of April 2, 2019 No. 55
About the specification on development of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union
According to Items 3 and 30of the Protocol on information and communication technologies and information exchange within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix №3 to the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014) the Board of the Eurasian economic commission decided:
1. Approve the enclosed specification on development of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union.
2. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.
Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
T. Sargsyan
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of April 2, 2019 No. 55
1.1. Name of system
Full name – the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union, version 2.0 (further – the integrated system).
Schematic symbol – IIS EEU, version 2.0.
1.2. Names of the customer and system builder
1.2.1. Customer – the coordinator of works on creation and development of the integrated system, and also the customer of integration segment of the Eurasian economic commission (further – the Commission) the integrated system is the Commission.
1.2.2. Customers of national segments of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union of the integrated system (further respectively – national segment, state members, the Union) are determined by state members.
1.2.3. Creation, ensuring functioning and development of the integrated system is coordinated by the Commission which provides its functioning and development in customer interaction of national segments taking into account the strategy of development for the integrated system. Works on creation, ensuring functioning and development of the integrated system are performed based on the plans developed by the Commission in interaction with authorized bodies.
1.2.4. Customers of national segments perform the rights and fulfill duties on creation, ensuring functioning and development of national segments.
1.2.5. The commission performs the rights and fulfills duties of the owner concerning such components of the integrated system as integration segment of the Commission, information resources and systems of the Commission, and also will organize their designing, development, implementation, acceptance of results of works and further maintenance.
1.2.6. Selection of contractors on creation, ensuring functioning and development of integration segment of the Commission, information resources and systems of the Commission is performed on competitive basis according to acts of the Commission.
1.2.7. Selection of contractors on creation, ensuring functioning and development of national segments is performed on competitive basis according to the legislation of state member.
1.3. Bases for creation and development of system
1.3.1. The basis for creation and development of the integrated system is the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (further – the Agreement).
1.3.2. According to Item 3 of the Protocol on information and communication technologies and information exchange within the Eurasian Economic Union (appendix No. 3 to the Agreement) (further – the Protocol) works on creation of the integrated system were carried out in 2015 - 2017 on the basis of expansion of functionality of the integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade according to the specification on creation of the integrated system approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of October 12, 2015 No. 137 (further – the specification on creation of the integrated system).
1.3.3. This specification provides development of the integrated system concerning requirements of the specification on creation of the integrated system.
1.3.4. The basis for development of the integrated system are the Strategy of development for the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union for the period till 2025 approved by the Decision of Council of the Eurasian economic commission of August 22, 2017 No. 100, and the Main directions of implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union till 2025 approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of October 11, 2017 No. 12.
1.3.5. In case of development of the integrated system provisions of the following documents shall be in addition considered:
1) the Decision of Council of the Commission of December 5, 2018 No. 96 "About requirements to creation, development and functioning of cross-border space of trust";
2) the Decision of Board of the Commission of April 14, 2015 No. 29 "About the list of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union and modification of the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of August 19, 2014 No. 132" (with changes and amendments);
3) the Decision of Board of the Commission of November 17, 2015 No. 155 "About single system of normative reference information of the Eurasian Economic Union";
4) the Decision of Board of the Commission of January 26, 2016 No. 10 "About approval of transmission order of the software of integration segment of the Eurasian economic commission of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union and its use";
5) the Decision of Board of the Commission of September 27, 2016 No. 105 "About the Strategy of development for cross-border space of trust";
6) the Decision of Board of the Commission of December 19, 2016 No. 169 "About approval of procedure for realization of general processes within the Eurasian Economic Union";
7) the Decision of Council of the Commission of August 22, 2017 No. 100 "About the Strategy of development for the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union for the period till 2025";
8) The decision of Board of the Commission of September 19, 2017 No. 121 "About approval of Methodology of development, maintaining and application of the reference books and qualifiers which are part of resources of single system of normative reference information of the Eurasian Economic Union";
9) the Decision of Board of the Commission of December 26, 2017 No. 190 "About approval of the Regulations on data model of the Eurasian Economic Union";
10) the Decision of Board of the Commission of September 25, 2018 No. 154 "About certification center of service of the confidential third party of the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union".
