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of October 4, 2018 No. 151

About paid transfer of real estate object

(as amended of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 30.05.2024 No. 125)

The parliament adopts this organic law.

Art. 1. - Resolve demolition of Republican stadium by Ploshchad 5,1814 of hectare (cadastral number 0100208.277), Chisinau located in municipium, Ulitsa Tigina, 12, the state which is in public property, for construction of office of Embassy of the United States of America.

Art. 2. – In departure from provisions of article 23 of the Law on management of public property and its privatization No. 121/2007 and Item a) parts (4) article 5 of the Law on estimative activities No. 989/2002 to resolve paid transfer on contract price which shall not be below the settlement cost for the purposes of the taxation entered in the real estate register (cadastral cost), the real estate object Ploshchad 5,1814 of hectare located in municipium of Chisinau, Ulitsa Tigina, 12, in property of the United States of America for construction of office of Embassy of the United States of America.

Art. 3. – Provide to the government:

a) coordination of the price of real estate object in accordance with the terms of Article 2;

b) the conclusion with the Government of the United States of America agreements by which will be established procedure and conditions of paid transfer of real estate object, and also payment of contract price;

c) transfer into the ownership of the United States of America of real estate object for construction of office of Embassy of the United States of America.

Art. 4. - Line item of 1 appendix to the Law on physical culture and sport No. 330/1999 (Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 1999, Art. No. 83-86, 399), with subsequent changes, to recognize invalid.

Chairman of the parliament

Andrian Kandu


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