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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

January 24, 2006

No. 62/11936


of December 22, 2005 No. 731

About approval of Phytosanitary rules of import from abroad, transportations within the country, export and production of wooden packaging material

(as amended on 06-02-2017)

According to the Law of Ukraine "About quarantine of plants", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 26, 2004 to No. 672 "About approval of the Procedure for conducting inspection, survey, the analysis, inspection and disinfecting of quarantine materials and objects and their list", the Regulations on Public service on quarantine of plants of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine of December 11, 2003 No. 439, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on December 29, 2003 for No. 1244/8565, and the European Union directive of October 5, 2004 No. 2004/102/EU I ORDER:

1. Approve Phytosanitary rules of import from abroad, transportations within the country, export and production of wooden packaging material which are applied.

2. Main state inspectorate for quarantine of plants of Ukraine (Dobryansky Ya. V.) submit the order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. To impose control over the implementation of the order on the deputy minister Melnik S. I.



Approved by the Order of the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine on December 22, 2005 No. 731

Phytosanitary rules of import from abroad, transportations within the country, export and production of wooden packaging material

1. General provisions

1.1 These Phytosanitary rules are directed to the prevention of penetration and distribution in Ukraine of quarantine and other harmful organisms and determine general organizational and legal requirements concerning import from abroad, transportations within the country, export and production of wooden packaging material from coniferous and deciduous breeds.

Action of these Phytosanitary rules does not extend on:

wooden packaging material less than 6 mm thick;

the wooden packaging material made of the remade wooden material (plywood, derevostruzhkovy plate, the structural oriented board) with use of glue, heat and pressure or any their combination;

barrels for alcoholic beverages which heated up in the course of production;

the gift boxes made of wood which underwent conversion by method which makes impossible infection with harmful organisms;

sawdust, wood shaving;

the wooden components which are constantly attached to cargo vehicles and containers.

1.2. These Rules are developed according to the Law of Ukraine "About quarantine of plants" and other regulatory legal acts and extends to persons who are engaged in import from abroad, transportation within the country, in export, production and marking of packaging material.

1.3. These Phytosanitary rules are obligatory for accomplishment by the chief state phytosanitary inspectors (their deputies), the state phytosanitary inspectors (further - the phytosanitary inspector) and persons who perform economic activity concerning import from abroad, transportations within the country, export, productions and markings of wooden packaging material.

 Items 1.4. - 1.9. are excluded according to the Order of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine of 22.05.2013 No. 318

2. Determination of terms

In these Phytosanitary rules the stated below terms are used in such values:

the agglomerated wood - forest product which underwent mechanical, heat and chemical treatment for the purpose of increase in its quality;

antiseptirovaniye - processing by chemical which is used for protection of wood against quarantine and harmful organisms;

visual check - check of plants, products of plant origin or other subjects to regulation naked eye, by means of magnifying glass, binokulyar or microscope for the purpose of identification of harmful organisms;

wood, free from bark, - the wood purified of bark, except for vascular cambium, sites of bark which grew near knots, and also woody pockets with bark which grew between rings of annual layer;

marking - the conventional stamp in the world or brand which is applied on packaging material for the certificate of its phytosanitary condition after unbarking of wood, carrying out heat treatment or disinfecting;

the processed packaging material - material which is component of the wooden designs made by means of glue, heat treatment and pressure or any their combination;

cut wood - the wood which is cut off in such a way that all natural roundish surfaces are removed;

okorenny wood - wood which is subject to process of cleaning of which removal of bark is result;

packaging material - wood or products from wood which is used for fixing, protection or movement of commodity product, and also material which can promote distribution or by means of which quarantine organisms can extend;

the pallet - means for packaging which has wooden flooring and if necessary superstructure for placement and fixing of goods, but not related;

further violation - committing by person within one year of similar violation of these Phytosanitary rules irrespective of accountability for the previous violation;

heat treatment (NT) - process during which the packaging material or forest product heats up to temperature on all thickness of wood (including core) to at least +56 °C at least 30 minutes and is designated by the NT code.

Other terms in these Phytosanitary rules are used in the values given in article 1 of the Law of Ukraine "About quarantine of plants".

3. Registration of persons who perform economic activity on production and marking of wooden packaging material

3.1. Production and marking of wooden packaging material in the territory of Ukraine are performed by the faces included in the nation-wide register of persons who perform economic activity on production and marking of wooden packaging material (further - the Register) which is conducted by Public service of Ukraine on safety issues of foodstuff and consumer protections.

3.2. Persons who perform economic activity on production and marking of wooden packaging material shall have:

the drying cameras for heat treatment of wood of wooden packaging material and/or the place equipped for performing disinfecting (fumigation) (MB)

furnaces or the equipment for the destruction of wood or wooden packaging material infected with harmful organisms.


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