1.4. Terms of the beginning and completion of works on development of the integrated system according to this specification
Works start date: 2019.
Works finish date: 2021.
1.5. Sources and procedure for financing of works
1.5.1. Financing of works on creation, development, ensuring functioning and to development of integration segment of the Commission, information resources and systems of the Commission is performed by budget funds of the Union.
1.5.2. Financing of works on creation, development and ensuring functioning of the state information resources and information systems of authorized bodies, and also national segments is performed at the expense of means of budgets of state members.
1.6. Procedure for registration and presentation to the customer of results of works
1.6.1. The procedure for registration and presentation to the customer of results of works on creation, ensuring functioning and to development of the integrated system shall conform to requirements of this specification, and also conditions of contracts for performance of works.
1.7. Determinations
The concepts used in this specification are applied in the values defined by the Agreement including the Protocol, the acts of bodies of the Union regulating questions of creation and development of the integrated system.
2.1. Purpose of the integrated system
2.1.1. The integrated system represents organizational set of geographically distributed state information resources and information systems of public authorities of the state members, information resources and systems of the Commission combined with national segments of state members, integration segment of the Commission and segment of local computer network of the Commission (further – LAN of the Commission). The integrated system is intended for ensuring interstate data exchange and electronic documents within the Union, with the states which are not incoming the Union (the third countries), the international organizations and integration associations, creations of general for state members of information resources, realization of general processes within the Union and also ensuring activities of bodies of the Union.
The state information resources and information systems of authorized bodies of state members are connected to the integrated system via national integration gateways within realization of general processes within the Union.
The structure of the data transferred by means of the integrated system between national segments of state members and also between national segments and integration segment of the Commission is determined by the Agreement and acts incoming the right of the Union.
Means of the integrated system provide electronic data exchange with the states which are not incoming the Union (the third countries), the international organizations and integration associations. The structure of the data transferred in case of such interactions electronically is determined by the Agreement and international treaties within the Union.
Development of the integrated system and national segments of state members assumes realization of mechanisms of rendering interstate services to physical persons and business entities (on condition of adoption of the corresponding legal acts of bodies of the Union), and also ensuring support of different types of interstate information exchange (State2State,Government2Government,Business2Government,Business2Business,Citizen2Government).
2.1.2. The integrated system shall provide information support in the following directions within powers of the Union:
1) customs and tariff and non-tariff regulation;
2) customs regulation;
3) technical regulation, application of sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and quarantine phytosanitary measures;
4) transfer and distribution of import customs duties;
5) transfer and distribution of the anti-dumping and compensatory duties;
6) statistics;
7) competition policy;
8) energy policy;
9) monetarist policies;
10) intellectual property;
11) financial markets (bank sphere, sphere of insurance, foreign exchange market, security market);
12) ensuring activities of bodies of the Union;
13) macroeconomic policy;
14) industrial policy;
15) agro-industrial policy;
16) drug circulation and medical products;
17) transport policy, infrastructure and logistics;
18) traceability of goods and loads;
19) labor migration and social protection;
20) public (municipal) procurements;
21) functioning of the domestic markets;
22) information exchange of national mechanisms of "single window" in system of regulation of foreign economic activity;
23) information exchange between state members and the third countries according to international treaties of the Union with the third parties;
24) other directions (processes and questions), within powers of the Union (included in the area of scope of the integrated system in process of its development).
2.1.3. In process of the integrated system shall be to be organized and held the events directed to coordination of processes of creation and development of the national segments providing information exchange of information systems of authorized bodies and bodies of the Union within the integrated system.
2.1.4. In process of the integrated system opportunity for forming of digital platforms with use of general data models and single system of normative reference information of the Union shall be provided. One of the key purposes of forming of digital platforms is the intensification of digital interaction between the Commission, state members, legal entities and physical persons of the Eurasian Economic Union, and also with the third countries, the international organizations and integration associations.
