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of April 3, 2019 No. 5

About actions technical (technological, testing) nature

Based on Item 9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of June 20, 2013 No. 503, and in pursuance of Item 2 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of November 30, 2012 No. 1105 "About approval of the list of actions technical (technological, testing) nature" the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Instruction about procedure of actions technical (technological, testing) nature it (is applied).

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.



Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus of April 3, 2019 No. 5

The instruction about procedure of actions technical (technological, testing) nature

1. This Instruction determines procedure officials of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection (further - Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources) and its territorial authorities of the following events technical (technological, testing) nature (further if other is not established, - actions):

inspection of the territories (objects) in which wild-growing plants, distribution grow and which number are subject to regulation;

inspection of the territories (objects) regarding identification of the degradation of lands expressed in pollution of lands (including soils) chemical and other substances, violation of lands in case of development of mineral deposits, conducting construction works and other excavation;

inspection accepted in operation finished with construction, reconstruction of the objects which are subject to the state environmental assessment regarding assessment of accomplishment of special sales terms of the project decisions established in the conclusion of the state environmental assessment including concerning fulfillment of requirements on carrying out the postproject analysis within environmental impact assessment.

2. The decision on holding action is made by the head (the authorized deputy manager) of Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources, territorial authority of Ministry for Protection of the Environment and Natural Resources (further - person who made the decision on holding action) in form according to appendix 1.

3. Inspection of the territories (objects) in which wild-growing plants, distribution grow and which number are subject to regulation is carried out not more often than once a week (in need of its carrying out).

Inspection of the territories (objects) regarding identification of the degradation of lands expressed in pollution of lands (including soils) chemical and other substances, violation of lands in case of development of mineral deposits, conducting construction works and other excavation, is carried out not more often than once a month (in need of its carrying out).

Inspection accepted in operation finished with construction, reconstruction of the objects which are subject to the state environmental assessment regarding assessment of accomplishment of special sales terms of the project decisions established in the conclusion of the state environmental assessment including concerning fulfillment of requirements on carrying out the postproject analysis within environmental impact assessment, is carried out once of realization of the conditions and requirements established in the conclusion of the state environmental assessment, and also once in case of failure to carry out of conditions and requirements and the subsequent prolongation (transfer) of terms of their realization in time.

4. Holding actions is performed in the way:

visual survey of the territories (objects) in nature using if necessary technical means, including the equipment performing zvuko-and video film and photographing for collection and fixing of the proofs confirming the facts of violations;

studying of documents;

reclamations of written and oral explanations on the arising questions during survey of the territories (objects);


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