviation.

27. Meteorological specialists, (further - meteospecialists) responsible for ensuring flights, shall undergo advanced training on specialization courses at least once in three years. Meteospecialists in airfields of joint basing in coordination with meteorological body of civil aviation pass practical training on processing and the analysis of aero synoptic material at least once a year.

28. The meteodivision carries out the established amount of works. The amount of work on special preparation of meteodivision is annually determined by the chief of weather service of governing body of the state aircraft before academic year taking into account its number, nature of the carried-out tasks, features of basing and affirms the chief of staff of governing body of the state aircraft.

29. Chiefs of meteodivision of governing bodies of the state aircraft under whose authority divisions of the state aircraft are will organize meteorological ensuring alert, flights according to requirements of these rules.

30. In case of joint basing in one airfield of two and more military units of the state aircraft of their meteodivision quickly unite in one meteodivision, with the publication of the order of the senior aviation chief of airfield. The chief of meteodivision of that part which commander is the senior aviation chief of airfield is appointed the chief of the joint meteodivision.

Collection, the analysis and exchange of meteorological information shall be carried out in the amount necessary for ensuring flights of military units. The duty engineer-weather forecaster of the joint meteodivision reports on the actual and expected weather condition on command and aircrew, the provided military units.

For direct meteorological ensuring flights on command control office (further - KDP) allocates the engineer-weather forecaster, (the chief of meteodivision) to that military unit which makes flights.

The report of meteorological situation to the aircrew keeping the watch is performed by the person on duty the engineer-weather forecaster of meteorological division of that part which keeps the watch.

31. When basing in one airfield (at one airport) the meteodivision of the state aircraft and the republican state company (further - RGP) Kazaeronavigation will be organized operational interaction concerning production of single meteorological, aerological and radar observations, collection and mutual data exchange about the actual weather, VRP and RRP, storm notifications and preventions, aero synoptic materials and consultations about nature of development of atmospheric processes and weather forecasts, operation and repair of technical means, joint use of means of communication for receipt of meteorological information.


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