2.2. The purposes of development of the integrated system
2.2.1. The purposes of development of the integrated system are:
1) information support new and development of the existing integration processes in all spheres affecting functioning of the Union;
2) providing modern digital and technological capabilities of the integrated system when implementing digital interaction, data exchange and electronic documents within realization of general processes;
3) expansion of information technological support of activities of bodies of the Union;
4) increase in efficiency of the state control with use of information and communication technologies;
5) expansion of opportunities of access to general information resources, including to single system of normative reference information of the Union;
6) development of cross-border space of trust;
7) forming and development of systems of rendering electronic interstate services to physical persons and legal entities (on condition of adoption of the corresponding legal acts of bodies of the Union for the questions connected with interstate services in electronic form).
2.3. Tasks of the integrated system
2.3.1. Treat the tasks performed within development of the integrated system:
1) providing ample functional and technological capabilities of information exchange in case of realization of general processes within the Union;
2) increase in number of participants of interactions (electronic data exchange), speeds, amounts, obtaining, transfer, storage and information processing;
3) creation and development of general information resources, realization and expansion of opportunities, necessary methods, methods and technologies of access to them;
4) expansion of opportunities and functions on creation, maintaining, distribution of single system of the normative reference information of the Union created on the basis of the unified classification system and coding;
5) ensuring access to the international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Union (to drafts of such international treaties and acts);
6) ensuring access to services and general information resources for physical persons and business entities, authorized bodies of state members (further the third countries), other external information systems and digital platforms according to the right of the Union and access conditions determined by decisions of bodies of the Union;
7) creation and ensuring functioning of general infrastructure of documentation of information in electronic form;
8) providing authorized bodies of state members with information necessary for implementation of the state control in case of realization of general processes;
9) ensuring information protection in case of interstate information exchange;
10) information support of activities of bodies of the Union.
2.3.2. When implementing tasks within development of the integrated system also the information software solutions developed during creation of the integrated system shall be used infrastructure, technological. At the same time the principle of backward compatibility in case of development of integration platform of the integrated system for the purpose of use possibility shall be observed by state members of integration gateways now in use.
3.1. Short data on automation objects
3.1.1. Automation objects in case of development of the integrated system are:
1) Commission;
2) authorized operators of integration gateways of national segments;
3) authorized operators of the confidential third party (further – DTS) state members;
4) the authorized bodies participating in realization of general processes.
3.1.2. Subject of automation are the processes connected with regulation of activities of the Union in the directions specified in Item 2.1.2 of this specification.
3.1.3. The integration segment of the Commission and the following national segments are part of the integrated system:
1) national segment of the Republic of Armenia;
2) national segment of the Republic of Belarus;
3) national segment of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
4) national segment of the Kyrgyz Republic;
5) national segment of the Russian Federation.
3.1.4. The integrated system was created taking into account the principles which are earlier approved by state members directed to preferential interface of the information systems operated and developed by authorized bodies. On the majority of the tasks requiring interstate information exchange in each of state members experience is accumulated, are created and the corresponding software and hardware solutions considering specifics of the national legal system are operated. For ensuring the approved implementation of general processes in national segments of state members it is necessary to provide completion (creation) of information systems of participants of general processes, their connection to national segments and conducting interstate testing of information exchange. The description of current status of national segments is provided in subitem 3.2 of this specification.
3.1.5. The description of current status of integration segment of the Commission is provided in subitem 3.3 of this specification.
3.2. Characteristic of current status of national segments
3.2.1. Characteristic of current status of national segment of the Republic of Armenia
The national segment of the Republic of Armenia provides information exchange between authorized bodies of the Republic of Armenia and authorized bodies of other state members. This information exchange is implemented with use of infrastructure of the integrated system, and also the operating data transmission system of authorized bodies of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation.
Customer of national segment of the Republic of Armenia is the Government office of the Republic of Armenia. The operator of the integration gateway and confidential third party determines EKENG Ltd.
The integration gateway and the DTS services of national segment of the Republic of Armenia are realized on the basis of the software of the standard integration gateway developed as a part of integration segment of the Commission.
The integration gateway of national segment of the Republic of Armenia is used for realization of information exchange between Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia and customs authorities of state members.
For ensuring interaction of the integration gateway of national segment of the Republic of Armenia with information system of Customs Service of the Republic of Armenia the specialized adapter is used.
3.2.2. Characteristic of current status of national segment of the Republic of Belarus
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