It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
June 16, 2017
No. 761/30629
of May 23, 2017 No. 260
About approval of the Operating procedure of "the hot line" of Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory
According to part five of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens", Article 1 of the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 7, 2008 No. 109 "About first-priority measures concerning ensuring realization and guaranteeing constitutional right on appeals to public authorities and local government bodies", Item 8 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 25, 2015 No. 1119 (with changes), PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the Operating procedure of "the hot line" of Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory which is attached.
2. To provide to department of agriculture and technical policy in the AIC submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
4. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy Minister N. Martynyuk.
T. Kutova
It is approved: The First Deputy Chairman of Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory |
L. M. Shemelinets |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine of May 23, 2017 , No. 260
1. This Procedure determines the main requirements to the organization of work of "the hot line" of Gosgeokadastr.
2. Gosgeokadastr officials who ensure functioning of "the hot line" (further - responsible persons), in the activities are guided by the Constitution, the Laws of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens", "About public service", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 7, 2008 No. 109 "About first-priority measures concerning ensuring realization and guaranteeing constitutional right on appeals to public authorities and local government bodies", the Regulations on Public service of Ukraine concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 14, 2015 No. 15 (with changes), and this Procedure.
3. Responsible persons:
1) is accepted by addresses of citizens which arrive in real time, by means of multichannel phone line in Gosgeokadastr to the address: Kiev, Ulitsa Narodnogo Opolcheniya, 3, daily, except days off and holidays, from 8:00 to 20.00, on phone number 0-800-300-808;
2) is considered by addresses of citizens in essence and provide oral reasonable explanations of regulations of the legislation in the sphere of land and cartographic activities, land relations, land management, in the sphere of the State land cadastre, the state supervision (control) in agro-industrial complex regarding observance of the land legislation, use and protection of lands of all categories and patterns of ownership, fertility of soils;
For provision of detailed explanation of the questions which are rather brought up by citizens addresses can send 3) for consideration to structural divisions of Gosgeokadastr and his territorial authorities, the state companies which belong to the sphere of its management, according to competence;
4) carry out the analysis of contents of addresses of citizens;
5) perform monitoring of ensuring timely consideration of addresses of citizens;
6) will organize informing the public on work of "the hot line" through the official website of Gosgeokadastr.
4. Responsible persons in case of execution of the tasks assigned to them interact with the structural divisions of Gosgeokadastr and his territorial authorities, the state companies belonging to the sphere of its management.
5. If to resolve the questions raised in the oral address stated by the citizen by telephone communication through "the hot line" of Gosgeokadastr it is impossible, the address is considered according to the Law of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens".
6. The clerical work according to the addresses of citizens which arrived to "the hot line" of Gosgeokadastr is conducted according to the Instruction on clerical work with addresses of citizens in public authorities and local self-government, associations of citizens, at the companies, in organizations, the organizations irrespective of patterns of ownership, in mass media, Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of April 14, 1997 No. 348 (with changes).
Processing of personal data is performed according to the Law of Ukraine "About personal data protection".
7. Work of responsible persons on addresses of citizens which arrive to "the hot line" of Gosgeokadastr, provides such operations procedure:
1) the address is registered in electronic document management system of Gosgeokadastr by filling of electronic registration and control card according to appendix to this Procedure in card-index "The hot line" where the registration index of such type is appropriated to it: 474/0/15-17-GL (474 - number one after another, 0 - number in correspondence between documents, 15 - card-index, 17 - year, GL - the hot line);
2) the resolution concerning the address is created separately from the electronic document and can be drawn up with use of the qualified digital signature;
3) the appeal is sent to structural division of Gosgeokadastr within which competence the question raised in the address of the citizen through electronic document management system is;
4) the official of structural division of Gosgeokadastr within competence processes the address and prepares the written answer for the applicant signed by Gosgeokadastr's management according to distribution of obligations;
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The document ceased to be valid since January 18, 2023 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine of November 8, 2022 No. 876