Registered by
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On January 31, 2019 No. 53639
Appendix No. 28
to the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of January 9, 2019 No. 2n
The International Standard of Audit (ISA) 610 (reviewed 2013) "Use of work of internal auditors" should be considered together with MCA 200 "Main objectives of the independent auditor and carrying out audit according to International standards of audit".
Scope of this standard
1. This International Standard of Audit (ISA) establishes obligations of the external auditor in case of use of work of internal auditors. It implies as (a) use of work of service of internal audit in case of receipt of auditor proofs, and (b) involvement of internal auditors to direct participation in audit on condition of implementation of management, supervision and check of work as the external auditor.
2. This standard is not applied if the organization has no service of internal audit (see Item A 2).
3. If in the organization there is service of internal audit, the requirements of this standard concerning use of work of service are not applied if:
(a) obligations and activities of such service do it inapplicable for the purposes of audit or
(b) proceeding from the preliminary job analysis of service which is carried out by the auditor within the procedures provided by MCA 315 (reviewed) <1> the external auditor does not assume use of work of service in case of receipt of auditor proofs.
<1> MCA 315 (reviewed) "Identification and risks assessment of essential misstatement by means of studying of the organization and its environment".
Any of provisions of this standard does not demand from the external auditor to use work of service of internal audit for change of nature or terms or reduction of amount of the audit procedures which are carried out by directly external auditor; it remains at the discretion of the external auditor in case of development of general strategy of audit.
4. Besides, the requirements of this standard concerning involvement of internal auditors to direct participation in audit are not applied if the external auditor does not plan to involve them in such participation.
5. In some jurisdictions there can be prohibition or these or those restrictions according to the law or the regulation for use by the external auditor of work of service of internal audit or involvement of internal auditors to direct participation in audit. MSA have no priority over the laws and regulations regulating financial records audit <2> therefore such prohibitions or restrictions will not interfere with observance by the external auditor of provisions MSA (see Item A 31).
<2> MCA 200 "Main objectives of the independent auditor and carrying out audit according to International standards of audit", Item 57.
Interrelation between MCA 315 (reviewed) and MCA 610 (reviewed, 2013)
6. Many organizations within the internal control systems and corporate management create services of internal audit. The purposes and amount of work of service of internal audit, and also nature of its obligations and the status in the organization, including powers and accountability of service, considerably vary and depend on the size and structure of the organization, and also requirements imposed by management and, when applicable, persons who are responsible for corporate management.
7. MCA 315 (reviewed) describes how knowledge and experience of service of internal audit can help the external auditor with studying of the organization and its environment, and also with identification and risks assessment of essential misstatement. Besides, in MCA 315 (reviewed)> it is explained how effective interaction between internal and external auditors creates situation in which the external auditor can obtain information on the significant questions capable to influence its work.
<3> MCA 315 (reviewed) the Item A120.
8. Depending on as far as the status of service of internal audit in the organization and applicable the policy and procedures provide objectivity, level of competence of service of internal audit and that to how systematic and ordered approach she adheres, the external auditor can also use work of service of internal audit structurally and in addition to own work. This standard describes obligations of the external auditor if he on the basis of the preposted analysis of service of internal audit within the procedures performed according to MCA 315 (reviewed) <4> plans to use work of service of internal audit as part of the obtained auditor evidence. Such use of work of service of internal audit changes nature or terms or reduces amount of the audit procedures performed by directly external auditor.
<4> See Items 15 - 25.
9. Besides, in this standard obligations of the external auditor are described if the question of involvement of internal auditors to direct participation in audit on condition of implementation of management, supervision and check of work as the external auditor is considered.
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