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The document ceased to be valid since  May 27, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  May 20, 2020 No. 383


of February 6, 2019 No. 223

About approval of criteria by which the risk degree from implementation of economic activity is estimated and frequency of holding planned actions of the state supervision (control) of compliance with law in spheres of labor protection, industrial safety, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials of industrial function, employment of the population, employment and employment of persons with disability, measures of the state mountain supervision by Public service concerning work is determined

According to part two of article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About the basic principles of the state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve criteria by which the risk degree from implementation of economic activity is estimated and frequency of holding planned actions of the state supervision (control) of compliance with law in spheres of labor protection, industrial safety, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials of industrial function, employment of the population, employment and employment of persons with disability, measures of the state mountain supervision by Public service concerning work which are applied is determined.

2. Recognize invalid resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine according to the list which is attached.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 6, 2019 No. 223

Criteria by which the risk degree from implementation of economic activity is estimated and frequency of holding planned actions of the state supervision (control) of compliance with law in spheres of labor protection, industrial safety, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials of industrial function, employment of the population, employment and employment of persons with disability, measures of the state mountain supervision by Public service concerning work is determined

1. Criteria by which the risk degree from implementation of economic activity is estimated and determine frequency of carrying out Gostrud of planned actions of the state supervision (control) of compliance with law, are:

1) in spheres of labor protection, industrial safety, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials of industrial function:

availability at the subject of managing of objects of the increased danger, machines, mechanisms, the equipment of the increased danger which are not taken out of service in accordance with the established procedure, within the last five years preceding planning period;

implementation by the subject of managing of operation of objects of the increased danger, use of machines, mechanisms, the equipment of the increased danger within the last five years preceding planning period;

accomplishment by the subject of managing of works of the increased danger within the last five years preceding planning period;

use in activities of the subject of managing of hazardous substances III or IV classes of danger within the last five years preceding planning period;

violations of requirements of the legislation in the field of activity connected with objects of the increased danger, requirements of the legislation concerning occupational health, the use of machines, mechanisms, the equipment of the increased danger revealed by results of the events of the state supervision (control) held within the last five years preceding planning period;

violations of requirements of the legislation in the sphere of labor protection, industrial safety, the treatment of explosive materials revealed by results of the events of the state supervision (control) held within the last five years preceding planning period;

the violations of requirements of the legislation for labor protection on accident investigation revealed by results of the events of the state supervision (control) held within the last five years preceding planning period;

approach of accidents, availability of cases of acute or chronic occupational disease at the working face of the subject of managing within the last five years preceding planning period;

2) in spheres of employment of the population, employment and employment of persons with disability:

violation by the subject of managing of requirements of the legislation on employment of the population;

application of work of foreigners or stateless persons and persons on whom the decision on document creation for the solution of question concerning provision of the status of the refugee, within the last two years preceding planning period is made;

violation by the subject of managing of requirements of the legislation on employment and employment of persons with disability;

receipt of government assistance by the subject of managing in the form of tax benefits, returnable and irretrievable financial aid, target loan, grants at the expense of the amounts of administrative sanctions and the penalty fee arriving in the government budget for failure to carry out of the standard rate of workplaces for employment of persons with disability;

3) in the sphere of implementation of the state mountain supervision of violation of requirements of the legislation, rules and regulations on work connected with geological studying of subsoil, their use and protection, and also use and conversion of mineral raw materials, revealed within the last five years preceding planning period.

2. Risks of approach of negative consequences from implementation of economic activity in spheres of labor protection, industrial safety, occupational health, the treatment of explosive materials of industrial function are determined in appendix 1.


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