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It is registered

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

January 30, 2019

No. 118/33089


of January 29, 2019 No. 270/5/94

About information exchange between the State register of the rights to real estate, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming and the Unified state register of judgments

According to article 31-1 of the Law of Ukraine "About state registration of the corporeal rights to real estate and their encumbrances", 5, 13 Laws of Ukraine "About state registration of legal entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming", for the purpose of ensuring information exchange between the State register of the rights to real estate, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming and the Unified state register of judgments we ORDER to Articles:

1. Approve the Procedure for information exchange between the State register of the rights to real estate, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming and the Unified state register of judgments which is attached.

2. To the state company "National Information Systems" (Lurye S. S.) and state company "Information Judicial Systems" (Dubenko D. A.) sign the joint protocol on technical interaction in two-month time.

3. To department of private law of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine () submit A.N. Ferens this order on state registration according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of October 3, 1992 to No. 493 "About state registration of regulatory legal acts of the ministries and other executive bodies".

4. This order becomes effective from the date of, its official publication following behind day.

5. To impose control of execution of this order on the first deputy the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Sukmanova O. V. and the vice-chairman of Public judicial administration of Ukraine of Chernutsky S. P.

Minister of Justice of Ukraine

P. Petrenko

Chairman of Public judicial administration of Ukraine


It is approved:

CEO of the state company "National Information Systems"


S. S. Lurye

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Public judicial administration of Ukraine of January 29, 2019, No. 270/5/94

Procedure for information exchange between the State register of the rights to real estate, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming and the Unified state register of judgments

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of information exchange of the State register of the corporeal rights to real estate, the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, physical persons entrepreneurs and public forming (further - the State registers) and the Unified state register of judgments (further - information exchange).

2. Information exchange is performed gratuitously by means of applied program interfaces and the automated method using means of technical and cryptographic information security with observance of requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About information security in information and telecommunication systems".

3. Information exchange and functioning of applied program interfaces provide the state company which belongs to the sphere of management of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine which is determined by the technical administrator of the State registers (further - the technical administrator of the State registers), and the state company "Information Judicial Systems" (further - GP "ISS") which belongs to the sphere of management of Public judicial administration of Ukraine.

4. The type and structure of electronic data which are transferred and accepted, procedures of interaction of information systems and change to them selection criteria of data, form of registers of requests and answers and other details, necessary for interaction, are determined by the technical administrator of the State registers and GP "ISS" joint decisions which are drawn up by separate protocols.

5. GP "ISS" provides transfer to the State registers of all electronic copies of judgments which took legal effect and answer the criteria determined in the protocols signed according to item 4 of this Procedure together with data which according to part one of article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "About access to judgments" are not subject to disclosure in texts of judgments.

6. For personal data protection of physical person which are transferred and accepted according to the procedure of information exchange organizational and technical actions which provide protection of confidential information take root.

7. All obtained electronic data are processed with observance of requirements of the legislation on personal data protection and used for the purpose of ensuring compliance and implementation of requirements of the legislation of Ukraine.

Director of the department of private law of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

A. N. Ferens

Acting as head of department of informatization and legal statistics of Public judicial administration of Ukraine

A. A. Chikin


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