Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of September 5, 2005 No. 165

About approval of form of "Mortgage leaf"

(as amended on 20-05-2019)

For the purpose of ensuring execution of Item 2.2 of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About mortgage" of June 7, 2005 the No. 252 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve form of "Mortgage leaf" it (is applied).

1-1. This Decision does not extend to the mortgage security establishing mortgage right on real estate.

2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of September 5, 2005 No. 165

Mortgage sheet IP-№ 000000


                (place of creation of mortgage leaf)

               "_____" ________________ 20 _____.

                   (date of issue of mortgage leaf)

    Name and address (location) of Ipotekodatel ____________________


    Name and address (location) of the Mortgage holder __________________


    Name and   the address    (location)  of the debtor  on  the basic

to the obligation ________________________________________________________

                    (if the debtor is not ipotekodatel)

   Place and date of the conclusion of the agreement on mortgage _____________ "_____"

________ 20 ___ years

    Being of primary  obligation,  size (amount), bases

origins ________________________________________________________

                            (figures and copy-book)



    Agreement parties, proving primary obligation ________


    The place and date of the conclusion of the agreement  proving  the basic

byazatelstvo _____________________ "___" ______ 20 __ years

    Completion date of primary obligation _________________________

    The amount of the payments    which are subject   to execution   on   the basic

to byazatelstvo, or the conditions allowing to determine these  sizes

(main  debt, percent  and so forth), terms (frequency)

payments _____________________________________________________________

         (if primary obligation is subject to execution in parts)

    Ipotekodatel brings in mortgage the following property ______________


  (the description and the location of the thing which is mortgage subject)



    By what right the thing which is mortgage subject belongs

to ipotekodatel and the name of the body which registered this right

number, date and place of state registration ______________________




    Note. If   primary   obligation      is not fulfilled,

the mortgage holder performs the rights according to the address of collection to thing,

being  mortgage subject, based on executive record of the notary

 according to the procedure, corresponding to the legislation.

    Ipotekodatel's signature ___________________________________________

    Signature of the debtor ________________________________________________

                        (if the debtor is not ipotekodatel)

    Marks about execution of primary obligation ___________________




                Endorsements (endorsement) *

    Name of the legal  entity,   surname,   name,   middle name

the physical person which yielded the mortgage sheet _________________________



    Unexecuted part of primary obligation _____________________


                (if at the time of endorsement

              part of primary obligation is performed)


   (main debt, percent and so forth) (figures and copy-book)



    Sign and seal of the Mortgage holder _______________________________


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