of December 12, 1995 No. 2676
About the state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Article 1. Citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan in acknowledgement of their merits before the Republic, for fruitful state, public, creative work, labor and feats of arms are awarded with the state awards.
The foreign citizens and stateless persons having merits in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be also awarded by the state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Rewarding with the state awards is performed by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 2. The state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan are signs of the highest degree of difference - the award "Three-copecks Piece Kyran", ranks "Halyk Kaharmany", "Kazakstannyn Enbek of Erie", and also other awards, medals, honorary titles.
Article 3. Names of the state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan are established in state language.
The description of the state awards, samples of books of the award "Three-copecks Piece Kyran", "Halyk Kaharmany", "Kazakstannyn Enbek of Erie", medal books, certificates to medals and about assignment of honorary titles, procedure for representations to the state awards and their deliveries, other documents and rules affirm the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 4. Candidates for rewarding with the award "Three-copecks Piece Kyran" it is determined by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Representations to rewarding with other state awards are brought to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan by Parliament, the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the ministries, the state committees, other central and local executive bodies, the creative unions and other organizations.
Candidacies for rewarding can be considered and pushed by labor collectives.
Representations to rewarding of foreign citizens are made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries and the state committees, other central executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with general practice.
Representation of citizens to the next award is made not earlier, than in five years from the moment of the previous rewarding, except for awards of mothers having many children and particular cases connected with making of heroic feats, extreme circumstances.
Article 5. The same person is not awarded with signs of the highest degree of difference, the same award or medal, except the awards having degrees twice.
Repeated assignment of honorary titles is not made.
Posthumous rewarding with the state awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan can be made for the courage, courage, heroism shown in case of protection of interests of the country and in the cases connected with rescuing of human lives.
Article 6. Persons awarded with any of awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan hereinafter are referred to as as gentlemen of this award.
Article 7. For preliminary consideration and preparation of offers on awards in case of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan the Commission on the state awards is created. The structure of the Commission and Regulations on its activities affirm the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Article 8. The award "Three-copecks Piece Kyran" (Gold Oryol) is sign of the highest degree of difference of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"Three-copecks Piece Kyran" citizens for exclusive state merits in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan are awarded the order.
"Three-copecks Piece Kyran" the citizens who are earlier awarded with one of awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan or USSR can be awarded the order.
Article 9. The president of the Republic of Kazakhstan on position becomes the gentleman of the award "Three-copecks Piece Kyran" of special sample.
Article 10. The rank "Halyk kaharmany (The national hero) is given for outstanding merits in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan, feats of arms for its freedom and independence.
Persons awarded ranks "Halyk Kaharmany" are handed sign of special difference - the Gold star and the award "Otan".
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasa according to the status has rank "Halyk of Kakharmana" (The national hero) with delivery of sign of special difference - the Gold star and the award "Otan".
Article 10-1. The rank "Kazakstannyn Enbek of Erie" is given for outstanding achievements in economic, social and humanitarian development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Persons awarded ranks "Kazakstannyn Enbek of Erie" are handed sign of special difference - the Gold star and the award "Otan".
Article 11. Awards of the Republic of Kazakhstan are:
- Otan (Fatherland)
- "Kazakstan Respublikasynyn Tungysh Prezident_ - Elbasa Nursultan Nazarbayev" (the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasa Nursultan Nazarbayev)
- "Barys" (Leopard)
- "Tank" (Glory)
- Aybyn (Valour)
- Parasat (Nobility)
- Dostyk (Friendship)
- Kurmet (Honour)
- "Ate b_rl_g і" (Unity of the people)
- "Enbek Danky" (Labour Glory)
Article 12. Otan citizens for special merits are awarded the order:
- in the state and public work:
- in development of economy, the social sphere, science and culture;
- in the public, law-enforcement and military service, developments of democracy and social progress.
Article 12-1. "Kazakstan Respublikasynyn Tungyysh Prezidenti — Elbasa Nursultan Nazarbayev" citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for special merits in the state and public work promoting formation, prosperity and glory of the Republic of Kazakhstan are awarded the order.
"Kazakstan Respublikasynyn Tungysh Prezidenti Nursultan Nazarbayev" for special merits in front of the Republic of Kazakhstan heads of the foreign states and governments can be awarded the order.
Article 12-2. Rewarding with the award "Barys" is made for special merits:
- in strengthening of statehood and sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- in providing the world, consolidation of society and unity of the people of Kazakhstan;
- in the state, productive, scientific, welfare and public work;
- in strengthening of cooperation between the people, rapprochement and mutual enrichment of national cultures, friendship between the states.
The award "Barys" consists of three degrees:
- "Barys" I degrees;
- "Barys" II degrees;
- "Barys" III degrees.
The highest degree of award is the I degree. Rewarding is made consistently: III degree, II degree and I degree.
In exceptional cases for special differences according to the decision of the head of state rewarding can be made without the sequence.
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