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of May 25, 2019 No. 658

About approval of Rules of accounting of pilotless civil air vehicles with the maximum take-off mass from kilogram 0,25 to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or made in the Russian Federation

According to Item 3.2 of article 33 of the Air code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of accounting of pilotless civil air vehicles with the maximum take-off mass from kilogram 0,25 to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or made in the Russian Federation.

2. The statement for statement of the drone aircraft on accounting, stipulated in Item 8 Rules, approved by this resolution, concerning the pilotless civil air vehicle with the maximum take-off mass from the kilogram 0,25 to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or made in the Russian Federation about day of entry into force of this resolution goes the owner of such air vehicle to Federal Air Transport Agency in time, not exceeding 30 days from the date of entry into force of this resolution.

3. Determine that realization by Federal Air Transport Agency of the powers provided by this resolution is performed in the limits set by the Government of the limiting Russian Federation of number and salary fund of employees of central office and territorial authorities of Federal Air Transport Agency, and also the budgetary appropriations provided to it in the federal budget on management and management in the field of the established functions.

4. This resolution becomes effective after 120 days from the date of its official publication.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 25, 2019 No. 658

Rules of accounting of pilotless civil air vehicles with the maximum take-off mass from 0, kilogram to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or made in the Russian Federation

1. These rules establish accounting treatment for pilotless civil air vehicles with the maximum take-off mass from kilogram 0,25 to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or made in the Russian Federation (further - drone aircrafts).

Requirements of these rules do not extend to the drone aircrafts which are temporarily imported by foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation for the purpose of participation in sporting events on aircraft model sport.

2. Accounting of drone aircrafts performs Federal Air Transport Agency.

3. Accounting of drone aircrafts is performed with use of the system of accounting of data on drone aircrafts including the database about drone aircrafts (further - the database), and the information portal which is functional subsystem of the database (further - the portal of accounting of drone aircrafts).

4. The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation establishes procedure for provision of information containing in the database:

to federal executive bodies;

to the bodies performing the organization of use of airspace according to the procedure, determined by the Government of the Russian Federation;

to physical persons and legal entities.

5. Information exchange of system of accounting of data on drone aircrafts with other information systems is performed by means of the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of the information systems used for provision of the state and municipal services and execution of the state and municipal functions electronically.

6. Forming of data on the considered drone aircrafts, entering into these data of changes, and also information access about the considered drone aircrafts is provided with use of the portal of accounting of drone aircrafts.

For the purpose of accounting of drone aircrafts information resources of the state information system of ensuring the transport safety created according to article 11 of the Federal law "About Transport Safety" are used.

7. Information containing in the applications submitted according to Items 8 - 10, 16 - 18 and 21 these rules, is stored in the database during all term of finding of the drone aircraft on accounting and within 10 years after its removal from accounting.

8. For statement of the drone aircraft on accounting the owner of the drone aircraft submits in Federal Air Transport Agency the application for statement of the drone aircraft on accounting with appendix of the photo of this drone aircraft containing the following data:

a) information on the drone aircraft and its technical characteristics:

type of the drone aircraft (the name appropriated by the manufacturer);

serial (identification) number of the drone aircraft (in the presence);

the number of the engines established on the drone aircraft and their type (the electric engine, the gas turbine engine, the internal combustion engine);

maximum take-off mass of the drone aircraft;

b) information on the manufacturer of the drone aircraft:

for the legal entity - the name;

for the individual entrepreneur or physical person which independently made the drone aircraft - surname, name, middle name (in the presence);

c) information about the owner of the drone aircraft:

phone number (telefax), e-mail address;

for the legal entity - full name, the primary state registration number, identification taxpayer number, the address;

for the individual entrepreneur - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), the primary state registration number of record about state registration of the individual entrepreneur, identification taxpayer number, the residential address;

for the physical person who is not the individual entrepreneur - surname, name, middle name (in the presence), birth date and birth place, the insurance number of the individual ledger account, number, series and date of issue of the identity document, the residential address.

9. For registration of several drone aircrafts of one type (name) belonging to one owner one application for statement of the drone aircraft on accounting with indication of in it serial (identification) numbers of each drone aircraft can be submitted (in the presence).

10. For registration of several drone aircrafts of different types (names) belonging to one owner separate applications for statement of the drone aircraft on accounting concerning each type (name) of the drone aircraft are submitted.

11. Information specified in Item 8 of these rules is used in case of the automated forming of the accounting record about the drone aircraft (further - accounting record) representing stored in system of accounting of the information on the drone aircraft and its owner supplied about drone aircrafts set.

12. The statement for statement of the drone aircraft on accounting is submitted within Federal Air Transport Agency within the following terms:


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