of March 5, 2019 No. 146
About approval of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to objects of the industry on conversion of agricultural products, food staples and production of food products
Based on paragraph two of subitem 2.1 of Item 2 of general sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to content and operation of capital structures (buildings, constructions), the isolated rooms and other objects belonging to subjects of managing, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 No. 7, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:
1. Approve specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to objects of the industry on conversion of agricultural products, food staples and to production of food products (are applied).
2. Grant to the Ministry of Health the right to explain questions of application of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to objects of the industry on conversion of agricultural products, the food staples and production of food products approved by this resolution.
3. This resolution becomes effective in three months after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
S. Rumas
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of March 5, 2019 No. 146
1. These specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements establish requirements to placement, the territory, water supply, water disposal, lighting, ventilation, microclimate, production rooms, the equipment, stock, container, packaging, corking means, the organizations of respect for personal hygiene, to production processes, content and operation of objects of the industry on conversion of agricultural products, food staples and production of food products (further if other is not determined, - object).
2. For the purposes of these specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements the main terms and their determinations in the values established by the laws of the Republic of Belarus of June 29, 2003 No. 217-Z "About quality and safety of food staples and foodstuff for life and health of the person" of January 7, 2012 No. 340-Z "About sanitary and epidemiologic wellbeing of the population", technical regulations of the Customs union "About safety of food products of" TR CU 021/2011, "The technical regulation on fat-and-oil products of" TR CU 024/2011, "About safety of meat and meat products" TR CU 034/2013, "About safety of packaging of" TR CU 005/2011, "About safety of milk and dairy products" TR CU 033/2013, technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union "About safety of fish and fish products" TR EEU 040/2016, "About safety of the packed drinking water, including natural mineral water" TR EEU 044/2017 are used.
3. On object production supervision, including laboratory, behind observance of specific sanitary and epidemiologic requirements and accomplishment of sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) actions in production process, realization, storages, transportations of products (goods) taking into account determination of critical control points shall be exercised.
4. On object the adherence to deadlines of the validity of food products, and also the materials and products contacting to it, rules (conditions) of their storage, and also conditions of production and use of the used food products shall be provided.
5. Food supplements shall be applied according to sanitary and epidemiologic requirements.
6. Production of food products at all stages shall be performed according to the technology instructions approved in accordance with the established procedure. The used registration forms of parameters of the production technology of food products shall reflect production of each lot of products from the first technology stage to the last. At all stages of production process of foodstuff it is necessary to provide their traceability.
7. The computer programs used in technology management and for registration of the technology modes shall be protected from any intervention and correction of the registered parameters from workers of object.
8. Transportation of food products shall be performed in case of observance of the conditions of transportation (in case of their absence - storage conditions) established by the manufacturer of products.
When using vehicles for transportation (transportation) of at the same time different products or food products and other loads it is necessary to provide the conditions excluding their contact, pollution and change of organoleptical properties of food products.
The inner surface of cargo compartments of vehicles and containers for transportation of food products shall be made of the non-toxical materials providing possibility of carrying out cleaning and washing. Cargo compartments of vehicles shall be net.
9. On objects it is forbidden:
work and rendering the services which are not connected with activities of object;
finding of the strangers who are not workers of object in production and household rooms;
storage of the production waste, any substances and materials which are not used in case of production of foodstuff in refrigerators, refrigerating chambers (except for the refrigeration equipment which is specially intended for these purposes);
availability of insects, rodents and birds;
use of mercury instrumentations in production rooms;
storage, use in production and sale of food products in the contaminated, damaged container and packaging, with indistinct, incomplete marking, not marked;
refreezing of food products;
formation of "snow fur coat" on ceilings, walls, floors, doors of refrigeration equipment, outgrowths of snow and ice on food products and packagings with it;
joint storage of crude and finished food products, and also the address of food products in the conditions which are not excluding its pollution, penetration of foreign smells and in other conditions promoting deterioration in quality factors and safety of products;
storage of food products is direct on floor.
10. In case of production of food products (except for cheeses and cheese products, products of conversion of ocean fishes and seafood) only iodized salt shall be used.
11. Hit in food products of iron admixtures is not allowed.
12. In case of manual packaging (packing, stacking) of food products on object one-time gloves shall be used.
13. For implementation of washing and disinfection on object detergents and the means of disinfection allowed for use according to the legislation shall be used according to instructions for their application.
14. The territory of object shall be protected, have the through or ring passage for motor transport, division into functional zones (the body, blocks), including on preproduction, production, economic and warehouse, sanitary protection of sources of water supply, and objects for conversion of products of animal origin also shall have zone of preslaughter care of animals with the sanitary block (according to technology of production process).
Administration and household rooms are placed in preproduction zone.
In production zone production rooms, products warehouses, boiler room (except for the boiler room using liquid and solid fuel), mechanical-repair workshops are placed.
