of December 26, 2018 No. 1279
About issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects
Based on parts (7) and (9) Articles 12, parts (3) Article 13 and article 43 of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, Art. No. 126-130, 597) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Regulations on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects it (is applied).
2. Declare invalid the Order of the Government No. 888/2007 about issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 127-130, 933).
3. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Ministry of the environment.
4. This resolution becomes effective from the date of publication.
Prime Minister
Paweê Phillip
Countersigns: Minister of Agriculture, regional development and environment |
Nicolae Chubuk |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 26, 2018 No. 1279
1. The regulations on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects (further - the Provision) establish procedure for issue of permissions to commercial fishing, tickets for sports amateur and recreational fishing, for fishing in the scientific and control purposes and fishing of producers in natural fishery water objects.
2. The rivers and their inflows, flooded areas, lakes and water storage basins formed in the natural way or in the meliorative purposes with their flooded zones listed in article 6 of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding belong to natural fishery water objects
3. Fishery in natural fishery water objects is performed based on permission to catch of fish in the scientific and control purposes, permissions to catch of producers, the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing, tickets for commercial fishing and tickets for sports, amateur and recreational fishing issued by Environmental protection agency (further - body issuer). Fishers shall know and observe requirements of this provision and the relevant laws.
4. Payments for commercial, sports, amateur and recreational fishing are established according to provisions of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding and the Law No. 160/2011 on regulation of business activity by permission.
5. The inspectorate for environmental protection provides the state control of observance of provisions of the legislation in the field of fish fund, fishery and fish breeding and this provision on issue of permissions to fishing in natural fishery water objects.
6. Commercial fishing in natural fishery water objects is performed on the basis of the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing (appendix No. 1 to this Provision) and tickets for commercial fishing (appendix No. 2 to this Provision). In the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing the allocated water subject or the site, surname or the name of the owner of the certificate, the fishing quota, date of issue, expiration date permitted for use of the tool of fishing and the special conditions for fishery approved by the order of body issuer is specified.
7. For receipt of the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing and the ticket for commercial fishing the physical persons and legal entities which are engaged in business activity and persons interested to acquire the right to commercial fishery in the natural fishery water objects having the right to submit the application and to receive from body issuer the certificate on provision of quotas/quotas for commercial fishing according to provisions of article 12 of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding, on the basis of the annual quotas approved by body issuer.
8. Tickets for commercial fishing are issued according to article 12 of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding.
9. The owner of the certificate on provision of quotas for commercial fishing can use no more than 5 tools of fishing (single-row and multirow networks, Venter), according to appendix 1 to the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding. Length of single-row or multirow network cannot exceed 75 m, according to provisions of article 17 of the specified law. Each tool of fishing is designated, and in case of sealed networks, tags are applied on both ends of the upper rope which are registered in the Agency of the environment, also on both ends of fishing nets establish floating tools / buoys. To the 5th day of every month the owner of the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing shall submit the report on quantity of types of the caught fish, according to the standard form approved by Inspectorate for environmental protection according to the subitem d) article 21 of the Law No. 149/2006 on fish fund, fishery and fish breeding. Each sector of fishery is marked by the owner of the certificate on provision of quota for commercial fishing by restrictive signs on which general information about its name, the sector, commercial fishing quota, contact information is specified. In case of catching of the species of fish included in the Red List of the Republic of Moldova it shall be issued in live condition with provision of the reporting to body issuer.
10. In case of distribution of quotas for commercial fishing the body issuer establishes by means of the order Items for unloading of the caught fish.
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