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of March 19, 2019 No. 176

About procedure and the amount of expense recovery, guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys

(as amended of the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of 04.09.2019 No. 595)

According to part three of Article 95 of the Labor code of the Republic of Belarus and for the purpose of complex regulation of questions of the direction of workers in official journeys within the Republic of Belarus and abroad the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve Regulations on procedure and the amount of expense recovery, guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys it (is applied).

2. Make to the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection explanations about application of the Regulations on procedure and the amount of the expense recovery, guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys approved by this resolution.

3. Make changes to the following resolutions of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus:

" to exclude from subitem 7.1.1 of Item 7 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Republic of Belarus approved by the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 31, 2001 No. 1589, of the word "conditions and procedure for provision of guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys abroad;

No. 1172 "About authority delegation of the Government of the Republic of Belarus on acceptance (edition) of regulatory legal acts according to the Labor code of the Republic of Belarus and recognition voided some regulatory legal acts" to exclude subitem 1.7 of Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 6, 2010;

the third and fourth Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 29, 2011 No. 559 "About entering of amendments into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of August 6, 2010 No. 1172 and recognition No. 126 which voided resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of October 18, 1994" to exclude paragraphs.

4. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 24, 2000 No. 561 "About provision to the Ministry of Finance of the right to establish regulations of payment of traveling expenses in case of official journeys abroad";

the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 10, 2001 No. 675 "About entering of amendment into the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 24, 2000 No. 561".

5. In six-months time to provide to the republican state bodies and other state organizations subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus reduction of acts of the legislation in compliance with this resolution and to take other measures for its realization.

6. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

S. Rumas

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 19, 2019 No. 176

Regulations on procedure and the amount of expense recovery, guarantees and compensations in case of official journeys

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Provision determines procedure and the amount of expense recovery, guarantee and compensation to workers, the military personnel (except for the military personnel undergoing compulsory military service), to the staff of paramilitary organizations having special ranks (further, unless otherwise specified, - the sent workers), in case of official journeys within the Republic of Belarus and abroad, and also in case of the direction abroad on training (the training, seminar, conference and other actions connected with advanced training) (further, unless otherwise specified, - business trip).

2. The direction of the worker in business trip is drawn up by the order (the order, the resolution) of the employer.

In case of the direction of the worker in business trip based on the invitation (state body, the international organization, the organization) in the order (the order, the resolution) of the employer conditions of sending of the worker according to the corresponding invitation taking into account obligations of the host party are specified.

3. In case of the direction of the worker in business trip the employer can establish task for business trip if other is not established by the legislation.

Need of preparation of the written report about task performance, the term of its representation and procedure for registration are determined by the employer if other is not established by the legislation.

4. The order (the order, the resolution) of the employer on the direction of the worker in business trip is the basis for calculation and payment of money to it.

5. The employer shall issue to the sent worker advance payment and (or) provide availability of money on the account to which the bank payment card is issued, in Belarusian rubles and (or) foreign currency and to refund the following expenses:

on journey to the place of business trip and back;

on hiring of premises;

for accommodation out of the residence (daily allowance);

other expenses made by the sent worker with permission or the employer's permission.

The employer determines the size other made by the sent worker with its permission or permission of expenses.

In cases of finding of the sent worker in the place of business trip for personal reasons on the weekend, state and the holidays established and announced by the President of the Republic of Belarus non-working including in case of disposal to the place of business trip after the termination of the working day and (or) arrival from the place of business trip prior to the beginning of the working day, expenses on journey are refunded to the sent worker in accordance with general practice, and expenses on hiring of premises and daily allowance for these days are not compensated.

In case of the direction in business trip of the drivers performing intra republican and (or) international motor transportations, except for motor transportations by official and special cars, vehicles of state bodies of system of ensuring national security and the organizations, being under their supervision (further - motor transportations), expense recovery, specified in part one of this Item, and issue of advance payment are performed according to Chapter 7 of this provision. In the presence of expenses on journey to the place of business trip or back compensation of these expenses is performed according to Chapter 2 this provision.

6. The advance amount which is subject to issue to the sent worker in the expenditure account, listed in part one of Item 5 of this provision, is calculated taking into account the amount of expense recovery according to appendices 1 and 2, and also taking into account the expenses specified in part one of Item 25 of this provision.

7. The employer at the request of the sent worker shall acquaint him with calculation of the issued advance payment, and also with procedure for creation of the report on expenditure of advance payment.

The procedure and terms of submission of the report on expenditure of advance payment, and also return of unused advance amounts are determined by the legislation.

Final settlement with the sent worker shall be made no later than 30 calendar days from the date of submission of the report on expenditure of advance payment.

8. In case of approach of temporary disability of the sent worker in the place of business trip expenses on hiring of premises are refunded to it (except cases when the sent worker is on hospitalization), on journey to the place of business trip and back, and also daily allowance during the whole time is paid while it has no opportunity for health reasons to start accomplishment of office task or to return from business trip.

Temporary disability of the sent worker, and also impossibility to return for health reasons from business trip shall be documented by the relevant organization of health care (the health worker having the right to provide medical care, insurance company which policy paid medical services - in case of overseas business trip).

The term of stay in business trip can be extended by the employer after the termination of temporary disability of the sent worker.

Chapter 2. Procedure for expense recovery on journey to the place of business trip and back

9. The following expenses on journey to the place of business trip and back are refunded to the sent workers:

9.1. expenses on journey by railway, air, water, road transport:

9.1.1. when sending within the Republic of Belarus (except taxi) on actual cost of travel documents (tickets);

9.1.2. when sending abroad:

journey by transport by which the worker is sent to business trip:


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