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of June 26, 2018 No. ZR-336

About service in Judicial department

(as amended on 26-10-2022)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on June 13, 2018

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

1. This Law establishes features of the organization and activities of service of bailiffs in Judicial department, the status, legal and social guarantees of bailiffs, other relations connected with the services performed in Judicial department.

2. The relations connected with service in Judicial department are regulated by the laws regulating public service if other is not provided by this Law.

Article 2. Judicial department

1. The supreme judicial council creates the device - Judicial department which provides activities of the Supreme judicial council, courts, general meeting of judges (further - General meeting) and its commissions.

2. The judicial department consists of the central body and the allocated divisions.

3. The judicial department acts on the basis of the Charter, approved by the Supreme judicial council.

Article 3. Structure and staff list of Judicial department

1. The structure of Judicial department is approved by the Supreme judicial council.

2. The staff list of Judicial department is approved by the chairman of the Supreme judicial council.

3. The central body and the allocated divisions of Judicial department can have round stamp with the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Armenia and the name, forms, other means of identification.

4. The number of personnel and the nomenclature of positions in Judicial department are approved by the Supreme judicial council. Changes of number of personnel and the nomenclature within fiscal year are made within budgetary funds for this year.

Article 4. Functions of the central body of Judicial department

1. Central body of Judicial department:

Prepares 1) and submits the program of medium-term expenses of courts and the Supreme judicial council and the draft of the budget request for approval of the Supreme judicial council;

2) is performed by material logistics of courts, the Supreme judicial council, General meeting and its commissions;

Constitutes 3) and runs personal records of the judges and persons performing service in Judicial department;

4) is provided by the normal course of meetings of the Supreme judicial council;

5) helps with designing of decisions of the Supreme judicial council;

6) ensures normal functioning, servicing of the official site of judicial authority and integrity of information placed on it, and also start, servicing of the computer program of distribution of cases in courts, normal work and periodic enhancement of the program;

7) is provided by collection, maintaining, provision of legal statistics to the Supreme judicial council and courts, and also the publication of legal statistics and other data on the official site of judicial authority;

8) provides implementation of powers of the Supreme judicial council in the course of creation and approval of applicants lists in candidates for position of judges, candidates for position of judges, including candidates for position of the judges who are subject to appointment according to the procedure of promotion;

9) implementation of powers of the Supreme judicial council in the course of appointment of judges of Trial Courts and chairmen of the courts, judges of appeal and Cassation courts provides, chairmen of Appeal Courts, chairmen of chambers of Court of cassation, and also election of the chairman of Court of cassation;

10) keeps financial accounting of Judicial department;

11) provides works of internal audit of Judicial department;

12) will be organized by process of replenishment in competitive procedure for positions of service of bailiffs;

13) will be organized by process of assessment of activities (sense of duty) of bailiffs;

14) performs other functions provided by the law and the charter of Judicial department.

Article 5. Functions of the allocated divisions of Judicial department

1. The allocated division of Judicial department:

Prepares 1) and sends the program of medium-term expenses and the draft of the budget request to the central body of judicial department;

2) performs other functions provided by the law and the charter of Judicial department.

Article 6. Types of the service performed in Judicial department

1. The service in Judicial department includes service of bailiffs and civil service.

2. Persons holding the positions which are not included in the nomenclature of positions of bailiffs, and also conceptual positions are civil servants. Civil the employee, the subgroups holding positions 1, of 2 and 3 executive positions of civil service, appoints internal auditors to position and the chairman of the Supreme judicial council dismisses.

3. Persons performing maintenance and other separate tasks and functions on contractual basis are considered as employees of Judicial department, and the related employment relationships are governed by the Labor code of the Republic of Armenia and other legal acts.

Article 7. Management of bailiffs of service

1. Control of service of bailiffs is exercised by the Supreme judicial council.


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