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The document ceased to be valid since May 14, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 26, 2024 No. 336


of December 11, 2018 No. 820

About some questions of ensuring long-term tengovy liquidity for the solution of task of available crediting

(as amended on 18-01-2024)

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) mechanism of crediting and financial leasing of priority projects;

2) the Road map on ensuring long-term tengovy liquidity (further - the Road map).

2. To provide to state bodies and the organizations (in coordination) timely accomplishment of the actions provided by the Road map.

3. To the ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan on semi-annual basis, to the 30th, following reporting to provide in Government office of the Republic of Kazakhstan summary information on the course of accomplishment of actions of the Road map, except for item 4 of the Road map.

4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. Sagintayev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 11, 2018, No. 820

Mechanism of crediting and financial leasing of priority projects

1. The total amount of financing by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of banks of the second level (further – BVU) and JSC Agrarian Credit Corporation (further – AKK) in 2018 - 2023 for support of the subjects of private entrepreneurship (further – SChP) performing activities in processing industry and agro-industrial complex will constitute up to 1 trillion tenge.

2. Strategic tasks

Strategic tasks:

1) expansion of production in processing industry and agro-industrial complex;

2) saturation of the domestic market by goods and services of domestic manufacturers.

3. Target indicators

Target indicators:

1) decrease in share of import on commodity groups according to appendix 1 to this mechanism of crediting and financial leasing of priority projects (further – the mechanism) for 15% by 2024 of the level of 2021;

2) growth of production of economy of simple things by 20% by 2024 of the level of 2018.

4. Conditions of provision of means of BVU and AKK:

The National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the expense of own means and means which are in its management will perform acquisition of bonds of BVU and AKK on the amount to 1 trillion tenge from repayment period to 10 years on the final return rate tied to the size of the base rate established by National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and increased no more than by percent point 1,5.

BVU and AKK can extinguish ahead of schedule the bonds issued by them on the conditions determined by the prospectus of release (bond issue condition) and approved with National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The maximum limit of bonds acquisition on each BVU shall not exceed 182 billion tenges, but no more 1, the 5-fold size of equity on one BVU, and the limit of bonds acquisition on AKK shall not exceed 170 billion tenges. In case of non-use of limit partially or completely BVU, the unused limit can be redistributed among the interested BVU.

The maximum limit of acquisition of bonds of AKK shall not exceed 170 billion tenges from which no more than 140 billion tenges can be directed to production and conversion in agro-industrial complex. At the same time acquisition of bonds of AKK on the amount of 70 billion tenges directed to production and conversion in agro-industrial complex requires availability of the state guarantee.

The raised and own funds of BVU, leasing companies (further - LK) and AKK shall be directed to financing of priority projects in the following directions:

1) conversion in agro-industrial complex to 300 billion tenges;

2) production in agro-industrial complex to 300 billion tenges;

3) processing industry and services to 400 billion tenges.

Operator on financing of priority projects on production and conversion in agro-industrial complex along with BVU, LK is AKK. Along with direct lending of AKK has the right to accumulate credit partnerships for the subsequent crediting of agricultural producers.

No more than 30 billion tenges will be directed to crediting of the projects directed to carrying out spring and field and/or harvest works on production in agro-industrial complex.

At the same time on crediting and financial leasing of the projects realized by subjects of small and medium business (further – MSB), will direct at least 200 (two hundred) billion tenges. For this purpose each BVU, LK and AKK will provide financing and financial leasing of the MSB projects in the amount of at least 20% of total amount of the issued credits and financial leasing on the conditions established by this mechanism.

BVU and AKK can grant loans under the SChP projects at the expense of own means, and also issue bonds for providing or recovery of funding for loans of SChP.

LX loans are granted only at the expense of own means (market funding).

In case of receipt of advance funding, the period of application of funds, the bonds received from placement, shall not exceed 12 months from the date of their revenues to the account of BVU and AKK.

Purpose of the provided means - crediting of SChP performing activities in processing industry and agro-industrial complex for the purposes of investment and replenishment of current assets. Replenishment of current assets on renewable basis is allowed.


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