Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 15, 2019 No. 603

About establishment of additional requirements to operators of electronic platforms which list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law "About Contractual System in the field of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs", both to functioning of electronic platforms and modification of the Regulations on the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

additional requirements to operators of electronic platforms which list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law "About Contractual System in the field of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs", and to functioning of electronic platforms;

changes which are made to the Regulations on the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 No. 860 "About the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically" (The Russian Federation Code, 2012, No. 36, Art. 4911; 2016, No. 21, Art. 3019; 2017, No. 41, Art. 5947).

2. To federal executive bodies in 2-month time to bring the regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2019 No. 603

Additional requirements to operators of electronic platforms which list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law "About Contractual System in the field of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs", and to functioning of electronic platforms

2. The operator of an electronic trading platform shall provide carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically according to requirements of the Federal Law "About Privatization of the State-owned and Municipal Property" and Regulations on the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 27, 2012 No. 860 "About the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically" (further - sale of property electronically).

3. The operator of an electronic trading platform shall provide continuity of carrying out sale of property electronically, reliability of functioning of the software and hardware tools used for its carrying out, equal access for participants of sale of property electronically to participation in electronic procedures, invariance signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of documents.

a) the round-the-clock free access of physical persons and legal entities for acquaintance with information placed on electronic platform (except for time of carrying out scheduled maintenance). Access to electronic platform shall be provided without installation by specified persons of the collateral special software and technical means;

b) registration of physical persons and legal entities for participation in sale of property electronically on electronic platform without collection of payment;

c) maintaining electronic journals of accounting of order taking and the holding procedure of sale electronically executed by means of technological and software of electronic platform, with forming electronically for each participant of sale of property of the notification on adoption of the proposal on the price of the state-owned or municipal property submitted to them which shall contain the price and time of receipt of this offer.

5. Placement of information on electronic platform shall be performed in Russian. Use of Latin and other characters and letters when writing the Russian words is not allowed. Use of letters and characters of other languages is allowed only in cases when use of letters and characters of Russian leads to misstatement of information, in particular when specifying the websites on the Internet, e-mail addresses and name of physical person, and also names of foreign legal entities.

6. For the purpose of effective use of electronic platform during sale the operator of an electronic trading platform provides:

a) possibility of free search on electronic platform of data on sale of the state-owned and municipal property;

b) the automatic notification of the seller of the state-owned or municipal property on terms of carrying out scheduled maintenance at the time of placement of this information on electronic platform.

7. Information on planned scheduled maintenance shall be placed on electronic platform not later than in 40 calendar days prior to day of the beginning of carrying out such works. At the same time the period of carrying out scheduled maintenance shall not match with time of carrying out sales.

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2019 No. 603

Changes which are made to Regulations on the organization and carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property electronically

1. State Item 3 in the following edition:

"3. Carrying out sale of the state-owned or municipal property is electronically performed on electronic platform by the operator of an electronic trading platform.

The seller attracts the operator of an electronic trading platform from among operators of an electronic trading platform whose list is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation according to the Federal Law "About Contractual System in the field of Purchases of Goods, Works, Services for Ensuring the State and Municipal Needs" (further respectively - the operator of an electronic trading platform, the Federal Law on contractual system).


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