In the economic warehouse area rooms and constructions of auxiliary assignment (the water-cooling tower, pumping points, warehouses of lubricating oils and chemical reagents, boiler room), platforms or rooms for storage of construction materials and container, container areas with reservoirs for collection of solid waste, domestic toilets and another are placed.
In independent functional zone of object the zone of sanitary protection of sources of water supply around artesian wells and underground storage tanks for water storage shall be allocated.
The device of domestic toilets without eyeliner of engineering communications (water supply, water disposal) is not allowed.
15. Reservoirs for collection of waste shall be in technically serviceable condition, be equipped with covers, have marking with indication of type of waste. Collection of household waste and waste products which cannot be subjected further to conversion on the food purposes shall be made in the marked reservoirs with polymeric bags-in-box.
16. When carrying out handling operations protection of food products against rainfall shall be provided.
17. Inputs of system of economic and drinking water supply of object shall be equipped in the isolated rooms or in specially allocated places with barrier.
18. In the presence on object of reservoirs with clear water in hours of the greatest consumption and in emergencies their cleaning and disinfection shall be made for continuous providing with water at least once a year.
19. The water used in production process, realization, storages, transportations of food products shall be delivered constantly, in enough and correspond to the hygienic standard rates established concerning drinking water of centralized systems of drinking water supply.
20. The ice contacting to food products in case of its production shall be made of the water of drinking quality corresponding to the hygienic standard rates established concerning drinking water of centralized systems of water supply. Ice should be made, transported and stored in the conditions excluding its pollution.
21. After each repair the water supply system of object is subject to washing and processing washing and disinfectants with the subsequent laboratory research of water from the most dangerous points in the epidemic relation (input, reservoirs, production rooms, washing and others) before its giving on object.
22. On object there shall be plans schemes of water supply and water disposal with drawing control points of sampling of water for laboratory researches.
23. The system of technical water supply of object shall be separated system of economic and drinking water supply of object. It is necessary that both specified water supply systems of object had no connections among themselves and were painted in the different colors considerably differing from each other.
24. Accounting and registration of the reasons of accidents and repairs of water supply systems and water disposal of object, and also absence reasons of vapor and cold should be conducted in the separate magazine in which shall be noted the place, date, accident time, nature of damage, date and time of implementation of repair who, how and when carried out final disinfection, results of microbiological analyses after its carrying out, the signature of the responsible person.
25. Connection of the equipment and washing tanks to network of water disposal of object shall interfere with the return current of drains.
26. Laying of internal networks of water disposal with economic and household and production drains baking plate ceiling of production and storage facilities of object is not allowed.
Water disposal struts with production drains are allowed to be laid in corridors of objects in the plastered boxes without audits.
27. In production rooms of object flushing cranes shall be provided. The flexible hoses connected to system of economic and drinking water supply of object, including used for cleaning and washing of rooms and the equipment before use shall be stored higher than the level of floor and ladders by the methods excluding possibility of contact of the ends of hoses with floor, systems of water disposal of object and ladders. Hoses shall be stocked with tips.
28. On objects toilets shall not leave to production rooms, shall be equipped with hangers for sanitary clothes in the platform equipped with washing sinks for washing of hands. Before entrance to the platform the plate with the text indicating the need removals of sanitary clothes or ensuring its protection by putting on of dressing gown over it shall be provided.
At entrance to toilets, production rooms of object where the food products of animal origin are directly made, devices for disinfection of footwear shall be established.
29. Designing, placement, the device and operation of systems of heating, ventilation, lighting in rooms of objects shall correspond to type of object and processes of the address of food products.
30. The layout of production rooms shall exclude counter or cross flows of net and dirty container, finished food products with animals, manure, production wastes. Production rooms shall be designated and be used according to their assignment.
31. Repair production, auxiliary (including storage and sanitary and household facilities, including toilets) objects, repair with replacement of the defective engineering equipment, repair of systems of heating, ventilation, lighting, water supply and water disposal, the sanitary equipment it is necessary to make as required.
32. Rooms of object for production of food and technical products shall be isolated from each other.
33. The production rooms of object requiring air disinfecting shall be equipped with bactericidal lighting.
34. Premises of laboratory, washing, household rooms, toilets of object shall be equipped with independent systems of all-exchange and local ventilation or air conditioning systems.
35. The equipment, stock, ware, the reservoirs, container used on object shall be in good repair, are manufactured of the materials permitted for application in case of contact with food products and to be kept clean. The equipment, stock for production of crude and finished food products shall be separate, have the corresponding marking. Racks, regiments, pallets shall have the hygienic covering providing their cleaning.
36. Production of canned food shall be equipped with the autoclaves, continuous sterilizers or other sterilizing installations equipped with the thermoregistering devices, either automatic devices, or automatic systems of regulation and control of the modes of sterilization.
37. Availability of remaining balance of flushing waters in reservoirs, pipelines is not allowed.
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